not a manufacturer intent on creating stili more gadgets for an impatient public. He is a painter, a young * painter intense ini bis eagerness to absorb the tradition of the fine arts * and if possible to ,add sometbing on.- ginal as his own contribution.- So be -bas given, Up a teaching career in order to paint. For 'the tinie being be is engaged in painting miuraIs for-tbe Villae baIl in XiI- -mette. murai.s that will depict thje vil-- lage bstry anditonnection 'wil Antoine Quilmette. the Frenjcbnia wbo married an Ildiami wornan and was later so.. influential in. inducing ber tribe to make peace witlî the goveriiment that lie as, awarded a tract of land along tbe north sshore, pa rt of wbich now bears his naine. Portraits't o'f Ouilinette and Jamnes WVesterfield, the first president of the village, wiIl flank the murals,- accord- ing to tbe present plan. Knows His Wihnette Xilnette bistory will be a tasciin- ating tWpic for George Lusk, to' inves- tigate for lielbas long called the vil- lage home. His famiily mnoved out. from* Chicago to Xilmette in ý1907. andtheir bouse at 810 Michigan ave- nue was at that time one of the few ona strip of bluff whiclh had no beachi whatever. The lake currents hiave iii the intervening years. biowever, buiit up a beacb whicb is now a block wýide, and the boat bouse (once a chicken bouse the nieiglibors dis_' *carded. young LusI.ç will say 1 aigbi- ingly) is inaroonied in the midst of a. dune-like hump on thec sandi. But it is nothing for George 1-tsk to pick Up Ibis.*canioe and carry it on biis back to thie lake. dunip it in, and go for a summner padd le. He likes canoeing and biking and -bas explored tbe c ountryside for miles. This biking yen h.. tQ'cd bim in good stead. ini ls travels farther afield. He explored tîme Vhite moun- tains ini Vermont on foot one year,1 and NOben be went out to -the Uni- versity. of Californiia. to teacli design, hee bitch-hiked. Iiu Europe, -wbere lie * spent three years ini studv. lie did mtniof his trveUliiiL- a2fiPed. 21Q0Andi trips to an office ini the loop vdhere lie stili practices. law. r The hiouse is like an. art gallerv, filled as it is with paintings. Down, stairs the rooins are biung withi the exquisite canvases of Marie Koupal Luý.sk, the mother. wh.o %vas educated inrliicago and as a very youing gilvent to Paris to st.udy art. Shie wvas onfly 21 in, 1884 %%,len shepate a sceniefrom. George Eliot's 'o moa"which wvas, exbibited in Paris.1 A fter lier niarriage. she. gave bher1 talent icliefly ,to training ber son, George. teaching him ail she kniew. But lie. bas aliandoied :the realistic'! miethods she; used and: dev-oted himi.- self to design. and color, strmviug t perfect a new type -of painting, the abstract. He hiesitat'es to show the visitor whiolbas exclainied over theI canivases of is nother biis. own ôils 1 and water colors. Tbev are verv dit- ferent. and sone are difficult to ïiiderstand.. -,positiveIy It can be stated as te -- .hv be dlscovery of the, linltIeSs and, hereto- gnnoUnced a s y'et. there.hae en fore iindreamit of possýib)ilitiels Of the ab- words dropped here and there as to' tract, the dlscovery and *ackn0wledg- Easter services in the cburch attend1ed nient that there is a c1eaîr and sharp GereWsigonfnadec distinction betwVeen the elenients qcf fornii by Gog ahntn nadec and color on the One haud, in contrast with our Preside nt, Frankln to the representative and story- tellintz RQosevelt, visits to the naval base at as-pects on the other band. Annapolis. the, Maine base at Quantîco. '~Tisac~owedniet as ee aVa., Endless, cavernls and Natural veritable eniancipatil>iiProclamation fi. pa inting and sýCuilpturle. liberat ing tliest bridge, Virginia. arts froni servile imitation. -Desqign-'i-ý This will be. a personally conducted one: thirng ;the representatlOio flUit tour for a limited number of high another% Design ýcan and does exlst irre- spective 1 f subjeet-matter." . ýs chool and junior bigb scho-ol childrenl Th ere inu a nîu t s hell is the !) in -fltigl from the principal public and. private. Philosoplîy of tieorge ILusk- Again. -i sChools of the ntortb shore. soinewhat mnore lyric aspect 4) There lias also been a lcss extensive phlospbyis~xpesed fltb~toI<, ~ tou r of Washîington atone planined for tbose wîo dg) iot wish to take the longer one. These tours %Vill bie bv private. buses whichi will lie able to get into the reallv heauitifill and scenic rSheiiànèlo.11.val-, ~rl ev iin a lnch nmore interesting and conîplete nianner th, 1 c,>li e mati- aged Thvtrain. Aulvone intetested iu cither of the ~ </ bve.mentiolied tours mav obtain * ~ ~ îfurther information by calling 'Mrs. -O%p- K~..I.l- f- G <S/ David Hultgren at Winnietka 3447. EXHIBITS PHOTOGRAPHS A ne-nian show of(Àphotographicý enilargenients by R.. Raynmond Ra%- iîlotli. of Chicago. js now on vie'w iii a special gallerv which bias hleetn open- ed by Marshall Field ànd company on the first floor of tbe Wahash avenue I building. Ail of the phiotograplîs are of foreign scenes taken with a snîalli camnera by MIr. Ravinîothi and laIter enilarged. The exhibit is a fcature of the Amateur Pboto-graphic ('îm- petition an'd Salon ,Nhich bas just been *Ilatunched byv Field's. The conte,;t is G O;:&Gç -:rýUSKi<Der open to ail amateur photographers ~1 tE ~ ~ ' < and print may be submitted at an13y A'~ ~XA~& PJ~4~E~. tinie- utp to M ay 30. ýAccep)ted( pic-ý O:~turces Yill be exhihited hegîitnnng M ondav. june 18. excerpti from )ilthe' verse in ,Wh!hieh e atteml)ts t'> de.seribe. "PL-ietieity*' Ilight, oblique 'Left. obliqueY The Forais and Clr are inarchiflg Companies lu perfect forma don, Battalions in stict and seu*ofî'i~ to an indisputable dlisczipline. and order. For, the Formns and Colorsý are' the soldiers cf an internationatl -'rmv te regulatéanrd keep peace helplng to 'bring ail into oe.e" ui LEASE EVANSTON STOREý :Storie's Beaut,--,h-ops. .hic-. opera- tors of a large chain of, beatt par- lors i11 thîe Chicago territor. have leased l tle store at 605 Davis street, Fi'.1uston., fromn the (A5 Davis Street Buiild!ing corp.. and . ill install a modern beauty parlor. Hloustoni Gray of tlîeý Nortlbwe.sterni Realty and Building. comipaýnN% Evaniston.. fepre- selited the Stonie organization, and Sinart & Golee represeiite(l ths, 1 as scfl8niui as n is iaie L'JML Cy On this beach Mrs. Lusk usçd to permits and says slowly, "Subject- He bas taugbt design at the Uni- enoy moments of peace with nature matter is flot important. If a painter versity of Citifornia, the University while her two sons played and dream- were placed on a perfectly flat plain, of Chicago, and the Chicago Academy cd. She died a few years ago as did woujld, it mean thatbe could not paiint of Fine Arts, and for more biographi- Milan, the son who was à violinist any more just because there are no cal detail it migbt be xentioned that of pronounced genius. George lives trees. or bouses?, I try to paint wbat bis two years at the University of with his father, Charles IX Lus k. now I think and feel, not what I' sec." Prague were on a scholarship granted S 78, but, a sturdy, figure in bis daily He says this ,even more empbatic- b- b zehMnityof. Education surglng. Both are a.nd must be esta.b- Ilshed in the picture." So it can readily be seen that form and color are tbe elements George 4 Lusk is experimenting with in bis search to discover new possibilitics and relationsbips in the. ancient, art, Of painting.