CHANGE IN 111E MANAGEMENT of Wolff-Gif fisHardwareCo *A. C. Wolff and. Robert Wolff of WoIff-Griffis Hardware Com-. pany wish' to 'announice that the in-, terest in thefit-m heretofore heId by Ernest Griffis b as been pur. chased by Frank L. Watt. Mr. W att wiI bc, activeIy engaged in, the firm's business. Mr. Watt is' well known to resi- dents-of Wilmette and isa a former empIoyee of Woiff-Griffis. He has. been ail of bis life engaged in elec- tricai and hardware business and this experience, it is feit, wl lprove beneficial to the host of customers that eaeh year, deal wi*th this fit-m. Mr. Watt'ýspast. experi'ence pecu- liarly. suits him to -advise on hard- ware needs. He bas been in' the émploy of such widelY known fit-ms as The Ekko Co., manufacturers' representatives. of electrical. and radio material, H.ý Channon Co., hardware wbolesalers, and the Hammond Ciock Co. Mr. Watt is eager to renew bis acquaintmae. witb his old f riends and assistten iri their, hardware needs.. A. C. WOLFF *Wolff-Griffis Hardware Company 'take ethis opportunity to renew their pledge of service and satisfactin to the people of Wilmetté. They appreciate the peut patronage and confidence placed in tii.. and. under their "new dciii" wîiI weIcomne any opportumuty to eon- tinue to serve in a m~ore effilcient way than ever. "GEl ACQIJAINTED" THAT YOU CAN'T ~JFcl<<~sAFFORD TO.MISS 6 6CUP jDripolator ... 79C Simoniz Cleaner and Po1igh, ea. .3 C JCIHNSflN'S Piotr- 1119 Central Avenue.n imte13 8 Ois Pne Wiilmette 183, 184