COCOANUT RINGS COFFEE CAKE Delicions for breakfast or dessert.-ý................. &Ic PREnut FRUIT PiEs 24 Appie or cherry in crisp-cruat........... NEOPOLITAN..gIASUORTED BUT., LAYrER CAKE tii, C TER COOKIES, La. WHOLIE MILK WHITE BREAD Good sot chidren and adulte........... *AKIED LIMA BEANU Prepared. with salt pork .......Lb. 13W W> an serve w erosy Bake 6hop---srftgFlooôt 'OC WiIef.1100 P. H. Arden conducted a class ii navigation last Thursday evening be fore a large group of Sea Scout and officers. He explained this inj terestirng fact: when traveling wes around the worid, one loses a da: upon crossing. the ISth meridian whçn traveling east, one gains a day It ýwas also stated-t hat if a persot were to.figure out the exact, locatiot iîn latitude and longitude, down t( minutes and seconds, a letter wouli need no other. address and that, thc Pest office wôtuld be able to delivei it, to the right houq.e without que stion Thus is the accuracy of finding thc position of a ship- at sea. Such ac- cuayis a necessity,. for the. lives of the passengers and the safety of a boat are in the hands of the navi* gator. BOAT BUILDING.. Besides having the sailswell under way, the builders *of the snipe cIass sloops are progr essing rap 1idly. The frames for the bull have been laid ouit, and construction begun. Three boats are under construction, and another planned, besides three boats already in existence. DRUM AND BUGLE ... Fine progress is observed in the drum and bugle corps which meets every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in the Baptist church for one hour preceding the regular scout meeting. "If you have some tricks with the sticks, don't lose your talent: corne out tonight andl practice," is the Sea Sc~out invitation. PLAN MA-IKA4A-RAL' Leaders of the North Shore Area counicil are expressing a hope that every troop in this area will be corn- pietely tequipped for overnight camp-ý ing in time for the first annual Ma- Ia-Ja-Ral or camp rally to, be h 1eld i May. Part of: the program of preparation for the Ma-.Ka-Ja- Rai will be the making ftopeup ment.9of-topeu- NEW ELECTRICITY COURSE Scout leaders and other older Rio 158 have, registered for Camp Ma- CKa-Ja-Wan andl 172 are candidates ts for membership in the Paul Bunyan 1club. By May 1, it is predicted, theý stcamp registration will exceed tbe to- >y tal enrolment of'last year. Campre cruiting last season .did not start un- StiI May 1. ýn The foll owing froni Wilmette have ,n already paid tiheir registration fées Sfor .camp: d Tr0op 1-Frank Stecker; Troop 2, eFred Bird, ýTed Riley, Peter Stewart, rCharles Gregory, Carl Hotze, H-arold Ray, jack Potter; Troop 3,ý Costa e Lulias; Troop A, Henry Fowlr -Troop 10, Lowell Peterson, Walfred SJohnson,.E. Colegrove, Edgar Goelzl H Farry Seifert, Clarke Kirivan,I R. -Winters, B. Meyer, John Welter, Hugh Welter, Ray Small. Troop 11, Ted Boughton, Warren Clohisy, Daniel Coyne, Jack Coyne, Jimmie Ford, James Gallagher, Jim Hanley, ]David Harvey, Donald Hoff - man, Charles Kent, Richard Kent, Bill Krippes, Bob Kuipers, Ja mes IRonan John Schopen. ,Following are the Kénilworth regis- trants: Troop, 13, Robert Moss, Wil- liamn McLaren, Hall Stewart, Gordon Osterstrom, Arend Knoop, Frank, 1K11op, Scott Campbell, Jim Olin, Warren Knaûer, Norman Bemis, Tom Keith, John Dix. A PPreciation Dinner Sckeduded March 23 Friday March 23. has been defi- oait3' setas the date for the apprecia- 1ion. dinner whi'ch the camp commit- tee o -th North Shore Area council is giving for scoutmasters, skippers,. cubmasters, their assistants, and comn- missioners and-executive board mem- bers. Wives and sweethearts are be- ing invi ted to, attend. The speaker wili, be H. Roe, Bart le,, scout e.,ecu-ý tive o f Kansas City, Mo.' Keith Roberts is chairman of the North Shore Area council's camp coml- mittee Paul Bunyàn Club to a's.inurouug as possible. rancis TING TQNIGHT miess is to feature a leaders' meeting to- ;, at 8:30 o'eloek i On DavisSIeut Shermang and Charch _n EVANSrON