April 7, to Aid University in China Plans for the bridge lunch- eon l)arty to be given April 7. a t the Steveni's h otel, as a benle-> fit for tie Catholic university. at P'ekiîng, China, are prOgressing Mr.John Rockeliixan' '-of, R3gel Park, general chairnian states. th« tickets %were issued ,Iast %%eék. ai that arrangements are. heing liaf to accommiodate 3,000guests. NIrs. P. A. Prossel of Rogers Parl wiIl le treasurer, Miss Clara Cotec Nort hbrook, generai secretary. lForty-five. clubs organized forth purpose of aidirig the Missionai F athers, of the Divine Word in thei endeavors in homne and foreigu field andI their frienfds are interested., At last year's reunion, His'Holinies! Pope Plus XI' cabled His btessing t, the Mission clubs gatlîered ini ti place for the express purpose, of fo: terilg the -mission idea. Mr$., Harry Barker of Wiinieti, lias been niamed chairman of the. n ,cep)tion committee and- other commit tee members foilow: - Advisory, including M,\,rs. Johnj l)owney, Mrs. Guy Packard, Mrs Catherine Seizer. *Floor - Mrs. John jaîîette, r Charles Engelhart, Mrs. Guy A. Glad- sou, Mrs.' J. Lechner, Mise Dena Bauer, and Mrs. D. J..Harrisoni. Card-Mrs.' Robert Little, Mrs. \Vil- liam Siiaughessen, Mrs. Walter Mil- ler. and Mrs. Mary MacDaniels. *Reception-Mrs. A. J. Chulb, M.is Charles Rogers, Mrs. ArtlhurlHugheà, Mrs. H. C. I-ickey, Mrs. Charles Broad, Mrs. William,"Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Artbutr.Boylston, Mrs. S. Moore *and Mrs. F. X. Trhale.., Advisory-Mrs. George Browvning aud. Mrs, J. W. Dienhart. Service Council Sponsors Benefit Bridge Luncheon A benefit luncheon and bridge par- ty wili be held next Monday at 12 Chairimin oapi ,ýies f01le'rft <(/ sprinfi stle lW 11pt alid brideofte I\ # ,t ~ ~ o tlt c e n e r o f ' t /e I n fa n t .Scevof Chiicayio on the-4 aftru of I'.11aj'ch :20. j.ç. i!iss K athirite i'Stolp ýof Ken il ïort. Kenilworth Mother's Sa and Daughters tO - Have Jambopree friday -Thle Keniiworth '1\ o t hi e r s' anîd S.Dalughters' Jambiloree" is, annouinced by the 1%enîvorth club for Fridav evening, ýs Marcfi 16, at 6:1. Mrs. Vernon *Ioucks, Mrs. Leonard Paidar, and Mrs. e IHenry, G. ,Zalnder, Jr., are on the coin mittee in charge of the affair, iu con- g nect ion with: whicli a poster conitest bhas bée,, fel is l the Joseph Sears school *and ini New~ Trier High school. The party is planned by the Kenil- worth club for the einjoyment of -ail the mothers and 'daughte.s of Keuiilwvorth,: *whether niemibers of the club or niot, but reservations are accepted only up to the capavity of the kitchen, 250. Mrs. Bessie Taylor,' Kenilworth' 5565 is in charge of reservations. One of the irst north "shore brides of early spring was Miss Marian Lou- ise Langdon of Wilmette, who was illarried last Saturday afternoon to, O. Stuart i\'urphy of Peoria. the ceremiony, taking: place at 4 o'clock at the resi- dlence of..the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buel A. Langdon, 715 Laurel ave- nue. Th'le Rev. Stanley 13. C rosland, pas- * u f,.the Rogers Park Cil3gregitio nai liurch, officiated at the weddinig, which was attended only by thé immediate tainiilies and a few close friends. The bridle wore. a White afternoion dress*with' a short jacket. She cearried a shower ltiuet of white roses. and Mies of the %-aIlev. ai .n u er hair she had fastened a crescent of gardenias. Miss Ruth Allworth of Wilmette, the. bride's only attendant, wore an afternoon frock of a(Iuailiarine green, and held a bouquet of talisman -roses and forget-me-nots. William Kutsch of Decatur served Mr. \Itirpliv as hest man. 'l'le ceremony was performed' hy can- (llelight before the fireplace ini the liv .- iig room; Tail ferns. palms'. and laure! forîned the background for, an altar, on each side of which stood a tail cati- delahrum with seven lighted ivorv- colored candies. On the mantelpiece there wvas a ioveiv shower bouquet of1 freesia, smilax, gladioli, aiid white and1 creain coiored roses. Lighited ivory Col- ored candies and bowis of pink atid white roses adornied the roomi. Aniii- formnai reception and tea followed theC marriage service. 'lhle bride's. table hiadr a ceuiterpiece. of wvhite roses, freesia, and 'orchid colo red siveet peas as well as iighted ivory candles, and the pyra- mid bridai, cake was also ail white. Mir, and MIrs. '.rpyare now at homelat319 Peoriàa avenue, Peoria. The bridv's patents are motoring toPeoria this 'w eekend to 'visit their daught erc anid soti-in-law.' Kappa Alpha Producer of 'Play for Children's Hour MisVictoria CoUl> of 61; Elixi street, 'Winnietka, is, pro- (Iticer-oft "A Dog, A Cat,,and A Ring," the three-act, fanit'asv, whichi is to be staged on the afternoon of Saturday, March 17;,':at 2:.30 o'eltk at-the Coin- muitviýy House, under auspices of the junior auxiiiar,% of the Winnetka Wornani's. club. Ailother north shoôre.'iThe'spianwlii) is interested ini the play is Mi\issEl'it, Wade of Wilmette who bas the role of the Cat. Both Miss Cohb and. Mis,. WVadc have appe.ared ini modern plays and readings o.nthe north shore and are students of dramatics. -Robert Merriman ý will enact the clowvn; Everette Carper, the dog: ,Tolin 'Iatkel, the king-, and Walter Sprouse the pirate. Mir. Merriman,- who 'is also fromi the north soe was a: mernber of the cast of "If 1 \Vere King,"..a NewTrier Flligh ch,> production.. "A' Dog, A Cat. and A King"ý is ýan ansinig piece. which .%ill 4e, enjoved by grôwvn-tups as well as children.- It w4as reccntly plaved at Dodridge farîn hiLryinl.and earlvin Auigust of hast summner' it vas stag 1ed at the Children's thecater on the FEn- chanted island. at A Century oi Prog- res. Chii Omege Alumnae leo 5ee Use c Lie Dete to The Norh Shjore Aiumnae chapter of Chii Omega will 'melet at i ol'clock Fri 'day, March* 16, at the chapter Iîouse., 1870 Orrington' avenuie, Evatns- ton, on the Northwesterni campus. Dr.- L, Keeler of the Scientifi- Crime Detection laboratory of North- western' university wili give a dcmon- Alpha Thieta of Mrs. 'Don- Sewing Cfrcle Meets The Sewing circle of St.' Joseph's church' met last Friday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Kreusch, 1734 Fôr- est avenue. The group sews for the Mothers' club of the, church.: The' Rosary meet Thursda) luncheon at 1 : Thomas Gibbon Mrs. Walter Be ly been taken is member. club, of ber 1, week with rorsi vene.joseph H. J. White of am has recent- road, Winnetka, is the club as a new popular Mrs. Florence ing the series of, talks. Evei mort ess. The -d is giv- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx, 522. Essex road, Kenilworth, entertaineéd a gro.up of out-of-town: gues ts at a ufflet supper Sundýay.