1~. alifs Brin ches Wouldn' t you like tc SAVE 30% 40%'Y on your AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Now you can buy SOUND -. --extra". high sales costs, 'extra" underwrlting costs, "extra" costly Io"s adjustment metiiods, "extra"- profit-? for stockholders. The mîodern, ero- nomical methods of ibis FînanciaIIy S:rong Company- provide sound Insurance ai rates, thatmsave you 30%. to 40%o-at the same time permitting the' eompany to increast- its assets (for your added protection) jnearIy .$2,000, ' 00 even durlng the four depression years. macle 120 home calis; 26, visits to' sçhools, and 459 telephc>ne calls; 299 per sons. vi sited the Jiealth center' last snonth; 260 were referred to local phy- sicians; 99 to local dentists; and tbree were sent to the hospital.. There are, 2à pùlmonary cases registered -in New Trier' township. The nurse's'hours are f rom 1 o'clock to 2 daiiy, except Saturday. The next meeting of the chest clinic .will be -held on Monday- afternoon,. March 19, frôm i1 o'clock until. 3. ýThis clinic is in charge of Dr. Julius -Novak of the Chicago Tuberculosis institute. Thé next. Infant Welfare meeting will. be Wednesday afternoon, March' 14, f rom 2 o'clock ntîl4 The Mriimette Health Center dental> clinic meets. eïery. Tuesday morning from 9 océlock until .12 Thle Howard 1chool dental, clinic meets at the Health center: every Thurs-,I day morning from 9 o'clock until 12, -ls MOTCRS 6I SoeÈvif stree thei r.Williamson. explained that hé purcbased a new homne in Kenîlworth, recently in 'the be.lief that hie would have privacy and quietness. Thede- velopment of the old Mahoney tract as a public. park bas resulted in fhe removal oU a gate ait the dead-etid section of Tudor place near Mr. VVi! - liamsons borne., Toi this Mr. '!V:- liamson objects, and he ,also coin- plains that there b ave been cars park.ed'. in Tudor place ait late hours. Iu discussing the zmatter Monday -igh mémibers 'of the. Kénilworch Village board pointed iout that the streetwbicb is a public. thorougli-. fire could flot be closed. Htowever, the board decided that-if Mr. Wii- liam§on and another property ýowner, who lives on Tudor. place would agree flot to park their own- cars in the street an order for no parlc*-ig on this street woulcl 6e given anîd the proper signs erected. Hope Summers to Speak J3efore Draina Devotees The Drama club of Evanston wvill ,hange its place of meeting Thurs- day, March 22 to the Great bail of the Pirst Methodist church. Hope Sum- mers, artist, reader, and director, Winl give :a dratnatic interpretation of Clemnence Dane's "Wild Decembers," the play that Katharine Corniell eK- Hlarvey of Wilmette, and a sister, Mrs. M. J. Birnie of Rome, N. Y. Mrs. Lobdell was a communicant of théc Zion Episcopal cburcb at Rome. The remain's were taken to tbat c.ity, for burial. The services there were1 held. Moniday afternoo n. at Zion Episcopal churcb.. There was also a. prayer service* for the immediate family at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, last Saturday after- -noon, witb the Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector of St., Augustine's churcb, Vil- mette, officiating. - Repeat Performanoe, of '.Rob Roy" P romised A large and enthusiast *ic* audience greeted the British-Amenican Players' presentation of Sir Walter Scott9s "Robý Roy" last Wedniesday night in W innetka ,Comunity *H1ouse. The cast drawn froîîî ail tliv nortih shore subuirbs performed wel, thie n- standing piece of acting heing giv'n' by David 'Mitchell as Biallie Xicoi larvie. The success of this performance was so great that arrangements are being made to give a second performance at an eariy date whicli wilIl be announcedý, later. A large number o>f people have1 intiînated that thev were uinable to at- I tendi and would like- the opjportunity of 9 witnessing the play. 't ANTOJ4 LANG TO LECTUR.E 'P mmon iLang~~, r., son ot the amous 1nler present continental tour o-f the Anton Lang vvho lias played the role UnitedI States. "Wild Dec.eîbers" of Christus in1 the.ls trePssinraui last sunimer in London aîd is re- Plays. of Oberammergau, wlll lecture garded by critics as the ,besi play 1Goo d Frid ay veeing, Mardi .30, ili à~bout the Bronte family that. the the First Coingregationi church of reen t'uof biographicai draîia 1-'v-anstoii, 1417 Hlipinan avenue. at 8ias. prodc. 0 dock. Mir. tn ls ecture Nwill tell _______ Oie coinplcte storv of the Passion S1ITRPSE WY Play, and will be illustrated b%, th1e SSE ASSA A 0111% auitietii set of slies of all Mr. anîd Mrs. Leon NI. Alleni, 25 8 scelles lmithe pla. >Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, were cle o F. VVav-ne, Iîîd.. Thursday iilmette Ave., W TELEPHONE 685 MILK SE tasty SA Both -for... Painting and D8TrEBtin Wilmette: 2378, t 1209 1Wilmtte