eo. s»2 9cdo A ige. sue -~ med.- C «t 35c size 5 HEA»-Crlsp and. fresh fromi ,California med. head Tomatoes 2,.19C fincy und ripe from Foia-frhatflsld Apples 5 l,.25c Cookng-Nite for pie Onions 5 1b.1 5c Y.low-for soups and sauces Dana nas Carroes 3 b.Ih 3e lFoncy Pi.sh CoifoMia Cabbag. e2,ts.5c Sdirtiflcciiy ripson.d la Our own ripemlng mèoins lb. 5c pms Wlwle «I Shank Ei-Bake with sUces of oranges .held in. place by whl. clove s, on fat ad of ham. Conter Sïces or Rouit 1Icli. sake or brou .end seref fh pla.ome Pot Roast wlit horsredls lb. Puy-om fOt!sk lOc lb. Prim e SholerSteak, 13<lb. SIIoed bacon, W. Y. Iyie h&W Chuck NtouUBfrshiy uilcad Sousaeii5 lb. Pickied P@vk "b Sommer or S.ft Salami rmori-A haiotem tUib Rost of s*f Ltc o3 lbsI4g lb. Camn Mol Mue Fit 4 ibs l8c lb. WUCair-Fry pmdonne» CàfhOU6 Chau oârrWI-~Csuua'elb. HerrTng si» Fin 6c lb. Whlteflsh Baby Lob. SOP. 1Oc lb. Lerteii Dihs Fillet of Haddock I0<lb. ~<pks. Isi lb. ISOC 1b. voet Omo uyggat Omo mmuTii i me iII uuw rriy so u,.i vo u i O -* v J - V1 .rours MOIre, cla acocndpkg.9 King Osar k'.col,10 SAItDNES--imporied No.weonm Shrimp 2 No. otcs19 Wot pqck-MitBrandt it's dold.us 1ite'. jar j qt. làr 2 ON SALE AT ALL NATIONAL] TEA Co. fOOD STORES . pkgs. 19e tmpmw vecu