when we?'o asLea! An informai interview wt MrThmas E oe,54H rie tJleIi T 0K at a man enjoying a vacation ini isOwn om! J.,Mr. Thomas B. Gory-j ust one of more than 20,000 hme ownets now heating with gas. e "N wok, nthig:t worry àbou-why should 1 go to Fiorida wben eveg: a eat, , SayuM.Gs. "The fuel is'alWays there, andik neyer runs out. Thle house as il.ways cozy and warmi. If a blizzar oes ulong oure eer caugh: shor,-and that means a lot to £ tews' peace ofmind.'" "And gis Jbeat j, ibsolutely cdean. I actualiy don'î dt"n weIl have to do iny decorating this spring.- Thousands switching ta gas heat os rates go down à.. Imagine your home free frorn soot, dbut, dirt, snd fur- ............nace drudgery! Imaginle getting ut the temperaures .....o..wan, night and ay b adusting a litie themuU ..............on te.Wall. Why put up with furnace, worries .....any longer, when rates foi gas heat irc sa low? .......Thisuk of it-gos heating raes are now ouIy bail o t b :* vreduring thi9M0-31 huaiag mn And-you can îry gos boit without inveseing one centl W. will instaiI a burner in yçut Z!pros ent furnaçe or boiler at our own expense. Y ou ......pay only the rentai on the equipment, wbich amounts to $3 a mondu in the average home. This charge is included with the bill for the gos .........yuue ouîyj for a mosth, two mondus, M's. ayeir. And if within th ea yufiud ehat you i.. ~* **~~ are flot completely sitis4d with gis, WC vil! take it ou: a: oui expense and replace your w: :formr leating« equipment in good workmani- like order. But-if you decide to keep gis ibeau oas we think you will-the rentaI youuhave paid applies où the purchase price of the' equîpment. Act now J Dont delay! It is p.re folly not co îavestigare tis liberal offer on gas heat when it bringbso nuany comfots and conveniences. Cmali your c4n' comarogai ilhnerest Public Service office for full information. airy other orm.of bea flm sccusaq «y our au t irs ase sT~ o F LO R sp 1dDA assie. Es h 'lah ccu-ci latokd gur epeglod domand 1weemov a t u xone fyo o'.lk t Woitohou ElCNoi vestent by souwe- Mr. o o wshi aPuL lMaSEi&cE CO M PA d.,a.i t qus moe seri n yth uaccor u oe s ftb a 4fn W.It uo R iE N I L Oi