"Sweet Music" will De presented March 13, 14, 15, l6, 17 (evenings only) in the National College of JEdu- cation theater at Evanston. -Sweet-, Music" is an original* mu- sical comedy with a cast of 125 men and women students, written and pro- duced entirely by Nortliwestern stur dents and alumni. It is. one 'of the ýoutstanding campusactivities, as well as a social bigh-light of the. collegi- ate.year.,.The annual Waa-Mu show is sponsored by the Women's Ath- letic association And the Men's union, from, which is« derived the name -Waa- Mu." Rollin B..Laughner, author of the show was a junior last year in, the 'chool of speech and wrote.last yeares W%,aa-Mu. *"Hats Off.". Virginia Cleaveland and Charles Southward of Kenilworth are- co- -bairmen of the Student board;- Zaida Hutchins and David Matthew, pro- duction managers, Margaret Paul and Bud Denman, promoQtion tmanagers; and Leota Bell Hall and Forrest Woods, business managers for - te production. Leads in the show will be taken by Libby Townsend of Wilmnette, Mary Jane Morrow, Marguerite Stokes, Mardin McBroom, John Nagel, 'Vic Stock Franz Gostisha, Peg Gurley, Ed Stack, Phil Slep, Warren Potter. Bill Bossart, the McGraw Twins, Lenore Felden, premfiere danseuse, and others. tesday, March 6. Creative Writing Group Hears Several Readings The Creativýe Writing class wbich meets on alternate Tuesday 'trnin in the 'Georgian .hotel in Evanstoni under the leadership of Prof. James Weber Linn met for the first time in the evening_ last, Sunday enertaining husbands and friends.at tea. A pro- gram of readingsfrom original, manu- scripts folloýwed.' The guest s were welcmedby-Mrs. Samuel Sackett and the readings announced by Mrs. Arthur Boettcher. Mrs. Kari Hale Dixon of Evanston, read a, short story written by Mrs. Lloyd Faxon of Winnetka. Rowena Bennett (Mrs., Kenneth Bennett of Ravinia). read a group of her'on poemns. Miss Leslie Canieron-of Ev- anston read one of her short stories. Mrs. IE4ward G. Trowbridge of Win- netka read a brief portion of her bi- ography of her father. Miss Mar- garet Walsh of Evanston read some humorous poems by Mrs. John Hill of Evanston. Mrs. Paul Heineke of Evanston read two short short stories by Mrs. Max Murdock of Winnetka. Kenneth Horan (Mrs. Francis P. Horan of Evanston read the first chapter of a mystery novel. The hast of the series of ten ineet-, v -o- Mrs. Nelly C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue, spent several days recently witb ber son, lieutenant C. C. Mit- chell , who is'stationed at Scott Field, Belleville, DLI, the army airport. 0o Mrs. Axel Lo nnquist, 620 Gregory avenue, is spending the winter in, Mi- ami, Fia. She will return'home about tbe first of April. 0 o Mr. and Mrs.* julius Fr.iediander and, son, William,; of 1621 Spencer avenue,- are in. Hollywood Beach, Fla., wbere tbey expect 1to spendaniother motnth. The P. Clinton Birds of 1701 Central avenue, are moving to 1720 Washington avenue-April 1. Opea Desiy at 1:30 Shows Comtinuous.t. I12 Midanight Today (Thurs., Mer. 1) Last Day John amwymoro Lest 2 Deys-Thurs., Fni. Charles Laughton in- Ais. MAitkoy Moue-ýpef"t Sore" Set. Mer. 3 Myra Ly-Mx er Jack Dempg«eyPrimo Carnure Odditr-certoon-Nows Ch pf. >9 -Trsn Mat. Ontlyl liii MiIUIISun M.o.., Also1 ducer and the manl who backs his show. Out of this relationship evolves a murder mystery which makes for nuclî of the interest. "Sweet Music" offers intimnate glimpses% into the busi- ness of producing a musical show, Mrs. William Atwater of Beatrice, Neb., is àrriving today to 'visit hier daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandt of 1530 Washington avenue. plained, The Rev. and Mrs. George D. Allison, 1029 Forest avenue, were over-night guests Sunday of hast week of President Floyd C. *Wilcox of the Frances Shimer junior college at Mt. Carroll, Ill., where Mr., Allison preached hast Sunday. -o0 Mrs. Richard 'Wolfe of 414 Essex road, Kenilworth, is confined to the bouse with the flu. -0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, 1100 Ramona-road, returned Sunday from a two weeks' motor Itnp to. Miami Beach, Fla. wïth Ruth. Ettiug David Meniers Gloria Stuart Also Miclçey Mouse in Hi* '-to.