Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Mar 1934, p. 56

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Deadiltefor InSerti CIMUI5=&dl dvertlaementswill b*sai r. flceptd P to Tuesdayt;P. M. tor. IlWILMITE LIFE or MI1> three papers;* WedneBdLy -9 P. M. for ilWINNICIKA'TALK sud Thursday 5 P. M._forý GLCNCOIC NMWS. IlTelephones: Wilmette 436b, Wlnnetka. 2000 (Winnetka 500 after6 P. MX.>, Greeleoat 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. D-O You WANT TO REALIZE CASIL qulckly .on your houùsehold furniture. CA14<L L. N. FLECLS Public .Auctioneer Bol04 (RACE ST. CHICAGo BITTERSWEET 3400 1LTN42-4tp iLoSIAND POUND LOST-WHJTTE WIRE-HAIREI) FOX terrier femnale pup -Saturday. One brown eye and 2 black ears. Ph. Maàry Macallster, Wlmiette 2720. 3LTN43-ltc LOSI1--OXP'ORIl G2AÂSSEDS 'ON CHAIN, lni Varslty Theater Feb. 22. Reward. Benson, 601 Ash, Wlnnetka 1523. 3LTN43-ltc LOST--A BROWN LEATHER BAG contalning zipper case and business papers. Phone Wllmette 3373 for re- ward. .3LTN43-Itp L'V -BLACK, PART AIREDALE dog. White spot on chest and short Phone Wllmette 2831. 3LTN43-lie LOST - BROWN PURSE ON VER- non ave.. Nr. St. EjIsabeth's chlurcli. Reward. Phone Glencoe 249. 3LT43-Itp BUILDING AND C*NTRACTINCs LTMODERNIZE YOUR HOME! LTUS MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! Basement recreation roome, additions, att1c modernlzatiofl, home repalring ln ail branches. No Job. too smnai!. Seàson- able low prices. We have built morr~ than 100 homes on the north shore and know? our busIness! F. H. GATHERCOAL 1511 Highland Ave. 1WfImette, 111. Phone Wilmette 225 15LTN31-tfp ausiNE sSERVICE McKJ3BN -CARPENTER, HOUSE repairs, painting, cemhent-plasterer pa.tchiiig, soreens, porches, cabinet worc, plans, estimato. Wilmette 2634. 16LTN41-4ti> CLOCK EXPERT, CIMEBHALL, AN- tique dlock repairlng. Learned' trade ln Europe. (Porm.erlY wlth'Tlftany and Fleld's.) WIII cmli. free estlmate. Da.vld .Johansson. Phone Dlversey201 eOLLE'LLME SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS OF Gowne,.- Wraps - Suits - Coats Made to order, restyled or altered. 833 EIn St,. Wlnnetka 1011 22LTN42-4tp DRESSMAKING I DESIGN ANI) MAX!! DRESSES Also dresses made up for sale. Remodeling. Rera. Ph. Wilmette 2158. 22LTN42-4tp GARDENINà FOR SALE - ROTTED HORSE AND eow maniare, black dlrt, reasonablen. Dodge 3/-ton platfoern truck cheap. Wihriette 4181. 27LTN43-2tp LMJNDRY WET WASH ROUGH DRY Special price on farnily finish. WILMETTE 3687 34LTN42-4tp. MASSAGE HIAT PRICE HEALTII? rnerves jumpy? Do you need ion? Feel "top notch" ail the e yourself a chance wltli these Are> PIANO lUNINC PIANO TUNING ALL MAKES - TUNED,, 1ECONDI- tio'ned and rtepaired. Pb. Wllmette 2744. EXPîERT PIANO TUNING $3. RËPAIR work guaraniteed. 22 yeara'Chlckerlng, Boston. 'H. C. Thomas, 517 Fa.lrvlew. Park R.ldge 099-& 4&LTN41-4tp SE[WING MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS, ALL kindu repalred. Establlshed more thani tlfty- years ago. Now, located > at 1008 Oakwood Avrenue. ,Wllmette. LU. E. Blunt. Tel. Wllmette 754 or 4308. 6$4TN29-tfe BUSOIESS PPORTUN lTiES IoAD'Y WI TH A WIDE NORTIT Shore acquaintance, té..sel! 'children's dresses. Mitst have own, car. Write 8-177,, Box .40, 'Wilmette,'.111. C1L43-lti) LOANS LOANS WANTED WE HAVE FUNDS FOR A $4.000, $3.500 and $2,000 firstý niortgage on well-secured North Shore, residential property. McGUIRE &,ORR 530 DavisSt Gre. 108 65LrN43-ltc LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates. MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfr $4TJATIroN WANTED-FEMALIE-- BETTER HELP Secondrnaid. neat, refined, Scotch Amer. ican girl, age 24. 21/2Yr. Wiliniette references. Cookilng or general, Germnan Americanl, age 25. Thoroughly experlieno.ecl. 5 y1r. references.- Abo-ve the average. Ç,ooking or generai, English, aige 29. 3 yr. No. Shore ref. General or secofid, Austrian, age24 Excellent Glencoe réf. 1roii present employer. German. girl, age 35 . wants general. 10 yr. with former eniployer. ,upies eall us. T WE ADVEU Pauline's Emp. Agency 421 Fourth St. Wllmette 2171 THE ORIGINAL PAULINES AGENCY 68LTN41-tfe ELDERLY WOMAN COLORED FOR' general 'housework or as Mother's helper. J ohnson's Emlipi. Agencyý 1444 Wilinette Ave. Wllmette 4144 OSLTN43-ltc REFINED RELIABLE GIRL, -23 YRS. 'wishes position staying, with children, llght hswk,' etc. 3 after., 2 eve., a wk.' $3. Prefer Indian Hill sect. Wlnn. 2648. 6$LTN43-ltp EXPER. WHITE GIRL WISHES DAY work, laundry and cle aning, $2.75 per day. Phone Winnetka M33 between 6 and 7 p. m., ask for, Nellié. 68LOÉN43-ltp AN EDUCATED WOMAN, 39 YEARS, would.like -a position as'housekeeper, can bake excellent bread and pies. First class, laundress. Phone Glencoe 1495. 68LTN43-ltp suIT. WTD.-MALIE AND FEMALE IF NOTICE IYOU ARE LOOKING FOR A POSI- -tion why don't, you go to. Reinhart'm, Agency.. They are, horlest' and rellable. Good Positions 'at good 'wages; $10-$15 at, ail times. Couples, positions $75- $100. RI-INHARDT's EMPL. AGENCY -748 Elm Street ' 1Wlnnetka 3399* L.Reinhart, prop. of Pauline's. 70LTN43-Ite HlIGIX - GRADE DONIESTIC HELP, available for any position i iyour home. Refs., investigated=- charge to Employer. Promnptý efficient ýzervice. Cal! or write, S-H-A-Y AG'CY. 14 W WASHINGTON CHICAGO CENTRAL 9800 70LTN43-1t(c 'ENILWOWRH WELFARE COMM-1.1IT. tee can furnlsh unemployed mnen and .vomen for 'housework, outside work, 0lso skilled labor of certain kinds. Please cal! Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chalrnia. ,)f Employment Commlttee, Ienllworth, ~820.70LTN32-tfO, Hl.p WANTED-FE.MALIt COMPETENT WHITE HFeLP WANTED with. good references. Apply ln person.. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE i63 Vernon Ave. Gletîcoe 251 ITISE I WE CAN USE ALL THE -- 1 heln we can zet £Zf -S' zxc. 68LTN43mtc PhneWlmette. 284)1. 7 1 ,,'XERMIA'r-1046 Gag<e St., Wlnnetkca ~XTRMNA - wlnnetka 1300 - Glencoe 1920 TRAINED NURSE WILL CARE FORl 'IXPER.- WHITE MAIDui mete387. Reasonable. Try us and ho satistled. chlldren at home durlng absence o General housework. No w,, ILTN17-tfc Vour frienda know us. 42LTN42-4tp parents by week or .month, also lirst ln family. $9 week. Ref. W ;TUCCO. OLD . lass housekeeper. Best refs. Phono lors. Basemments PAINTING-PAPERHANGING - CAL, Glencoe 1579. 68L43-ltp WIEGR IHEP Fineet, work- cimiing. Flrst clase work iizaranteed. ÇOLORED GIRL, WISHES -COOKiCNU ; an4 references, for gênerai hi Hlghla.nd Ave. Very reasonable pricos. Ander~son Bron. and first fiQor wo rk. A-il refs., Phono No.laundry. Call Wlnnetka P 16LTN2-4p hoo Wlmtte461. 42LTN40-4tbp Greenleaf 369», 6SL4à-ltpl f P. i * ing AND ýd in ail mont woi rsby, 171 n'ette33 'usewora. 7IL43-ltp - 1

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