FOR LECTURER *~~ J ete L gon oVout Address Monday by Celeq. brated ',Former" Mïsegadis Wilmette post No. 46. Americant L.egi*on,, will sponsor a township- wide meeting to be held at New Trier High School auditorium. Mondav evening, March 19, at 8 o'clock, Ini which other Legion posts and a uxil- iaries will participate.. The, meeting, is in the interesti of, Americanism, at is said, and. therie will be no charge for admission. The guest -speaker will be A. A. Misegadis of Talmadge, Neb.,'who will deliver isi famou s lecture on the constitution of the United States e4titled, "C)rderly Progress , or Chaos?" Mr. Misegadis is said to be *eminently qualified to discuss the instrument upon which our govern- *ment is based, having, made an inten- sive study of it over along period of years.' He was'formerly field secre- tary> for Harry Atwood, founder presidenit of the Constitution Educa- tional association, organized in 1923, and therefore closely associated with that outstanding- authority on the great document. RalDfrt Farmer Mr. Misegadis is a real dirt farmer, it is stated,. but often leaves. the plow or reaper to appear béfore patriotic, organizatioras in *an effort to add to the knowledge and understanding of * the people upon this important instrument. He is, it is. added, thor- oughly familiar with the conditions existing at thé time the constitution was, adopted, as well as the progres attained by the'United States: under ý its. operation. In evidence that Mr, Misegadis lis * interested in the welfare of al'the n.'nnb. it iinntedouA aiif he is sec-p. Com mittee Will Nominate School Board Candidates Wilniette'sý annuâl1 school election will be held- Sa turday, April. 14, A- school board president' and two> trustees aire eletted.. The termns of. Henry E Cutier as president anid'of Frederick A. Lind and'Glenn lanison as trustees expire this prng Mrs. Eunice Hendeirson, George Leal, Mrs. Lois, Finney,. and C., M. Burlingame stili have> one. or more years to serve.«, The memibers are elected for thrée yeaàrs and the president fo r àne. year.' Petitions lfor candidates must be filed -twenty-one days before the elec- tion, and. a commlittee compose<t of representatives of the three parent- * teacher associations, the -Womnan 's Club of Wilmette, tthe North Ridge Wôman's club and the Chamber of Commerce will make nominations to fUi the tirlstee. positions becomning vacant this spring. The committee has been enlarged this year. In the past it has included only represent- atives of the parent-teacher associa- tions and the Woman's Club of Wil- mette. This' committee will file pe- titions for the candidates it selects. Any other petitions that may be filed also must observe the twenty-one day, it is explained. High School Ballot Saturday, April 14 Terms of J. R. Gathercoal of Wil-a mette and Mrs. Janet Gordon of Winnetka as merubers of the board of education of New Trier High. school jexpre this spring, and the two vacancies on the board will be filled at the annual election on Satprday,. -April 14. Members of the board are elected for three-year ternis, and.after 'the annual election is held the members ' choose their own president and sec-P retary. Mr. Gathercoal bas serveda as prsdent during the past year ands H. B Mulordof Wilmette as secre-b Cal Here to. Discuss Liquor Issue I.nvite to Lenten Evenîïng Servicesý TfheRev. David iR. Kabele,,tû of. the W'ihmette' Finglish l.utberan chitrch, will preachi. the sermonl at thé union Stiiiday evening t.eniten services to be lheld ini the First: Preshyterian, ret :and Gen- leaf -avenue. ,ýSuni- #ayevening, March. S 18. at 7:30 oclock.1 T is-i one of a sertes of Union services w h i c'h started early this. othunder .the of variouis Pro-1 testant churches iii the community iii- Rev. D. R.KaheIc cludiing the Wil-J mette l3aptist. First Congregational, lenglishl utheran. First Presbyteriain, and St. Augustinie's IEpiscopaI churches. .Music at the services this Suniday «ý ilI he provicled by Mrs. Harper O-- I)(rn*, pianist and the choir of the First Presbvterian church. Mfrs. Harper will lay Preltide. *'Oil the 'Wings of Song,". MIendelssolhn-t.iszt. and postlude. "Ave Maria.- Schthert-liszf-. The choir ivill siing "Godl Is L.ove," hy Shelley. and a inenl's choruis wiIl sing "S f tlyt and Tleniderly." Kenilworth, Sehool Electi on Te April 14 The annual school hoard,-election in Kenilworth isto be held on Satur-, day, April 14. To* trustees aindla pres - îdent of the board are to be elected. since the terms of Julius A. Peterseni, president, and -Miss Barbara Erwin and Harry E. Weese, exçpire thi', Home O w n e ru'Asoit Takes Initiative in Campaign to Bar Sales in Villa9e' A mass meeting for the purpose of .orgai1nizing to keep saloons and ýliquor stores out, of Minmette will be held' at the Wilmnette Village hall Mondày evening, March 19, at 8. o'clock, uin&r the auspices >of the -Wilmette HbZe Owners association. Al. civic or- ganizations in the village have been rinvited to participate and aIl citizens are being asked 'to attend. The question>of-prohibiting. the sale of liquor in- Wilmette will be decided at the ele*ction on April 17. Unless a. lnajority of the voters vote "'yes" on the question of barring liquor sales, ýa1oons can be operated ini the village under the state law and village of-. ficials will have nothing to say about it, it. is explained. Lay Campaig.i Plan The mass meeting and plan of ca- paign was decided upon at a meeting -at the home of C. P. Dubbs, Village president, on Monday evening, at- tended by representatives of .2 Dm»- ber of civic organizations and presid- ed over by Robert E. Ricksen, presi- dent of the Minmette Home Owners association.. It was decided to have this organization take the lead in the campaign against saloons in the vil- lage. Al éther organizations will be asked to co-operate. At the meeting next Monday eyen- ing definite plans w ill be madele o brinig to the attention, of every. citizen the importance of the issue and the necessity of voting on 'it. The question is flot one of making Wilmette dry territory so far as the use of liquor i the home is concern- Iganager fornatioi, to every1 D< .of vîaas snterest -Mrs. A.X~ Note:. Eonoumy by the Woman's er.y much.' nell, chairman top 18 conduete4 ub or, Wilmette. 'raz. Ne ........- re PeroaJities 24 ae .. .38,41-46. des.............le r 5onday night. The matter was re- ferred to the committee on streets for consideration and for a recommenda- tion as tc, what. action shail betks by Kenilworthb.