Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1934, p. 38

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Sway for Msrt's brama Style Show Planis have.bee n c«ipleted and rehearsais are- in full swing for the àramatic style. showv to be l)resented at the Wilniette.: W'omai's club: on. March ,23, the last evening of the annual Mart. As a medium for displaying'tie gow%%ns, Mrs. ,James A. .Burrill. has written a play and .. John Bo ddie, di rector of the lwO- duction, bas secured moôdels from leading shops., The -principal roles- are as follows.: Mrs. Day, mother of, the bride. Mrs. F. J. Dowd; Peggy Day, the bridle. Mrs. Gordon Shattuck; Grandma Day. Mrs. john* D. Kinnear;- Aunt Hat. M rs. - . J. Stecker; Adagio. If rs. Henry C. Hall. Numerous other.s ii be in the-cast as tbev revue the miodes of the day. The play is concerned wvith af- .fairs incidentai to romance and a missing document. The styles show,, range from morning to evening cos- tumes,.knitted and sports wear, and bridai attire. TheNv are not only very .new and practical, but suitable for old and young wonmen, featurîng the favorites, 14-16, and "perfect 36's," and gowns of larger sizes. interesting to women of more miatron Iv Jropor- tions.-L. H. S. Pour Toclay ai D. A. R. Tee for Officers Thursday afternoon of this week at a tea given: in honor of the officers. by the four hostese chapters to the Tbirty- eighth annual. Illinois coniference of the Dauigbters of thé Amierican Revolution in session -Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at the Evanston Wonian's club, the fllowiniz wil pour- Cornelia Oti5Ski nuer, &itughter of the "dean of Arnerican actors," hersif an~ aciress of rnarked abiity, and an author as wmelL, corns to Shazznee Çoupntry club Sat rdoy cvening of this zveek 10 give one of lier noted. "Orýiinl Chara cher Sketches." Harriet Sanders l'o Wed Ted H. Burgess March 124 Hatrriet Dearborn Sanders, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert David San- ders, Jr, of Evanston, will be rnarried Saturday evening, March 24, at 8:.30 o Pclock, to. Ted Henry Burgess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Burgess of 122 Mel.rose, avenue, Kenilwortb. Dr. .Hugh..Elmner Brown of the First Con- gregational cburch ini Evanston, wilI read the marriage service at the borne Of the bride's parents. Miss Sanders hias chosen her sister. The Associate Aluinnae of North- western university are meeting this Frlday afternoon ini Rogers flouse in Evanston for their annual session and elecion .of officers, at 3ý o'clock, fol- lowinga meeting of the. board, of managers. The president of thc Alumnae. Mfrs. joseph Halsted, will preside at the business meeting which- will. include. a report of the nominating committee and the election of officers. Members ofthe nominatinig comrnittee iniclude, .Miss: Helen Nixon, chairman: MINrs. Èdson. B. Flower, Mrs.- Richard Treeden, Mrs. John.Marcy Scott, and Miss Louise Paullin.. Following the business meeting. Helen Hawk Carlisle will present a group of piano selections, and Ninia Jewel Lemien w*ill read -a one-act- play, Powder.. Lip- Stick, and IRouge." by Xýancy Boyd. Mrs. Fred Scbroeder, Jr., second vice-president and social chairmnan, and Mrs. Ernest Barbour, program chairman, are a ssistinig Mrs., Halited ini planning the afternoon. Cornelia Ofis Skinner aft Shawnee' March 17~-- On the occasion of what bids fair to become the largest dinner party at Shawnee for a long time, Cornelia Otis Skinner will make her appear- ance March 17, in the widely known "Original Character Sketches." Cornelia Otis Skinner bias scaledt the heights*of emninence in the field. of dramatic art througb ber. quperh acting. Trhat, coupled.witb tbe liter- ary qtiality of bher writing, for she ithe author' of everything Fshe preent, as won the hearts of theater audiences rounid the world Her own creations, '"The W-1ves of Hlenir-v VIII," "The Enipress Eugenie," and -The Loves of Charles Prominent A4jthor Sis-ley Huddleston, f a m o u s. aut.hor, lecturer, -and diplomat, ývi1l speak at Sbaivnee Country club, Wilmette, on Tuesday eve- ning, March 27. The lecture is> in. charge -of the Nor.th ,Shore branch, Friends 'of Chicago Junior school, and. is for -the henefit of the s'chool.. when Mr. Huddleston wr 1ote .a ýseries of articles ýin the Claristian Science Motitor entitled "Va' Right with America?' which are now- available in book form, a. bond' of gond feeling between the author, British by birth, and bis Amnerican readers, was immediately established. He is an. authority on France and resided in Paris during the ma'ny years that lie was Paris correspond- ent for the London Times. NIr. Hud- dleston bas written "France and the French." "In and About Paris." "A Paris Fantasia," "Poincare," "Peace Making in Paris," "Those Europ- eans," "Studies of Foreign Faces." "A Biographical Portrait," and hils popu- Jar "Normandy" and "Between the River and the Hills," as well as a number of other books. ljis deep insight, accurate knowl- eclge, and sympathetic understand- ing of world problems make his lec- tures unusually interestîng and valu- able. Especially timelv is hiq coinn talk on "Can Europe -Avoid. N'at-" For those desiring it, Shawnee club wilI serve dininer preceding the lec- ture, which beginis at :.30 o)clock. Pein ts Backgrounds for CIub's Twilight Garden Nirn, Gordon Wilson, hile avenue, nas cl reservations. Seùý charity. t of1 wil be dents of Babcock. -She was which fou: A St. Patrick dinner dance wilI ing at th, be held at Skokie Country club Sat- Evanston urday evening to celçbrate the holi- the office: day. Dinner wiIl be seiryed from 8 Mrs. Geoe until 10 o'clock, and dancing, will Street, Mr continue until 1, to the music of F.arl J. B., Oh, Voyle's orchestra. and 'Mrs. ent<' ai' the in Fionor of P. Harrison, :rs. Hamy L. nhelm, Mrs. Farley, jr.,

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