ville uaily, cnairmn . ot tat conmmït- cdames Paul Htofflman, .Frank Ward, the ueorgian fl l ast baturday. big Ôpportunilty. J>Ont missi 1i- tee which consists of Mrs. Johnl Segs- Loula Hart, Ludwig Skog, M. C. Dinner was followed by the initiation worth, ~ Mrs. Frank Guy, Mrs. Earl Lyons, F. O.. Glesecke, Charles N.' of twenty-nine girls ir'to the North- *Orner, and Mrs. Jamies Anderson. 1---%ans, John Campbell, E. H. Burge. western unjversity chapter. Mrs. * You mnay also do some of your Easter The flower girls are Misses Virgina Elizabeth Fetridge Dean, national shopping at the Mart for there wl McClure, Eleanlor Steen,, Julia Car- second vice-president of Phi Omega 0, E. S. Bake Sale be various specialties in that lînie.- I roll. jean Perrili. Katharine Munro, Pi, and, four founders of the local The cast'for the draa st.l ho alerie Adamis. Barb4ra Burge and chapter at Northwestern were.guests A bakery sale in cneti wtth fias notyet been completed b)uta fine, Winifred. Hoffman. of honor aàt the banquet.> Mrs. Wal- Wilmette chapter, Order of the East- exhibition is in prospect for the Fi-, The caindy booth lias for its chair-, lace Muehlberg of 1135 Oakwood a,ýc- ern Star,. will be held at A. >S. Van day evening g~rand finale. Mrs. Johin; man. 'Mrs. Robert 'H. Bacon, and lier nue,,Wilmette, was in charge of diii- Deusenls Saturday, March 24. Mrs. B. Boddie andi Mrs. James A.-B,urrill, assistants, Mesdames H. E. Holdo- ner arrangements. Paul A. Hoffmnan is in. charge. iM is the, time for a.. End to Moth. Dama gel.' -17 Years of Inten*sive Effort Have Developed It. -A NON-CANCELLABLE Insurance Policy Guarantees It!' T HE ANNUAL LOSS frorn MOTH dathage exceeds that byfire. Pire losses are covered by insurance .. . .- but YOUR losses in the way of Motb-damage to Clothing, Rugs, Upholstered Furniture, Purs, llankets, WooIens, -Drapes, and so on . .. are NOT! You can put a STOP to this loss now- and for good-at a cost LESS than the cost of moth balis, crystals or sprays -and at no inconvenience to yourself! r\v Over a Thousand Satis ied North Shore Hiome$ Exclusive G__ SeviebuQro s i H bbrdWoods bo eta334 CHAULeS KMHiiN, Mgr.I