Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1934, p. 40

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The March meeting of the North Shore Congregation Israel $îsterbooci to be held atthe Temple center at, Lîncoln and Vernon avenues, Glencoe, i s to be Memhbers day., An unusuallv fine program of music %vill be present- ed by members of the organizationi as -follows: For Two Pianos: Schumann Concerto -A Inor»-,P-ir.-t * Movenient-Pauline Mýincer Sehrain and Corinné 'Frada Pick. soprano. Group Of song-Mrs. l,. Lewis Coilici,. For Two Pianos: Caesar. rnck-Variàtic>n Syli! I)1101ij- ques-Corinne Frada IlIck and Paul- Ine Mincer Schramii. Group, ot Songs-Mrs. Jerry Rothschild. contralto. Thé îeeine is starting at 9 o'clock in the niorning withl the-usual sewving for hospitals. At 12 o'ciock there will be a box lunilconi which will lic foloWed by the btisiiness meeting and program. The Glencoe mienibers wili the hostesses at an. informnaI recelp- tion following the prograim.' Guests are welcome, the Sistcrhood an - *nounces. .lrs. ,Ce dric IL' siith of ' 205 Iissx rad.Kg'îilt'orlz.isftie >i'l,1,/CIClcd lcad of pîîl'hilv ý-for die ee>d.orl ~nfer of 1thei fant1 I sla' Socidv of Chicago, whicli i s gfiviji a bridgf e Ia and fash iopi rnvue Hlarclz 20. ai tlî.g' Ktnilivorth Episcopal Guilds 'o. Women Voters WiII Have Have Easter Market Ail-Day Program Mardi 26 The March meneting of the XVi1- mette League of Wonien Voters wil be held in the Baptist clitrch at Il o'cl)ck iiithe înorning iMoniday,- Mardi 26. .Mrs. Laura Hughies Lunde; chairman of the, state Icague deptart-' ment of education,* wilI present to» members the crisis of tic -situation and tell of the liarm that wvill lic donc, to the cildren of Illinois unless tic Geýneral assembly does tiot imimedi- ately find ,omne way of, financing 11c I Luncheon will be and the afternoon ni at 1:15. Mrs. Paul s er ved at 12 :30, lieetinM g ill open A large Easier mîarket on Satur-, davy,'Mardi 31, fromi 9 o'clock in, the miorniing on thirotighiott the day iv'ili bc hield ii the Parnsu House Of St. Auigtinite's clhtircli unider antspices ýf' the WVonxcn's Associatecl (?iilrs. Nu-s. Penny 1. Simtlier, and Mrs. 1. K. Stover artc ehaîrmen, assiste(I liy the circle chiainnien, Nirs. Ralpli jeul- îug of the Soutih circle, Mrs. Geoge et of the. East. Mrs. Har- ry' Johniston of the -West, and M rs.. Frank enlter, j r.. of the N;orth. Eastcn 'plants,. a fancv vork table withi attractive gifts. a -five and tell" table, togethier with candies, Eastcn eggs and Easter. bakets,. will be dis- played ini addition to the hiome-made fooàstuffs. Al wiill lie prlced reason- ably, thie coiiiiittee an floinces., IAVuser iiave >'tu Cver nUÇVin a5 night court. Have you ever been in a "flop bouse?" The Junior auxiliary of the WVom- an's Club of Wilmette affords its miembers and their guests the unique opportunity o f visiting these and o0ther highispots* of slumdoni in a sIumi.ing tour, to be-takcenon Thurs- day, March- 22. The. tour will be under the coni- I)etent personal supervision of Dir. Frank Beck, prominent ini C.: W.:E. S. work i Evanston, and director oi The Reçonciliation Tours through the different foreigni quarters of. the- City. The party will have twvo Hobo guides. The girls wvi1l meet at Hull House at 6 o'clock, 'and will finish their trip at the :'ight court of the Des Plaines .-Venue, nol ice station,. vîsitinLy on the way a real Italian restaurant for dininer, a lecture hall of a-,radical foruni group, a.."gaibllinlg jint." and a "flop house." Make your reservations with, Miss; Betty NMulford.-.Ij; N. :Kenilworthk Welfare Prepares for Beneff, An Infant Welfare sewing meeting wvas held 'Mardi 13. A business meeting is called for Nfarch 21, at the home of' ,Mrs. Cedric H. Smith, 205 Essex road, Kenilworth. " Great preparations are being m-adle,"* .tlhe celîter announçes, "for the annual card pa.rty and fashion show %%,Iich is to lie held at the Kenikworth club Mlarch 20.11 A smart Evanston shop il exliihiting new spring styles, and "promn- ises a shiow worth attcnding." *'l'lie Kenilworth, center. is fast step- ping intbl proninrence with othcr< Infant Welfare grouips licca.use of its energetiç and enthn-siastic group of ývcn tlwork- crs. -North slio-rewornen,," it annou nces,: are lookin 'g fo.r\Nardl to th.e card, party .and- fasliion show wh ich is held every -vear for the purpose of obtaining funds to carrv on the wvork of the Se«vard Park station in Chicago 1."1 CommltteeIPersonnels By Lillimn M. Christy Ncxt, Wednesday is the openl- ing, of the thrcc day ,Mart pro- gramn of -thé Wornan's Club of Wi1mette for the benefit of theý building fund. It is a big iunde'r--, taking and i.nvolves a tren uendl- ous arnounit of vork but with11 it is a >gay and festile, ar- bingerof spring, and the cu1bý offiters and, memibers invite- you ail to coffie. and enjoyv their "open house" hospitality. You may bring your friends to a (Iaintily prepared luncheon, an after-. noom tea,- or a fine dinner, and ini ad- dlition you niay show thein our spIlen- did club facilities and lingýer to enjoy the varjous prograns whch arc to lie put on as add.ed attractions, such as the style showv and t.he amnateur, stunts, movies, or fortune telling. SAnd of course there will lic attrac- tive.boothles of*aIl sorts of intclresting and attractive houseliold and , gift novelties, aprons, lingerie, quilts. books, tices, hoine-made candy and food for sale at bargalins wicyou cannot afford to pass uip. Coi-ne and Ie convinced. Mrs. R. D). Oilar held a meeting of lier conimittee chairmen Mna iorning and reports, that aIl act-ivi- tics are mnoving along niiceIy and that plans and arrangemeiits are practical- Iv comi)lete for making this one of thie liggcst and best Spring Maris. ever lield. MNrs. ArtliurJ.-Dixoii re-: ports that practically aIl of the space lias been allocated so, Nir. Merçhiant or is ecatif you wish good locaàtion to show your %arcýe~ u had: better get iii:,tonchl withý Mrs. 1)ixon quic k h. *The fortune tehing cornffittee is lîeaded hy Mrs. J. J. I)owncy, assisted I)v the folloiving group of %women, M1esdamnes Raymond Rapp, E.dward Uingel, Ira Revnolds, Julian Stark, D. B. E. Meefs Friday Mrs. George Carriiwtn. ClubCCloses Until May Indian Hill club was closed Fri- day for its annual spring decorating. The club bouse will be reopened the end of Ma4ày; 0. of 'M. Hostos, Mrs. Thomas Chambers, 12e L)upee place, wilI have the nexct meeting of St. Francis *Iousehold, Order of Martha, on Monday afternoon, March 19. The group will meet at 1:30, to, sew for the, missions. -Sti:er, Iona eth Miller. 1 iby the F. Rowley, George E.West, Har'y C. sschoo' Carroll, Edward "C. Lingel, T. E. George Thonipson and T. S. Hardwick. Here avenue, one. wilI find a charniing array of riger i.; dainty lace trimmed aprons as well as Cummer, those of the more practical variety. ýe%, anid Mrs. J.,Robent McClure is appeal-, ing to.ail members. for th.eir wvhite-

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