AN EYE-PHYSICIAN is a F0OR OVE R fwenty-five graduais Modical Doctor years Uhlemnann bas faken specializing in disorders o4 pride in making glass.. from th. oye. Becausé. therare so many f a cfor-s to b. taken -into. consideration wben *y.s are *xamined Uhlemnann: recom-ý mends by al means that you consulf an Eye-Physician for tbis important work. H., WiI recomm.nd, glasses only -when fk.y ar* n..ded. Prescripi ions of Am.ericas finesi Eye-Physkcians. Wlith lhe samne painistaking effort thafik te Eye-PhysiciOn *mploys in making the. eam- inafionUhl.mann uses in car- rying ouf to thé minutest .détail the Physiçcians' orders. Ublemnann glasses, enhance Your personal .appearance. UHLEMANN- OPTICAL ýCOMPANY E VA N STO0 N 6 10 Church St. Esta blished CHICAGO. Piftsfiold BIdgj. Chicego, Evansion, Oak Paik. Detroit. Toledo. M THE WORLD'S BIEST SOLID FUE] COMES TO THE NORTH- SHORE, COMBUSTION ENGINEERS AT LAST PERFECT EXCLUSIV NEW PREPARATION METHODS! COKE IN SCREENED, SIZED AND PERFECTLY PROCESSED FORM. 19 HERE NOW TO GIVE YOU 22 and the other on March 23. A New Trier teami wihl travel t0 Waukegail for one of the delegates, and the other will l)e leld at New Trier. CIhester I.. MacLeail of thé New Trier' faculty, who is busy helping the speakers prépare for this first debate of the seasoî, announced this week that 1 th e nimbers. of the teamns forý the Waukegan match would be Bih ue Marjorie Wood and Gle>î 1 al1 r o thé affirmative sid& 'anîd:Mary ,Jane iStevensoni. Frank Rândall and Jamnes Dotiahue 1on the négative side. Thle suhject for discussion vil he the (itiestil n (>f whether or nlot the United States shoul adopt a systemf of radio ëonitrol S;nmilar hito hat used b:, >(Great Britaiîî. Ini addition to the Waukegan dehate, one other, dual match alread,% has heen scheduled. liith J.: Sterling Morton High school of Cicero. Jean Spanuth, Richard IBahcock -and Ed Rosenheim will corn- prise New - i"~'s àffirtnative teainfor this. dehate. anid Vani McQuide. Sidney Craig and James Donahlue, %vi1l .1xon, t1ic leg;it 1ve teaml., ISeriblerus Group Gets taie<1Valuable Information: er organization of New Trier, enter- on tainedthe writers' club of the Fvan>toný Township) High school last Thursday in fihe Girls'. club room. Mernbers of the ESanston grotîp explained how thley finalnced their school publications. par- tictlarly a literary~ magazine. !t lias hemeni ambition of the New~ Trier L Igroup to pubiJsli'a siimf ilag.izl,i,, sor, for Scriblerus, Included in the, prograrn l)rtsUilt od 'E bv nienbers of Scriblerus %Vasa 5c read by Nide Waulgh, a short story bv Williamn Crav and a bit of lîdmior- (>115verse bv. John NMathisoti. Rfe n' ents were ser\,Ced at ftiRc ii1tsio n of the program. Thle Evanston club) is planning im entertain fthe Scriblerir, r nibners inii ti awarded. to.New Trier 11gh scliool -a teii.s trophy to lie ktown as thc Franklin Merritt Memnorial cun.ý Franklin Éoss M.\erritt, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Merritt anid a meniber of the class of 1934at New Trier, dlierl last December. and( the cul), a ta!!. È Silver. trophy surniounited hy a. ten-li nis figure, has been l)resente(t to fýie sçioôl -as a memorial to hiim. W\hile attendi'îg New Trier, Fratik- liii Mvferritt Iwon)the, school .teills clhaînipîoiship. Tenis was Ibis fa- vorite sport. 1To Re main at School His parents haveý expresse<1 0-r wish that the iiine of -the. wiiiiner.. f the niost i.mportanlt annitual si119l(:> tennis tourîlamelit le inscribed t"el the mnemorial cu.p each year. Ili a lci- ter addressed to Supt. M. 1". Gaff- lie%- wheni the, cul.) wa s. giveni to ific schiocl Mr. anid s Merritt saicl "ili nenory of Frankli n Foss xier- ritt of the, class of 1934 whos untinùely deiith, December- 29, 1933,, bereave(i 8<'o mainy hearts, the undersigned, his jor- ent-is liereivlth 1rsent to the New Tric,' Hligh sehool this .teninis trophy to le kin--viias the 1Franýiklin Uîit i inni'iai eup. Di>e to the sotsea.soin fei ;Iie.w seho)ol tennis,, we do otre>nmd; slliItoufrnanient ieach>yeatr, 1but h is <ur wish that itheninie of the witini-ir of the rnostiornt annual sitngles. tourrenent bg ii,îseribed on tli.ia; 'b«e desire sha1I renaisi in iîo>à- session Of the ho, with the (X(.elb-, tion thait it ray ime re,fvtd for pu l 'o xengt week vith the en'm sk-nt of the PiIi>lor athie-t l iii- reCtoî'. Tennis F>sters Fairnes", '"It is our belit-f that tennis j> iý sitfest, miost henaithfui and enjoyaie 4,f il ahet Con~tests. It~L iats; 'spirit~ of fairness and aven generumsity it., in om)ponent an<j for this reasn hs a n inwortant effemt (,iieltartacter i- àid- 1is our vishu fot onlv tacoin- îenltethe n ïî) f oi- son,buai. in -11,1e snmail degite, tv) s t iuil l;t j 11 - tê.r'es-t iWthis hu 5divgr; Sinereiy youl*s, <(Signed> AIlet N. iNerritt, BrhLF. Mrit Commerc 1e Club Plans Party in Near Future Thei Coiimierce clubf is pialnning tol îhl a 1party. soon. at tfli home ofDavid l'. ohusn, eadi of the NeuW Trier cokniimerce (leartmient 'and oiie of fiC faCenltv sîRoisors Of the club. At thuc lyr. aM vir. viiiamLii, iy ono sudéts uMished by the high Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, are school office. MssNeeves liad ani visiting at Lake Worth, Fia., after average of 3.50 for the semester. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bair- stow at Leesburg, FIa. The Lills' MUSIC CLUB MEETS daughter and farnily, the- George Th'le Junior Music club met. Wednes- Huths, are staying at their home dur- day f this week at the, home of Bettyý ing ýtheir absence. Taylor. ýor tor' ý-1711 rersity S