Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Mar 1934, p. 60

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of the New Trier Citizens leçague a resolution was unanimously adopted urging ail taxpayers of New Trier township, for their own protection as well as a matter of civic duty, to f111 out, swear to and file with Town- ship Assessor H. 'S., Marshall, Village hall, Winnetka, 'as, promptly as pos- sible, their personal property scb 1ed- ules. The failure to do this, in past years bas resultedý in an ever 'in- creasing -burden tbeing - pl aced upon real estate and a iloss of revenue, which .is severely. handicapping our schools. As a resuit,. the assessor's office lias adopted a policy of deliberately pe- nalizing those who do not,schedttle byv arbitrarily estimating a value for their personal property, 'adding a .50 per cent penalty, and. increasîing this amount each year. In- many i- stances doubling the assessment thus flxed. for the non-schedulers each year bas been resorted to. It is be- lieved that most taxpayers wotuld bc glati to avoiti these complications ifý they could be assured that a fixed method of computation on a reason- able basis would be adopted, and would be universally applied, so thatr have been working, and the New Trier Citizens league believes that in the use .of the appraisal standards. for the assessment of personal prop- erty prepared by the Joint Commis-, sion on ýReal Estate Valuation in, 192, which, have been.adopttd by the assessors.. a solution. of the ,problei has been offered taxpayers, which should be universally accepted.. To th e end that wide publicity should be given to these standards, werespect- fully request that you r epublisb in,., al your newspapers the eniclosed ex-. cerpt froni an article which appear- ed -i your Iast week's issue, s'igned by Adelor J. Petit, Jr. Tie league urges owners of per- sonal. property to return a schedule upon the basis outlined, and to do it promtly.It is suggested that there be added to the oath found-on the schedule .the .words 'according, to custom and usuage.' Yours very trulfy,t New Trier .Çitizens league, By Frederic 0. Mason, hepresident.e Teexcerpt to wbich Mr. Mason refer.s followsc I1f owfleràs of personal' prpperty are. encouraged to-voluntarily returfl a schodule upon an equitable basis a larger amount of peýrxonal property will be listed, and what la more to W desired, the payment or ul a tax will re-suit.- Comrnon knowledge of the vustorns and usages as are ln use is necessary for a uniformity lin such returns Tile ustOrns- and usages are in part stated upon a supplementary Inistruction Slheoe4; whlch a<'omnpanies the si(hedult,. This should beý amplified hy an explanation ats t.) ail itemis. In addition if desirable there na Wb added to thf' oath appearing ô I te schipdule the words "according Io cuStomi <ft right a-1so he stated that tht, Supreme Cout 'f Illinois ha held that tx Ntn,'ard Of V aJU.tn . The standards of valuing, personal proiperty mentiolied herein are v caled to your attention becw. The itemn nuxnbers correspond to the' item rn found on the 193 chedule. 1. Piksseilger Automobiles. See supplementary instruction -,heet.- Il.lustration: Ford Auto - 1'.'l nodel aî,yl'e e 60U 2 atO ................ ............... 2.TreksanSd Basses-. See supplemnent ,yistruction shefet. llustration: 'Ford Delivery Truck 1931 raudel - factory priée. new $600M00 less 2 3rears'. depreciation at 10% per year $480.00 (this figure rnay be used when no book value la obtainable) less an adjustm-ent of 3. 0%..........................sh................ 4. See supplernentary instruction sheet. nunbher.s 240-00. 288.00.. cait The appg que. 1. ctat f CIllin o ...........0% 3. South Park ........ ... ... .:'*-**I......... 1........... ......75% 4. Lincoln Park ................. ...... 75%' 5. Cook Couinty...... .............................. ........... 60% 6. Sanltary District . .. ...-....... 0 7. Al. other political subdivisions of Cook County ...... 6..0%/ For exaxnple, $5,000.00, fa.ce value real estate mortgage secured by bungalow ha.vingi a fair value of $6,000.00 lnterest. in default, fair -value of rrtgage note is 60% of face value or $3,000.00, adjusted te2%................ ............. ....... ...... ....... 600.0ô Ail otiier fpersonal -property. Il lustration- Aeroplanès, wateréra ft,' etc. value by means of deprecia-' tion exiplained above under Item No. 2. - Total full value as listed....$,5.0 Total Asses 'sed'value (37%/ of full1 value) . . 1,687.00 Tax (computed.,at estlmated rate of $600). -- .. 012 SOME QUESTIONS 4dtrs >note: The appended comrnuni- Ion requestË repl.ies by the. editor. LOGANJJO.WAéiRDý eanswer suinitted in each instance, ears îrnmedlately foîîowing the P. T. A.ý Editor, WILMETT IPE: Please answer the following ques- tions ini your paper if you have the space to spare-and thank you.- Why, donit our grocersý advertise other than just staples--the sanie old things week after weekf Reply: Probably beeause the Staples. are th~e articles of foo)d in universal demand and therefore intere-st the larýg- est nuinber of people \Vhen, if ever, is our new. post office buildinig.to be erectedP Reply:ý The architect's plans have flot yet been approved in ah details.' As i4o on, as theY are completed construction %Vîll begin. This la- expected to be early thP, ipring. Why don't cemneteries advertise their lots, sizes and prices, so that people may buy and be prepared, in- stead of having to buy in moments of distress when they are not able to ex ercise good, if alny, jiidgmé îit as 'toi *1 .4 R1epy: In irecent years (eemetery coi'- porations have carrled on aggresive ,selling campaigns -ln the Chicago area. Their activities have no doubt been cur- tailed. by the depression. There, la, how- ever, nothlng to prevent anyone who wishes to from selecting. a eenetery and nurcha.slng a lot at his leisure..1 .Where may anl up-to-date piap 0< Wilmette, prinited in easily-read type, be obtained? ]Reply: A new, tip-to-date Ina»is j,; 0wA being made by village auth ,orities. As soon as completed. copies niay be se- cured at the Village hall. Why do not residen'ts. of Wllmet.te "The Logan Howard. Broadcast" is the title of- a one-act, comedy which will be given at the eveniiiin eetinig of the Logani-Howard -P. T'. A. oit March 6,: in 'the Howard school auditorium-. The cat'conisists of four miothers -and onîe teacher. and lias be.ep rehcarsing.. at ail. possible moments to give a truly profvssional touclh to the îerformanc., h oughit tu be good! Mrs. john 1). Kiniear, president of the Logan-Howard P. T. Awl rep- resent our. organiization. at a tea be- ing given .bylNrs.' Wallace Clay Bus-. worth at lier: Park; Ridge home Ott MXarch 1 in Ioor of, Mrs. Harold L. lckes, wife- of: the. Secretary of the' Interior. On March 2, Mrs.' Kinîxecar 'vill at- tend a coiifereticc of the Metropolitan district of the Illinois Coi-gress .of Parents and Teachers~ whichi includes ,districts 19, 21, 22, anà2j, The Coli- ference 's being held at 209 ýS uuth Statestreet, Chicago. The'P.reu-Scliool cîrclc ià to Inîeet ,yith Mrs.. F. H. Gýathercua1, .1511 Highland avenuie, Tuesday, March J2, when the topic for discussion Wil hbc "The Littleý Child atid his Books." The Babies Friendly will hold ani al-day sewing bec on March 1; at' the home of Mlrs. Winifred Bersch, 1715 Walnut avenue. At thèse meiet- I t '. for example , %..I Batik miputation, for exainpie, cl .00 ls dehts owing by tax- to 20% of such difference. 1 - -- 1-1 - uy jour yçars 01<1,- but they tained, ber bridge lunicheon club on arjeby-noinanrsowtoler Wednsday J .Stade las a Pleasing way witli the -o-- ~chbildren, wIîicl.h accountsiilag Dr. anîd Mrs. A, Garrett of Atlanta, mneasure for the scceloflbrea 100-00 Ga., who came to attend the dental con- ing. à .1.. 1 vention, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John "6AIl of her 'uil ii eeigb t 1W. Beuttas, 533 Maple avenue., appear in the june, recitai. l0~:k~ *Ie TMIsU j>ei Lt.IEU LUaUis maturlig witbin'one year..... able Stoclit and Bonds. isupplementàrY Instruction sheet. iatton Use rnatket value on, April 1. 1933, :or date of . sale, nea~'

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