Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1934, p. 38

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Provide Morning Program Wednesday "REuropean G('ard(ens" . viIl bc the subjeetý of. the illustrat.ed lecture wvhichi Butler S. Sturte- vaut ill give Wediiesda%-'iori- ing. Marchi 14, 10 :30 o'clock, at, *,the VJoman's clul) of XN'iiiettc at- the joint meeting. of the XViI- mette: Garden club and of the Woman's club. Mr. Stuirtevant is a inemiber (if the Amnerican Society of Landscape Architects. He. has spent much time in Europe studying foreign examples, of garden desgn. In the slides lie points out the distinquishing charac- teristics of :the varions countries., gardens, and the relation of this de- sign to the needq of each particular countrv. *Mrs.* Edward L. Schieide nheli dur- ing the noon hour will talk on -L.and- scaping the Homne Grgçunds."' 4N.embers of. the garden Club> vih ing luncheon reservations for lunch- eon at 1. are askedto cal M rs. \. G. Mitchell and make reservatiotis itli, ber. The réservations are to lxe In bvMondai' noon. In the afternoon, "Japanese Homes, and Gardens" wil be described ini an illustrated lecture by Hikoji Yatia- gida. Miss Isabel Cline will sing a group of songs. Great interest is feit among garden club miembers as the time approaclies for the Eiglhth Annual Garden anîd IFoer Show of the Garden Club of Illinois at the Navy Pier, April 7 to 15.. Mrs. Gordon Wilson' is chair- man of 'the exhibits of the Vilmtte Garden club at the pier, and.is de- signing aà twilight garden, one of .the m ajor. exhibits. Mrs., A. E. Gebért, vice chairman, is arranging a shadow box grouping of vegetables. Ms Henry W. Drùcker will .arrange a.1 hall bouquet. Those who have flot yet secured tickets for the show at the.. rediieed mxan;Ais. ruson lo. rowler, .Mrs. Richard Breeden, Mrs. John, Marcy Sco.tt, a.nd Miss £~ouise Paullin. A tea arranged by Mrs. Fred Schroder, Jr., and a program planned by Mrs. Ernest Barber will complete the afternoon. JIrs. Cfioi, L. Dili (7158HgIln ie<, aut thle fiis chair- mîan of Ae it wdvsandi nuans coil illittee nof.tih(- II'oiiiaîls Clili'of Il ilnett<' wiîich is eaiq~neq7Jivfor i- fwanimal . Hari. <tlarge ei'v<'îttof *larchI itjch is of ,wr/h shtore ini zrcst. Its dtais arc .llar.clt 21. 22. 23. MVrs. R. J)D. Oiiar, 7itosc 'ome' is ai 318 S'Sucett reet. is citairman of te.lI<rr Pilgrim Plo yers l'o Give Caf hoIic Club tlo Nominafe Three'PJay-.on March 1 7 Offkcers, Hear Reading Saturday, March 17, at 8 o'clock the Pilgrim Players of tlîe First Conl- gregational church m-ill1 present. for' their initial aàppearance, thre eone act pla'Ys. The maame parts,, f Elmer and. Betty, Behave l" are béing taken by Jack Randal and Jean Gordon, re~- spectivel.y*. Leads in ".'Shot ini the Dark" will be played by Jean Perrili, Bill 'Crawford, Don Toeppen, and John Pearson.' Others in the cast include Julia Carrol, Nancy Crim. George DeWitt. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hall, 1721) Lake avenue, gave a bridge tea Sun- day in honor of the birthday-of Clar-, .ence Freund of Evanston., *Nominations for the offices of presi- dent, first vice-president, civics, and Satictîary chairmnan, an(I three I- rectors, will take place at the ýbusi- ness meeting on Friday, ac 1Ô at 2, o'clock in the. Woman's ,clubl. Mrs. Charle-s Broad, prograrn1 chair- mari, has arranged for a reading U% Marie Fisher Perkins of "Sun-Up." Mrs. Perkiris is director of the Win- netka Comimunity Players and is a graduate of Northwestern University Schiool of Speech. Hostesses for the afternipoin will be Mrs. William-J Kennev, . Mrs. Frank K-utten anid M Marci 23. The original four -act play, written for the occasion b.y Mrs. Jamnes A. Burrill, is having its cast ,elected as well as the neighborhood shops which will exhibit spring modes. t o Talk on Roses, at Club Tuesday. Thie Eveuing Garden. club of' Wiliuette ýconsiders itself, for-. t unate ýto hiave as a:: spealcer for its Mâarcli meeting, one 'of its charter .miembers, w~ho ini the l)ast few. years has achieved con1siderable renown as a. rOse specialis.,t, Charles N. Evans,. Manv W\Nilmiette residenlts 'hiave visited, andl admired the roses .aild other beautiful flowvers at Mr. Evali-i hoôme,. 2822,,Blackha,.%k road, Wil1- mette. Three: years, ago lie wvas a winnter ini the Chicago Tribune prize gardeti contest At the 1933 Centulry of. Progress Flower ,show, 'Mr.Ean %vas cliosen supervisor of the -rose .* exib)-it. and again this vear lie ývill serve iii the saine capacity. I-is talk before the club «ýill be a ý erv practical explanation ofho to select andl grow roses. The mneet- inig %ill be'.the evening of 'March 1 3. atné . iill be at the home of 'Miss [aura, Davvý and hier sister. 427,Nintlî Mu.cli interest is being shown bv 'the members- of -the- club ini the com-' inig' ardlen and Flower show, of the Gardlen Club of Illinois wvhich. \%Ill bc ihld at Navy Pier,;Chicago, April 7 t(-)1.5. Like other niorth shiort' gardeit clubs, the Eveniing Garden club will enter an -exhibit and a coin- miittec. under the chairnianship 01 NIrs. Wil1fred Gilliles i s busy on Plans for it. Sale of advanice tickets is ini charge 4f Mrs. Charles. D. Ewver,: aid since tllCC tickets caii be had at a tweintv- hive cent re(luction from the admnis- son at , he dooir, there is always a deniand for them. Harry C. Pifer ias chiarge of the sale of tickets- at eî'ITrier High school, and( a V'erv speýcial ,iiîdu"cemenit is made on thèse. as aiY Ihigli schiool pupil may obtalin themi for hiaifthie price of -the ad- Va"Ice >ale ticket. Botlî of. these ad- Vanice 'tickets include a prograin. whichi will be sold at the show. Con- sequently a large advance sale i, an~- nerselt, had an extended trip through the orient, so she comes to us cogni- zant of conditions as they are in the Far East at the present time. .Dinner will be at 6:45,. and Miss" True will begin her. talk at 8. 'S. N, ý Toloff

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