Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1934, p. 30

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CHICAGO SUEURBAN QUALITY GROUP Chicago Offices - to6-ioiS WILLOUGHBY Towxm. .Telephoise CEN<TRAL 3 355 SUBSCaRPTION $2 PERt YEÂR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENT$ AlIcbrnmunktations and contributions intended for publi- cation muet bear the name and'address cf the author, mnot ncccssarily for publication, but for our filiet. Such material Must 'reaeh the, editor by Tuesday noon to be i'à timne for the current issue. LEGION BIRTHDAY *'rhere will be a nation--wide observance, of the birthday. of, the Aierican L1gion on'rhursday, March 15., The event, whici, is the first. will mark its fifteenth atiniversar:y, and observance has been delayed until a review oýfthis young *giant organization that was born ont'of the ýA. E. F. could be given from ,the viewpoint of. full growth, stabilized experienre andi permnan- ency. Participating ini the celebration %vili bc the Amnerican Legion Auxiliaries. Tentative Plans cati, foi- a banquet meeting ini the evening, at. wîîich a linge birtbday cake, withi its fifteen brul- liant candies, wilI be a featuire. The Legion lias given too .mani.% evidences of the sinceritv of the idleals it adopted of unselfish service iii peace timec to permit of, any 'doublt as to its value to tie country. It is a vir-ile organ'- zation just attaining the zenith (if its aoe nd influence. lit is intelligently directed. conserva - tive in its aimrs and should bc treniendous agencv' for good ini the coming yecars. PAY TAXES Now! ,Bills for 1932 real estate and personal propertS taxes are being cistributed in New Trier town- ship by Collector Sanborn Hale. Economv in government, as welI as. economy to the taxpayer, demand that these bis be paid, promnptly. If withheld to a *Considerable amount, ,as hâve beeni the- 1931 pa ym ents, it %vill create a situation1 so serious as to jeopardize the efficient ftunctioning of governing bodies. From the countv collector's.offic:e cornes -the, information that the deiinquency in 1931 tax pav - ments amounits to the appalling figure of $Ç9,730,- 496.70. This means that 37.81 per cent of the assessment remains uncoijected. NeN Trier townpship mfade a little better than an average sbowing, but even here the deliniquienc. ainints tn 35 ver dent. braries, streets anid their ligliting. police and fire protectioni. parks ami bathing beaclies. ail are provided by taxing bodies. Iii proportion tlhat tax pavrnents are deîayed their service to citi7eils is restricied. Il is vour dIttv to pav- and to pay v ý\X. A speciai effort hv eaci taxpayer wilI hielp im- niemsîvi reachîntg Athat ..basis weetaxing, )Odies can operate %vitli their ownl money and tlits liminate ope of thienost, serions drains ýipoi flicir. resotrces-the, interest accounit. ABOUT SPENDING In an address delivered on the floor of the Honse of Represenitatives on Jannarv 31 Iast, I-on. James Sinîpson. jr.. said in part: "Mr. Speaker.: _The President has asked for constructive quggestions fronm the minority, and r, therefore, desire to call attention to wvhat believe,>the rnost' important eubject which çso vitally affects the 'American people. which Is taxation. 'iThere a re eertain tendencie.s in theê recovery' program that. have me deepiy %worried. One of these tendencies is the tremendous expenditurers of money. Last year the Congress authorized the -pending (f $11,500,000,00, of whieh apprýoximate-, iy $4,000;900,600 was the, aninual 'current expenseý-. the rest being extraordlnary expenses., This year the administration, ha.s asked for an additional ,:o000.000,000 fer the purpose cf contlnuing the recôvery progrànm. This nueans an unheard of, ira.-. crease in our nattional debt, which was $2b,- 482.034,419 for. the fiscal year énding June 3q,. 1919, reciuced to $16,185,308,249, for théO fiscal year endlng June 30, 1930, and it is estlmated that a. *the clese of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935. It will be approxlmatelr $3 2,000,000,000. *"Let us examine w1hat this means to the indi- vidual.. Today there ta. a public debt of $1,500 for every family in the Unitedj States and this hasto be repaid. '«The ci tizens, are already groaning under a tax burden such as has caused the, diwnfall of, every great civilîzation that has preceded ours. '111 Speaker, we are faced with one of two alterna- tives. We nmust, either mortgage the future. of our children and possibl.y- our gran dehildren <'r wve will be forved to repudiate oui- r hne, t obi i- gations if we continue to follow the policy of hor-rowing a n(j spending. This- repudiation na y take mnany forms, but the. most likely means' te eveér cfn.ed Asa tusual thing wve consider the radio a p>ain ithe eck. But on Saturday nights,w'e the voice of Commander Byrd cornes over 10,000l mniles of space from the wastes of' the. anitarctic. 've get thle thrill of a lifetime. Gosh !lntfu The resourc.efni Nîr. I)illinger i s again enjoey- ing thle pure air, of hieaven in the- wide open spaces. Becorning irked nnder the restraints of the Crown Point hoosegow. ~ ie departed through the sim- I ile expedient 'of: Iocking bis i ing the lady sheriff's car and Icaving town, neglecting, to i Jleave bis forwarding, address. It it said lie escaped bv, aid jof a revolver whittied from a cnkof wood andbacee S with. shoe polish. Being skep- tical w'e opine that the revolver vamdeof green paper, prob ahlyý with a picture of, George WVashington on thé front.. I)îiliinger's, contenmpt for policemen and.jails 1is surpassed oniv by his disrespect, for prophets. Mayor ýKelly 'said:, "Dillinger won 't comné here because he knows it's too hot for him." And Mr. D!illiiger di d just that, pre sumably'driving a- car that àlI oliceinenl were looking for clear through. ta the north side, where be abandoncd il andI wafked Ieisnre)y away tobis hidQ-out. A story coames ont of the east of: a gili caIrilv standing by: a hole in the ice wbere* a duck ý\va, fishing for its dinner. When the dtuck caniglt a fish and came- up the guI-I took the- fish aa, The duck firîally became disgnsted and started away, whereupon the guli pounced upon it andI gave it a béatîng. A case for "Crack-downter" Johnson, if ever there Was one. A1-ear-od Ci1g ldtoid his father to stop drinki ng lbard liquor and wvas stabbed, per- haps .fatally, for his p)ains. Then ,t1S- fatber com- mnitt-ed, suicide. The order of the violence niglit havç, heen reversed with advantage. Chicgo hd abirthiday Sninday. ht was flic ninety-seventh aniniversaryv of its incorporationu ats a city ini 1837, H-appy birtlhday,. neiglibor! yers are al 'Otrts rmade , radical, in ni) over an attack on fed- 1 senate speech Ibv Senator pport of a bill to hlinit thc courts. The "new dea.-p It is especiaîiv difficult to understand the rea-. soning of those m-ho are deiaying tax payments in expectation that the courts will finallyv order the 15 per cent reduction. Even if this doubtfui ont- corne is brouight about, in what manner wiIlit, benhefit, the delinquenlt taxpayer? Interest anti lavw company unions, President Roosevelt lias, put A formidable looking word is finding increasing the NRA compliance machnery and the courts use in the newspapers, frequently~ in connectioni behindj decisions of the National Labor board. with the last national republican administration,. Looks like compuIsory unionization of aIl indus~- if -you remember it. The word is "laissez-faire,' tr.y. derived froru the French, sonietimes spelled . * "laisser-faire," and relates to industrial and com- S a elk hsMrhgr mesiy u mercial competition; a let-alonie principle; non- S a elk hsMrhgr mesly u interference with things as they are. Aiso appie d we are not going.eto get fooiish about her7-ýyet. to indolence or 'carelessness. - THE PHANTOM REPORtTÈR.,

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