Woman's Cathiolic club) of Wil- mette last Friday afternoon after club business and an- nouncements wvere transacted. The ,speaker with pleasanniness and sincerity in bis personality, scien- tifically and briefly commented upon "Race Improvement and the Lw"At a trne of depression when retrencli- ment 'becomes a gignifi.cant problem, the question of,-feebleminidednIiess and its curtailment. arises, lie declared.' With- 300,000 feebleminded, and. im- becilic.persons in the United States, the statistics lie gave, the means of its decreasing corne up for consider-. ation in a problem "which cornes pretty close to al of us." Ethica! and unethical means. can be used, lie re- marked. as he touched,' upon the question of sterilization, of segrega-1 tion, of thie. denial of the right to marry as possible solutions. Limita- lions and dangers and rights lie point- ed out ini dealing with the problem. As a teacber and a scientisi lie described causes of feeblemindedness, which, lie stated, "we will always have With. us to some extenit,",as it de- velops- ubrougli recessive character- istics. Tho0rough. investigation -of. its causes, .c areful selection of those traiàed .to enact w'hatever legislation is effecied, and thoughtful selection of mates so- the récessive characier- istics may flot be reproduced Were remedies for- race improvement lie s uggested. A cliarming finale to 'the afternool wvas the singing of eight. New 'Trier boys, with fine piano accomipainiment by their director, W\inniifred Mickey von Meding. It is arnazing how well thesýe boys sing! Not only excellence of ýtraining n inmusicianship re- suits in interpretation sucli as theirs.. With it they have, real sensitiveness to the shades of music moods. Their sin gin g is alive. They caught. spon- tane .ously1 the diffierence between sucli a German folk song as "Gute Naclit," "Deep River," "Poor Old Lazarus," and the spîrited "Mfaiclen Fair," a tW07pàrt serenade. general Iunds tor the club was urged by Mrs. George H. Beaudin, th ,ê president. Thîs cornmitîee is spon- soring a dessert bridge, with possibly a style show, on Mardi 17,' at the: ,Woman's club at 1 o'cdock. Nominations for Office, ofpresident. of *first vice-presiden t, of Sancîuary! chaimancivics chairmnan, and three directors will be made, ai the next club meeting Mardi 16,tlie chair an-. nounced. For'hhat programi Marie' Fischer Perkins wil! come to the club again,, this time with lier own cutting of '.Suni-Up," Mrs. Charte S A. Broad., prograrn chairman reported. Recognition of the birtliday of the, "Father, of -His iCounitry," was, in. the: serving of cherry tarts and coffee .from a tea table gay' with lovely, spring flower, and candli after the meet- mng. I. Colebrate Bfrfhdays George Coleman, son of Mr.. and Mrs. H. Rutledge Colernan' 21121 Chestnut avenue, who was' 7 years1 old last Sunday. and Jane Ruler,' daughter of the Orville V. Rulers, 237 Laurel avenue, who was 8 years old last Sunday, February 25, celebrated their birthdays at a joint partyý for seventeen little boys and girls last Saturday afternoon given at the Cole- man home. George is in the second grade ai the Hoiwar-d suhool. nd RADIO SERVICIE AND PIANO Tt>NINCR Cream of Fried Piliet of Club Steak Sai Lamb Chop Hm Lobster Salad C heese Omelel BakedMacaron Salsbury Stest Potted Lamb S Chieken and LA Asparagus Tipi Garrots and Pi Fresh Apple Pi Tapioce Puddin Liedel Chocolate Platachio Orange Coffee Whenever ye DINNER PF PREMIE] ]Rhe Hinmpaw kc u, iAp Chicken Elroth with Noodies or Tomato Juice Cocktail Sole, Tartar Sauce ............5 Lute Chepur..................... 66 lawaiian (i-Ib6c) (2)..........1 Qarni ................................ 55 te .......... .................. ý....5 ni end Ham- Au Gratin .................0 k Saute Smnothered with Onlons ......5ý0 Stew with String Beans........50 -ettuce Sandwich.................... ..W0 s, with Cheese Sauce and, Bacon. ý.......0 Cauliflower Polonaise Lyonnaise Potatoes 'iflot Mine Pi e rig Hawaiian Moon Pie brkranz, Camembert, or Iloquefort, ICE CREAM Maple Nut Vanlia Peppermint ICES Lime Raopberry Tea MI 'ou Plan a SPECIAL LUNCHEON or, IARTY, let VICTOR-EVANSTONOS PRE MAITRE D'HOTEL'ausist.yen. Avenue nt Davis Street Greenleaf 4100. This organization stili, sets a stand., ard of value through unmatched Diii CIeaninp, workmntship.- Indus. try leadership for 24 years plus, an, EDCEWATER BEACH HOTEL On Lake MWùhgan 5300 Moc-Shsi&u R@ad. Chisêlgo Phonie THENOTHSIIOESLARGEST CLEANER SHORES 1 THE NORTH