Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1934, p. 14

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Annuunelng the formation of a Childe n'a The«ter »dJ Dranmtic' Art Classes UNDER THE DIRECTION 0 F ItITH LAARVE atRegistratIon and Tryouts Satrd %, areh 10, 10 te 12 a.n. WlInnetka Commulty, Houge Classes boNd emeli Saturday, niorning PIANO TUNING AND TOME SElTING 803 Dempater Stree University 1640 rs., ilounclers iu olmer, and is -a Mrs. Theodore Mr. and. Mrs. Clayton Buirch ànd daughter, I3arbara, 163 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, ýare returning to- day.,from .a thîree, weeks' West Indies cruise, having, sailed 011 the Kungs- holm. They visited. Mr. and Mrs. Leéslie. McArthur at thier home: iii B ridgeport,. Conn. Thé McArthurs %vere former Kenilworth residents. Mirs. Louise Suekoi1 f, 819 Chestniut aven ue, entertained a-roup,ôf eighit-. .e~n sisters and cousins at a bridge. luncheon' Thursday 'of iast week iii hionor of Mis-s Jennie Golling. of- .Minneapolis, w~ho is. visiting Ms.H.i 0. Kohn of Chicagco. wblle the prie. liq up~. lY bave a gov*e8azê t ilasse t be- -ld- gold, platinum and sihyer. No meed te go elsewhere-we wilI pay ybu la caâb or trade for aew Jewelry. D. PAGLIRULO 1166 Wilntt. Ave. WiI. 1061 flosiery Special* sMrs. W. F.: -ieterson, wflo is chair- i mn; rs.Chale Mcenn, Ms.more classes of New Trier Highi àun r.Cale cen.Ms school Friday and Saturday niglits Bruce Malcolmi, Mrs. George B. *Has- of this week at the New Trier a:ýdi- sin, MÉs. Julian Hess, and Mrs. WiI- Moin. Tecrange pa liant Walker. T1he proceeds wil he o* Tecrangsup i8 use fr uxiiav bartywok. o cloc-k -sharp, it is. anntrnnced. lPick- tise fo auihay cariy wrk. ets have been on s aie at, the high TPle artist for thie even iKg is to be school for the past week, and wvilI Hilda Edlvards (Mrs. Eric Oldberg), bc available at the door. pianist.'Miss Edwarcls i aie In addition to its lavable and« hu- .Chicago who received lier early educa- mru.scaaces,'Png.,,.bat tion under, leniot Lavey. Later site oru chates"end"bss gra(ate fro tueNortwestrn ita entertaining plot. Penrod and bis vrersity sclîool of music where she stud- gaig. ellc uragedb i ag n ied, under Ai-tecOldherg. She later l)e- a b set nti t"ow tai e a De .9tective. 'e"ott rata«horse-. carne a facultv.memb)er of the schooi. tuief.' Herbert. Hanmilton 1)ade. Mr. Shé spent several years ahroad study- - l)ade, a potl1ished younig manî, lias ing. withi Artur, Sclinahle in Berlin, « rilv deep desigus upon the.,small where site appeared in a recital. She tw' rdlu uiesmn r lias been solo0ist witlî the ClIiicago Sym- S choefield, the, to wn's prosperous plîoîîy orchestra at the Hollywood Bowl haîker, has -a .bad habit of bringing as wvell as ini Chicago and with the several thou.ýa nd dollars home wvithî Evar s ton symplionv. She is the. wife him at night for safe. keepîng. of Dr. Eric Oldhberg (son of Arne 'raet., 5hoefild'-,hri Oldh)ergX ,who is (in the faculty staff Mrae. oes char .9g of the Univetsitv '4f Illinois miedical although affected, dauglhter, is. even school. n: 1ore conipletely blinded tiian her -Mrs. David J. Davis )f \Wiiette i father I) the charîns of Herbert president of the Woman s auxiliary. ofHa ionDd.BbWlimsse- the College of Medicine; Mrs. Charles1 ou sly upset by -Nfargaret's - xarked, McKenna of Chicago is vice-presidetti preference for Dade, encourages the-, Mrs. Francis Seanor. of Evanston ' snîall boys withi spare quarters. treasuirer, and Mirs. Otto Kamniier of Afarreli ciaxweDd, WVilmette is secretarv. tornientedl l) his guilty conscienice - -'and the reallv harmless "shadderin," o f Penrod's gang, is broughit to the, Frank P. Whitmore, 644 .M)bot. q hreaking point. At the saine time ford roàïd, Kenilworth, who represents Saini -borrows" his father's gun and the Kimbali Piano companv, returned Penirod shoots it in Schoefield's back Wednesday of last week fron ' a '4a d. month's business trip to New Orleanîs.i- "iesrpi San Antonio, Houston, El Paso. Los Th upi ing. denouenient is en- Angeles% San Francisco, Sait Lake. tirelv typical of 'Tarkington's famous Denver, and Lincoln, 'eb. - .iîir Mrs. George Redding, 1516- l-ifeleti King Sclîuyler, known to woodavenue, and Mrs. John Welto,~ lier friends. as "'Sis," 'and dauglîter of Fisher, Jr., 826 Greenwood avenue.' Mtr 'a-nd Mrs. A. E.- Schuyler of 901 left Tuesday to motor to Jackson- Chestnuit avenue, wvas recently imi- ville, FIa., where they wjll meet- their tiated into Delta I)elta Deltaa husbands Saturday.- Northwesterni. universîty. Simeer B'ose *64ORRINGMON AVENUE

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