attractive, pleasing and convelîjènt to tliose whonî they serve In al biranches of the real estate business. * Willianm H. Johnson, Jr., lias l>een, a1iIoiiite(j local manager of the. offices. M r. joln.soni's sales record %vitIh G lencôe and, lvanstoii',offices of the- firnu bas. ftted hini for lusý new position,- it -is pOinted -out. 1ie hias, IivC(l on the nortli shore f'or îiearly thirtv vrears.- Thle- Keillvortl office s .are under lll)sùèr,%isioiî of Stewart B. Mat, * * tIiews -ielrdent -i charge; of *sales, Baird and XVarner, at the main i. ffice,. 134 South. LaSalle street. C'hi- cago. The concern, lias been enicouraged to open thle new~ sales and rentaI offices. ini Kenilworth, it is explained, l)ecause of the .success: during thîe past year of its personnel in. the teni- 1)orary office in la hionme located, at 5;(% Park' drive, which has recenitlv bee-n sold to Bertrani W. 'Coltrnan, p)atenlt atto.rtie%, with -Jones, Addington. yAies and Seibo1l, at 77 WXest W\aslî-' ingto-n strett, .Chica-go.- "ýOni f0 New Trier" Assemblies, Planned, Invitations to the *On to Newv Trier" assemlblies wvere placed iii the miail this lee 1 1rs Theron, \oolson, ad- dressed to -representative eighth grade students ini Vilmette, Kenilworth, WVi- n*etla,,alid Glencoe. Thei assemiblies are to be hield ai the Wilinetka \Vomnan's club and are de- signcd to give the voung people an op- portiinity to hecoine acqjuainteil before t1hev enter lhigh sclhôol. 'flle dates of the asseniblic-s are April 13 and 27, May' j 4and 18. and June ., 'l'le May 4 dance w ll be a May bail. and thie June 1, meeingwîl le a graduatiqut prom., AJl i iglu sdiool yoinlg l)eopte wvliýï have attenided Mrs..\olol Nlondi(ay cvenînig dancing classes tlîis, vear wîill lold a rmilon Saturda. Mfarli. 10. at lier' bouse. 1357- Asbury HveîuueIHubbar W\oods,' or.ý if. the inuililwr is tooi large for thic hlse,ý at the Glncoe Msoniehall. -'l'lie meiii-. bevrs uýf the class are invitilg other hiigh seli ,l students to the reun iion.'Fi fourth. terni of .the clasS ,hegan Moniday cveuinmg, anud a series of Satiirday nighit assenîiblies inay lie org;inized fri it. YOU PAY. Doing your laundry at homeý demends an exorbitant"tolll doctors' bils end drug bis. EI You pay in the coin of y ouir strengtJ. Froin your lime ,. . dîne whisii may be devoted to really worth.while things it aks 2 ay8eah ea.!In good looks you pay with chapped hands and dry,. wrinkled skin!1 4L Actual dollars are lout in, f aded and shrunken garments. Inexperience!' The laundry knows how. Clothes linos and' flapping clothes do flot eihance a lawn. 41Home laundry is a definite danger to tant- ily happiness.1 It leaves you tired and cross. Even if you supervise a laundress the effect is the same. C And ail this'is so noodies! For less tlian it actually costs you to do youar washing and ironing at home you cen send it to the member in your community and get work witk a national reputation. «, You avoid thé actual and Ihidden costs of washing at home!1 club. At its meetinig Jast* weeK thie group discussed Soviet Russia. Florenice Grayling (Mrs. Charles B Grayling) 167 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, sang Wednesday eve- ning wit Ted W eems and bis or- chsràt tbe Bismarck hotel. 1210 Phonio -FiRDNcH LAuNDity 80% Deunpster Street, Evanston Phone Uni. 2776 QuALITy LAUNDRY 1 1709 Darrow Avenue, Evanston Phone Uni. 4620 NELsoN BRos. LAuNDPy 1014 Devis Street, Riranston Phono Uni. 011.2