Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1934, p. 46

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*Now Active at Howard School I61ooving are sonie , of îte dra- matics 1 projects which the upper gSrades. at Howvard. schôol, are ýeIJoY- We, 8B. have beeix working on a pla.y calied "Ali Baba. and the Forty Trhieves" and *e have decided to give it for an auditorium, ses sion. The gellected.icast is as foiiows: Ali Baba. jame-McIlrath, Morgiana. Jatie Penbertby; leader of the robliers,7 John Seddon; Abdullah~, RoliSpieg el- hauer, Cassimn's vidoW'. Frances Ha- beck; Cassim ,Eric *Samuielson.- Muriel janicki, Howard 8B. Our rooni, 7B, in dramatics is act- ing out a play called ',King John and the Abliot of .Canterburyr." XVe are planning to give it for,'an assenibly programf. The chilren Who~ play the parts best will get to lie that charac- ter in the play for the assemhbly. 1 think that it is thé best play' we have ever acted .onlt.,- M arjor ie NVinkle, Howard 7B. Recently the eighth .grades -and .se venth grades of Howard schiool saw a Martha Wash- ington pa.Theý characters w e re: -I\arth.a i n other. M ar tIla . .1aniie Drucker, MOdemn George. Bol) De- V7inn-. Fin ssure e%,ervbIodv ýliked 'it. -Glaýdys Phèlps, Howard 7C.* M iss. Flaskered, our dramiatics teacher. let, us ýstart on a né*. play of' "Rip. Van \inkle." \Ve are doing it, %vell, 1 kno w. and w~e hope it -will 1)e as good as "Aiaddil." was. W\e aire on the second scene nom-, Some of the chiidren do ver ' wNeli iii the parts thev take.-Floretice Hlns. I-Toard 8A.. In gynînasiumn recently, Mr. Stone, and Mr. Davis gave us three tests. 'rhe firàt test was free throws in bas- ketball. We each had ten turns.. 1 sank one; three boys got three oui of ten. They were Roger. Shernian, H11oward Ritigholm and -Warren Pal-. mer.ý Then we had push-ups. Dick Cochrani and .1 got twenty-one, the highest score in nur room'. Then we hiad-,pul-ups. .1 got-the mot; that, wvas ine. Then the .next day., my armpîts we re sorer than anthing.- Carter Ilde.Hovardi 6C, It' a Long, Long Way to Thrllat Star Arcturus In Miss .Stevens' -room we are studying about the stars and their distances from us.. Arcturus, the star that was used to make the liglits itu thé 'World's fair, is 40 liglit. years- away, or 240 trillion milés. T'he near- est star is Alpha Centauri. This. star is 27 trillion miles from n s.-Iiill Mýiliard,,Ho-wNard 7Bl. Boys Seek Employment to Earn Cash for Tent -Sunday we went out and tried to find some work. Wé went to th1reeý houses but did flot get any work. Then we %vent to the fourth house and the lady said she would.give lis each ten cents. We ivent out bc- cause in lihe summer we are going to gel a1 tet.-Johin Batier, owr schooi. Upper-Grade Students Eleet New Couneilors ýjust recently the seventh and eighth grade pupils have elected -ne%% couniciiors for the Senior counicil. Eachroom has eiected two. cotinciobrs to. serve for the' rest of the year. W~e 1101e that the ne-,%-concilors wil like their jobs and hec as good coun- cilors as others have been.-GoQ Reddliin.-- Howard 7B3. The Scrat ch Pad is now uncler iiew management. TIhe chief editor . Bob) Lofergaii, and his assistants are jean Reichmian, Pat I-ellniuth and Harry Seifert. We've picked two reporters f roim each, rooni, aboad a girl. We hope that ve will have a better *paper.'- We Will. publish six'is- suies, inciudi ngthe graduation issue.- Robert Loniergan, Howard 8A. .1ee Skater "Sobs -Story, ofMany BIas ted Hopes Three or fo ur weeks ago thére -was good. skating., Then the :ice melted, and the people on skates broke it'up. 'rhen it froze 'agait!l>Iut: it wvas very rough. . Tt snowed since thexi, andt the ice wvas covered.. t is t.oo had lie- cause We did not get skating done. Tt is getting near spring,1so 1I gttes there wil libe no more skatin1g. -John Allen . Howard 5A. Boys Enjoy Ping-Pong Mondays, Wednesdays iFvery Mondav and W\edinesdlay after school there is ping-pong for the boys in the afic, Monday, March 5. a ping pong tourna.iîîent wvas started for, the, boys.Mr 'Mackie is sponsoring it. Al thosýe wVho play piilg pong shouid join the -rotup .which nîeets Moindav. and \\'edî3esdav after sc.hol-Dick - reau, Howard 7C. Pupils in 7B Art Class Making Science Covers In the 7B art cla5s ai, Howard school ive are now working o' sci- ence covers for our science cla'ss to put our science- things in. The cov- ers thiat the chiildren of the 7B class are m iaking are very nice.. Some. havéC different planets and the Sun,* others have chenlistry tubes to de- scribe scienc.-Carol Spq t ITw ard 74. PREPARE EXHIBITION At Howard school the rooms are practicing for their. variotis stutstý at the exhibition. This ý 'ear 1.esides, OId-Time Fun of Sleigh Ride After a serious discussion on rentai prices of sleds. 8B dçcided to gô on a sleigh ride party. We pianned to meet at school and have refreshmnents afteran hour 'and a haîf of riding. At 7. o'clock we met in front of slcool on Tuesday eveinig. Febriuarv 27. Xý:Te were 'ail wrapped up good and warm, ready to1 start when the sleighi arrived at 7:30. After finding good, places ýto sit where wve were coinfortable we st a.rted out, After riding for about au' hour the driver. had ýus: headed for home with. a sleigh full of coï'Id and hungry kids. \Te. were dropped off at Arlene Iipsc h's house wvhcre -her môother had hot cocoa andý sandwiches for us. Weri ail enjoyed this- ride and hopc to have another if w%-eatier.permiit%.- Mariaii Goode, Howard .8W..r Alumni Beat Peewees, 26-8, in Season Final .Saturday the peewvees; finished their s eason with a ganme against, last , ea r's. peewees., The alum1ni won, 26 to* 8. .The alumnii',s ineup wia s ,aç toIlltvs: Howard Reinwald. renter. Bol> Smith and B3ill Spmtney, for. xvards. jini Badger and jack Rani* dali' guards. The peewee lincup 1)vas d 'Miller and Uoy Scheîhel. for- wards. jack Harvev and Bill Rogers. guiards. anBilI 31 Roberts. center- Bill Roberts, Hovvard 8. Howard Ail-Star Team to Meet Stolp Cagers A team made up of the best b)as-ket- bail players in the D's is going to play Stolp. The stars of the teami arc Bill Roberts and DièkMoreaü. Oth- er pflayers onthe teainiare Frankinu Kulp Tomn Huck, Charles. Beringý-er. Bol) Hendrick, John Hail and. Kinm- bal Browni. The gamie. is 'toae place-the nlighit of thc demolistration:. -Kimibali Brown., Howard 7C. _______________went down our necks-Mary Las- of the codes.-Shirley Elftnan. , w MATHEMATICS HOME WOIRK celles, Howard 5A. ard5A HAPPY ABOUT VACATION In Miss Van Horne's rooni we are ______ ______ March 30 to April 9, will be spring going to have home work in addition SELECT COUNCILORS TRACK WILL BE NEXT vacation. 1 think that 'everyone wiil and when we have addition done wve The 8A class recently, chose two Now that basketbalh is officially lie happy and will liate to go back to, will have subtraction, We wiil have' new councilors. They are Pat Fisher closed, track is to. le the next' big9 sàool aftenvarc.-Marjorie' Pearson, to do. it in ont day,.--Harold Hender- and Harry Seifert.-Irene .Uedelho- evenit for thé heavies, lights and peeý- Howard 7B. .Son, Howard A fen, Howard SA. wees-Bert Suons, Howard'8AK

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