Fuêrimann home. John Cassin of 326 Oxford road, Kenilworth, who ýattends the tTniver- wé he jyYERSfor siîy of Illinois, spent the week-end WeAevDUYER foi isiting bis mother. Sl"S M AD CLOECO1JNT TAX ARRNTSSTOP MONS 5 YRSn Owuislam New scientific proceskils noths, pre- Eu ort, V i oup fi Foll us.a vent re-infection 5 y ars. Free estimates 910L Don on dravenports, chairs, ugÉ,ý drapes, màLaaue:tOC AMP SON forailothes, uniforms. Phone today. ........1. S CHANOR INC. Ge.. 0234 Winni. 1324 Vear aase ma Sevel Our Silk Sho colorful array the kind we'vi mous for. xi Pure dye for dreu parents, Mr. and Mes Van Wagenen """in -Mltizi -£ýavj Alling since the end of January. Their of the various> Preshyterian cfurches. son thirfirt cil, ws brnat he Wilmette was defeated by High- sone tHoeir lst lws ontthland Park, 44 to 30, in a gaine that AliceHomehosptal.was featured by ethe good passing work of both teams. Dick Torrey, Mrs. Louis Bouchard of 22 Oxford forward, led Wilmette in scoring wit h road,!Keni lwortb, was lunchieon host-«7a. totalof eleven po'ints. 'the playing. ess té berbrdecuMnay of Jim Chambers at guard won the praise of the Wilmette partisans bit- Mrs. Carl Schaeffer, 830 SiXteenth! cause of Chambers' fine démonstra-, steetis entertaining berbridge club tonofteà'rk at luncheon today. stage Rtami Battie ________________________ The' gameý between Wilniette and Northbrook last Friiday night at. the Stolp -school gymnasiumn was one of the best, exhibitions of basketball the Christian1 Endeavor league has seen Sd r e s s for somne. timne. Wilmiette won, 36 to 19, but. the gaine was dloser and more bard fought than the score in- dicates. de of In the starting lineup for Wilmette were Dave 'Miller and Phil Hoelz for wards; Dick Hall, center, and Jim S i kChambers and Pu mik urs las ilkThe local boys started slowly, biut when Miller, Chamubers and Emrick started hitting the basket Wilmette built up a lead that was 18 to 13. at ýp is filled with a ttheb, beginniing -of the second hali. two nesv. players Wvent in for Wil- of- lovely sitks- mette. Torrey. and Bartholomnew. Again the locals started slowly.. Then, late in the third quarter, Wilmette' e always been fa- led by Dave Miller, started a barrageý of shots that brought victory:. Miller was the individual scoring star of the gaine witl i ffteen points, five of which were on free tbrows and the re- mainder on field goals. Defensively Chanmbers played the best gape for Wilmette. and it Was largely because of bis work that Northbrook wvas aii silk fi 1 e held to a low score'. isosand uitsPIaY on Neutral fPloor usesand uiteNorthbrook gave 'Wihnette a real battle when' the two te ais met agai i ý on a neutral floûr at . erild ls Saturday nigbt., Tbe score was Wl Wilmnette. Chambers agairi played. a stellar defensive game. \\ilmëtte m allia ]cd at the half, 23 to 19. s new Store Open Saturday Eveaings y Alice IIMr. and Mrs. Ralph Gromann of. Munster, Ind., formerly of Kenilworth and Wilmette, left Tuesday of last ;Week for a21fre weeks' visit ini New Iga4 O!tRINçrmmANU