labor circies. Although a Hoosier by birth, Colonel Edens bas lived in Illinois since 1890 and in Chicago since 1896. He spent the greater part of bis time f rom the first years of this centur' up to 1931 in fur- liiez' Bliss. 'R.N., state. 1 théthring his bankinig.relations., carnpaigi. with. the- cooperation of ail Colonel Edens was orie of the pio- civîc and professional groups. we in- er o odrasi lios m tend to take our message of the mai11- worked to secure passage of the, 60 mil- tenaPce of good health' into the hiome,i lion dollar bond issue several 1years ago. the school. and business. Ouir- slogan He was the first witness f rom the Mis- tlîîs Year , i 'Tuberculosis Robs Yo- sissippi Valley to, appear before -the Public Health Protects You.' Tulber- United States Senate comrittee to urge culosis. lîke xnany, other diseases. 'SPassage of the Federal Aid. Road bih,. urable if, discovered in tbe early stag- which resulted in gond roads tbrough- ei. Check up on your health. Sec your out the nation. finily physiczian.." 2mnIrn h NMr-. Bliss is the nurse ini charge of the wuirk of the Chicago Tuberculosisi itnstitute and the .community niursing -;ervice in WVilnette. Shc state, that w hfile there has heen. consîderable more îlnal-nutriti n in WNýiliimette- than hereto- îýert. ýthis bas a teîidency to Iower peron' re,ýîStance. Výet,» she actds, -,hie tio the cooperation of public and 1Ie tic nedical andl dental grou>ps- the *1dberculo sis %work lin the. ,ommniitv 1, Very, well supel)rvised.: bût we do ad- v >cattu peo~ple, sceing tlîeir ,doctor at !,a wice a vear. \VJ feel tlîat the uiie<lical examfliation which i s. giyeti cach school child of Winteaids us ;n carrying, out our tuberculosis, Pro- grani in the colnimnity. Hamilton, Bankers, Traffic, Press, iiii- nois ,Automobile. Bob O'Uink, and Tra ni O,'Shanter clubs. RETURN I'ROM SOUTH Mr. and 'N1r s. Roibert'j. Hoffnxani and their dauiter Phyllis will return today to their home at 1755 Highland avenue after a five weeks' pleasure trip byrmotor to, Miami, FIa.,- and other southern points of initerest. Elizabeth Boldenweck, 823 Hum- boldt, avenue, who attends Frances Shimer Junior college at 'Mt. Car- roll, returning I March' 23, to pedher qring vacation ývith lier "The chest clinic whieh is conducted tatiiiiiy, the Pe at the Wilmette He.alth center each month is solely supported by the sale of Katherine Fox and her brother, Christmias seals at Christmas time. Charles, junior, son and daughter of Patients. are referreci to this clinic by 'Nr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fox of 569 locat physicians, social workers, and Cherry street, formerly of Kenil- anoeknowingthat the. patient is 'de- worth, are out of quarantine for serving of. this treatnent." %vhooping cough. P. rOLKA DOT w iIi, RECORD. MUSIC THAT WILL ENTERTAIN YOU BY THE HOUR . RADIO RE- CEPTION UNStIRPASSED IN, RARE WOOD CABINETS . THE MOST EXCLUSIVE MdUSICAL INSTRUMÉNT YOU CAN BUY. Write or Call at Lyon & U.aWys for iiuâtaed Catalog of CAPEHART phonograph.- radios Trade-in Allowance for Your Present Set. Hecar the Cwpe have ai America's ComIlete Music Seve L1YON & HEA&LY. 615 Davis Street, Evanston OPEN EVENINGS THE ALASKAN SEAL CONTRIBUTES. TO CIVILIZATION A. NEW.SHOE MATERIAL flexible.. t-f.oýr 629 DAVIS Sker mnnend Church-,EVA STON * EANSONAT FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVÀNST'O canmpaigflare ro uring the public at- tention to the requisites of good healtb. a thoroughi understanding of the bene- fits derived from adequate public bealtb ~.rieand the necessity of demand-. ing these services for the good of the comnitnity. Umm" Q