Conference of Illinois D. A. R. Froni the Datghiters of the Arnerican Revolution ,:cornles thve a nnouncement of the îa;'es ~i wvi11 be a part of the crnn at the thirty-eýighth aimtal state iconference in. Session in EvaniS-. ton Wednesdav,Thrd . ai-d Friday of next. week. This list inicludes: Highland Park-Mrs. I.ew $arett. Mr s, E. E. Mellinger. Nirs. Walter Rite, Miss. Marjorie 1.eamnmg, NIns. Eugene Trremaine, Miss \'eroi,ese Beatty. Gleincoe - Mrs.ILdwa rd 1;, MNack.. Nirs.*Brayton W. Castie. Mrs. Erwin R. Brighami, Mrs-. Lv sle I Sith. Kenilworth - Mrs. Howard Hodg- kimîs, Mrs., J. K. Farley, Jr. Winnetka-.\lrs. Charles Pain. NM#s, Charles A. Whetson, I ss Carol Jack-- son, Mrs, Vernon \\Velsli. Miss Miar- jorie Leach, Mrs.- Alfred Kremier.. Evanston-Miss Mlarjorie Coe, MNrs. EarI J. Cooper, Mrs. George, H. Cramipton, Miss Virginia Bauier, NMrs. H-arold Bennington, Mrs. Daniel 1I. Kaatz, Miss Gertrude Lamùmiers, IDr. Edith McBradyv, Miss, Elizabethi Michelet, Mrs. I.eni-Young nth Mrs. John S. Strong, Mrs. Re» W Templin, Mrs. John 'Walker \Miss Dorothea Pflage.r. Miss Mary Barry. session. This year the duties of tîose youW women who serve ini this capacity w be considerably lighter as it bas 1wq voted ta do- away withl the tnuniieroý bouquets," baskets, a nd, corsage a rangements.of flowers, ,for the sa] of .economny. Pages are re(ltl ire(I have- been 'm e mbers of the 1D. A. for twe years.. ýnd 1cli. nig r-. tii ýR. .lici.iami lrs.c. lb, he lzi Ll.<l !o. b aribg,,p1". PI),bbs, f.., ,f t.'i!u'tic. iti tefor ihr* hi. ttli> flot been sel. International Singers, at Shawnee Music Hour During the Hour, of 'Music prograni. at Shawnee Cotmntrv club froin4 o',clock until 5 thi,, coniing Sunday aiternoon the International Singers. under direction of Jacqîues Homier will be the artists. 'l'le organizatioln iýs C 0ixiposeol of ciglht picked singers from. varions countries, zai,d althougli it lias beeni iii existenicec only about a ye ar and a haif the group, las given a nuinber ýof concerts anud h was the first nmale chorüus t simig for A Lentury of Progress. I)eWolf Hopper lias said of this group -it is the greatest ensemble of mnaie voices 1 have ever hear l' he %lem % %a9 --% i @ýi - . The Skokie' Valley chapter of the l)attghters of the American Revolu- tion of wvhich .Mrs. Charles S. Jack- so n is regent, will havé its nexi imeet- ing at the home of Mrs. Wý,illiam A. 1)urgin, 627 Forést avenue, WVIimétte. Mlarcli 19. The-reports on, the State Conferenlce. hield, Marcli,14-1<0ii EV-, ansýtoni, ilIl)be gîvel at tat tinte., The D. A._ R. broadcasts oN-cir \VBBMýN at 4:25 are to be: Mtarcl i... Louis Bo)%vmain. Victorv's Grcatest Quarter Centinrv"ý Mardi. 23., Nlr's. Vipton C. Sisson , "What Is Social- î~n ,and1 Nlarch 30, Nirs. . DI oscff. \Trip to Washiîîgton Con tineiîtal. Attention is calle(l to the clhange. of date of the next national dleeiîîse îîîeeting. -Iiîstead of nmeetinIg Marci 9, ini the WnansUniversitv club. tin, 'meeting wvill, take place Mardi 14. at 9:0. in the morniing, at, 1thme State conferenice. at the Eaîtu \Voan', club. 'Nrs. XWilliam- .. Sleclçer, jtatiQ4ial deiciase chaïinian iroin Washington, wvi1l conduet a rounId table for national dfu~ Beirothul Announced MUr. and Nfrs. C. 'Miles NcDotial( Of the Orrington hotel. forinerlv of \Viimette, have announced the en- gagement of their datiglter., Marioni Jane, to Richard. Dimes Bucklev of Chicago. Miss NleDotiald is a grad- tiate of Wellesley coliege. NfMr. Buck- lev, who. was graduated from An- herst,' is àa member of A-Ilha Delta Phi. The veddinig milI take place ini Apnil. Intereésted> in Benefilf Be Hos ss at Dancing and' Cards' Ali evenling of danicing and car<ts with -the Xoian 's Clitb of -\Wilbiette as hostess andt tlu?! luembers of the club and.I their liîusb-aiuls it s guests, is on the( social calendar for Satirla\-, cvnig fthis vetk.,Meiiibe rs have the -guc st privilege for the evenhIlg. SNoveltv vill be einbo<lieol ila the tisual balîrooni dancing by the mn1- t rodutctic'bn of odfsînd~ate atid circle. (lances into the evelil gs 1prograni. Cope 1-larve.v's .(relie.,trit xvill play for tîte..(lcinlg. Th'îe conîmnittec for this, file second elanlce tis seasoi for clubmnler and tlieir frîii(is, lias MInI. amInd HlannrMns the general chairmiel. Ini charge of dIancing-, Mn. andNI. Harve-v A. P,110h,i chàrge (of tlie carl 'gamle il, the lunge fortoe Yiîot <esiring to dance, and the recep- tion coinmittec, whlich includes NI r. anl ;.\rs. A. 1'. Klunder, Mn. a n d Mrs.. J. Robert Me\IClure, NMr'ý,and NrF. R. Lee M egowen , 'M-r. and NMrsr FI'mîl Anderson, Nir. anid Mrs. (1. . Kimbail, Mfr. and-Mrs. Charles W. Robb,, and M r. antd Mrs. P.ierre Bontecou.1 Dorcas Home to Beriefit by Friday Sewing Day Dorcas I-ome, an orphanage -just ~etof. Highland Park. will be the. next heneficirvýof the ail day sewing at the wilmiette \Vonans. club sponisored by, tIre ph'ilanthnopy department. A. repre- setative Ifronfi the -home wil lie the luniclîon speaker, acquainting. the tvom-. en whio give. their time, to a day of sewing foir these children, with the ac- tivities there, the needs, the aims, and the hiopes. Mrs. Perry IL.Simithiens. s se.wing chairinan. Nirs, C, P. Evans is in cha~rge 1of the. Itincghe,. nAitll ,,.i. is tiot re- ounce nhe engagement oft their ghter, Alite Woodhead Ednionds ýorman E. Dally, son of Mr. and .Norman Dally of Winnetka. s Edmonds is a student al, the onal College of:'Edtication.. EnfertainIng at Dance Mr. and Mrs. R. Ward Starrett, 221 W\oodsto>ck avenue, Kenlilwoifth, are giving a dancing party and.mi d- igsupper Saturday of this week. mette, is urging club. inemlbers to give their suipport to the *St. Pat- rick's. day dessert bridge and fish- ion show, 7chich. is.a pro ject of tlie c'ay vsand uteans drpartnii et. Hosiess to Babies FriendIy The Babies' Friendly Society will have an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald H. Maxwell, 1414 For- est avenue,, Wilmette, Thursday of next, week.