A recently .enacted state election law provides that Village officiais elected in Wilmette at the regular Village election on April 17, shall serve for a term'of, one year. only. The result is- that, beginning wt 1935, the terms of the president and six trustees will expire simultaneous- ly, instead'of 'alternately, as hereto- fore. At.. the« coming election a Village clerk, Village treasurer and tbree trustees are to be elected. Some time ago tihe present incumbents signified their intention of runrnn for .reelection on an. administration ticket. The Harmony conVention, which was organized a year or more ago for the purpose oéf eliminating partisan politics from Village affairs, has been preparing to nothinate a ticket. It is now intimated that, ow- ing to the new one-year term, there is apossibility that there may be no contest this year, the presenit n- cumbents to accept nomination'on tbe Harmiony ticket instead ýof an adi- miniistration ticket. While this arrangement cannot be sadto have been definitely settaed upon, there is a strong probability that that is the way the matter will. shape up. The Harmony convention, if the plan is finally adopted, will pu+ in nomination the following in- cumbents:. For Village clerk, Nicholas P. Mil- ler. For Vilage treasurer, Harry W Miller. For Village trustees, one year tenu, Harry C. Kinne, Joseph Heinzen and S., N. Tideman., For Iibrary tIrustees. Mms Rollo0 Gullickson, Mrs. R. E.attison Kline. The signatures of the required number of voters to a petition asking for a referendum'on the. question of prohibiting the sale at retail of a]- on a The matter lbas been placed ini the bands of the judiciary commnittee of the association, of which Village Presi- dent,.William B. Moulton of Wunnetka is chairman, and legislatin is meig drawn up to'be presented to 'tht et regular session of the legisiature. Mr. Moulton bas named Tax Collector W. B. Roôssof Oak Park, who is president of the 'County Tax. Collectors' asso- ciation,. and Assessor H. L. Brundage oi Riverside, ,Who is president of the Cook County Ausessors' association, to assist in the work of drawing up the bill. The association reports that the lii- nois Municipal league bas proinised support of the nmeasure, and also de- clares that present holders of county offices affected are in favor of such a change. Tht ,sanie condition in the coilectioit of special assessments prevails as in the collection eff<onraI corporate. taxes, it is pointed out. The ýtask of assessing and collecting taxes In Cook county is too large for one.organization to handie, it is pointed out,' and'local assessors and collectors would be able to save municipalities and the property holders wbere im- provements are installed, thousands of dollars in interest that is now amassed against theni, according to association officials. lwaysit i16 Lectures .On Russia at> Church Next Thursday WVilliam von1 Meding of Chicago will present an illustrated lecture on his experiences in Soviet Russia at the prish b ouse of St. Augustine's church in Wilmette Tbursday night, March 1, at 8 o'clock. Mr. von Medinz spent two years in Siberia Dintier Meeting The Business and1 Profesuional Womi- cii s Club of Wilmette, as its contribu,- tion to the success of Natioal Business Women's Week, bas arranged.anont- standing prograin for the next meeting of the Wilmette Chamiber of Commierce Monday night, March 5, at the ShaW- nee Country cluib. This wiIll- be, the first of geveral evening meetings the Chamber of Comn- mnerce -expects to hold in 1934. Dunner will be. served at 7 o'clock, it is an- nounced.' some of the foremost business -wom- en, in this section of the. country will. eppear on the prograni. The list.includes, the. following: Heai Fan Leder Mrs. Martin Kent Northani, whoý was head of the publicity departmenit at A' Century of Progress laàt year. She will tell briefly about sonie of the outstand- ing women, she meçt at the fair. Mrs. Nortbam is taking the place of Miss Helen Bennett, who was one of Rufus Dlawes' assistants in organizing the fair and who was in charge of the Hall of Science. Miss Bennett bas been cal led to, New York- unexpectedly. Miss Alice Greeniacre, prominent at- torney. Dr. Vida Lathani, noted woman phYsi-ý cian and dentist. Miss Kathleen McLaughlin of the -eage- public scfloois. .Miss Harriet Vittum, head resident at the Northwestern University settle- ment. Mrs. Bert Schiller- McDonald, direc- tor-at-large of the International Flor- ists', association and rpast president of the:, Chicago, Area Florists club. Miss Celia Howard, president of the (Continued on page 5) and pumped into the mains for co- sumption by Wilmette citizens water from 1 its own supply. The epochal event took place» at 10 49lock Ties- day miorning, February2. Present at -the inauguration of the ne w systiem were the members of the Village: board,.ith the exception of, President Dubbs, who was confined, to bis home ýby ilines, and the headi Of Most of the departments making up the, Village -government. Becanse of bis indefatigableý work ini conàec- tion with thé building of tbe system, many expressions of regret we re beard that Presiden.t Dubbs should bave been deprived of the gratifica- tion tbat would naturally be' bis ini seeing.hbis .dre.am corne true. W.rk en New MaW». MdechancallythuI plant is Coin- pleted. Thera tr.maii but two un- finisbed units of the work, the roof and the landscaping. i'hese, it is said, will be completed in the nDur fufiure. There are some improve.-' ments to tbe distribution system'yet to be made, notably a 24-inch main extending f rom the pumping station to Ridge avenue, whicb is designed to give an unlimited supply of water to residents of the western part of, the. village. It is said that Minmette has the dis-. tinctiofl 15Ccli.pséd by that 'of hav- ing constructed the most beautiful municipal pumping station to be Iound in this part of.the country. The reasonl for this was -given by Presi- dent Dubbs in a statemnent following (Continued on page, 8) Baptiste Plan Series of Dinner Gatheringa It laso expressed itself as in faver cf effecting some plan for co-opera-, tir between Chicago and Northwest- trn wbich would not cail for. any basic changso eure discontinu- ;ance> of any part of either's prograni. ture of every kind is badly needed, also. Note: Pecopomny BhOP ls copducted by the, WomlaWe Club of Wilmette. place it now- Cod your adfaker Wilmette 4300 Dod avenue. An rnteresti ýs been planned, and it is at all miembers be present.