to Se. Seniors in "Now and Then" At tAheir regular, meeting, Tuesday' evening, March:6, the Juniors of the Woman'sý Catho.- lic Club. of Wilmette. wil be delightfully e in t e r t a i n ed b' members. of the Senior club Who are presenting "N ow and Thien." the clever ,comedy, by -M rs. 'Frank Thale. of Wilmette. The subtie.sketch depicts the se- vere contrast between the "grand-. mas" .Of "yesterday" and today. Members of the cast are as* follows:, Mrs.* Thomas Chambers, Mrs. A. J. Evers, Mrs. R. G. Flood, Mrs. W. L Georger, «Mrs. Horace Grignon,.Mirs, A.'R. Houle, Mrs. E. L KIoenig, Mrs. T. M. Mintz, Mrs. G. W. Mbore, Mrs. H. W. Prosser. ".Since this meeting will pertain to S t Patrick's day, and since keen bu- mor has always been associated with the Emerald isle," the juniors an- nounce, "it seems fitting that such a program be planned." There will be exhibit in the lounge of the Woman's club of ail the sew- jCatholic' Junior army of Red Cross workers. Another exhibit will be held in -April, at which time awards will be given for'the best quality,. of ;hy Marshall, house chairman, an - nounces that the hostesses for thé. evening will be the Misses Ruth Gen- ner, Betty Kirwan, Mary McGivern, and Jane Norman. The board of directors wI meet- Sunday, March 4,, after ten, o'ciock mass, at> St. Francis' School hall. Kappa Graduate cliapter of Phi Gamma Delta w111 hold its animal meeting at a Banquet luncheonl in the Walnut room of the.Hotel ýMorrison Saturday, Marçi 3, at 1:30. No res- ervations are ne cessary. Prtsent reports1 incicate a group .of. nearly two-hundred' "Phi Gams" will ýbe present. Homer Guck of the Chicago Hierald and Examiner Will be the 'principal speaker and Harry Swanson of the University of Chicago, the toast-' master. Photo by Koehne The lIoastmisiress for tihe annual banquet of alsrnsae of Gamtma Phi Beta is Mrs. Lewis B. Eiseling of Wilmette. Saturday, Marchý 3, *sý the' daY, 9:30 ~'lock ini the eer'e- Ding, the' hour, lthe dg'ae Beacha hote'l, the place. Mrs. Benjamin Gage, fonineriy of ..Vilmette, will give a garde n talk at the Minmette Congregationai church guild March 9, at 2 o'clock. ýMrs. Gage îlot only taiks, but sings, and she will tell of gardens in songs as weil as in. stories. S he is not a woman of theories the guild an- nounces,. but one of practice. She plants as weIl as plans gardens for herself and others. "If you want to know when and Kappa Graduate chapter boasts. a membership -of nearl y. one thousand men from Chicago and its suburbs of. which -a large portion are f rom the north shore subnrbs.r The chap- tAer was founded >at a banquet held February :27, 1892.' and h as enjoyed continuous existence- since . that time. The'charte~r nembership totalled six- ty men representing twenty-five chap- ters of the fraterniity; to-day the msembership of nearly one thousand "Phi Gams" represents sixty-one chapters from Maine to Washington and Minnesota to Alabama.. Weekly, luncheons have been heid continuous- ly without interruption for the past eighteen years, and the chapter is one of the largest and most active of ail the fraternity's seventy-five grad- -uate chapters besides being the ifth oidest. The Fraternitv of Phi Gam- Among the prominent then.xbers of the chapter expected at the annual Banquet luncheon are Federal Judge Evan A. Evans of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals; Judge Walter C. Lindley of the U. S. District Court; Mark A. Drown, vicepresident of the Harris Trust and Savings bank;.E. C. Wam.pler,.vice president of Lawrence Stern and company, and Louis E. Leverone, national treasurer of the fraternity and vice president of Stein Hall manufacturing comnpany. Announces Progrem.., for AnnuaI Banquet 'The annuital aluiniae banquet. of Ga'îiiiîa Phi Beta will be held Saturdav,, March -3 ,at -6:ý30 0o'clocka the E'dgeater hotel. *There are .seveni groups of Gaminaz Phi Beta alumnae in Chicago and its suburbs and they, join together eaàch year for.this gala occasion. Tt is usually held in June but wvas moved up just following mid-semes- ter..rushing this year so,,that the girls from the active chapter might attend. M rs. J. B. Ritt çnhouses'.829 Fox- dale avenue,ý Winnetka, is in'. charge .01f arrangements and bas planned -à. most interesting program. :I Mrs. Lewis B. Ermeling, 1305 Gretnwood avenue., Wilmette, will preside as toastmistress. She will introducc fthe following: Mrs. Be rry Gilbert, Miss Jessie Vawter, Miss.* Marguerite, Stokes, Mrs. Rex Gay anid Mrs9. C. Sherwood Baker, of Evanston; Mrs. Paul Borland, Chi- cago; Miss Hope Summers, WVil- mette; Miss Jane Morrow Oak Park and the Misses* Betty and Anita Eorch of Epsilon chapter, Northwestern campus and Mrs. Her- bert Scott Ray of Beverly His. The program in which those named .will participate wili take the forrn of a dramatic .history of Epsilon chapter. Among tlhis list are many persons of prominence on ihe:,north shore and elsewhere., Miss Marguerite Stokes is, 'faste gaining fame as. an actress of' note'. Mise Summers 18, widely. known a s a. reader. She is the dalughter of ýCongressman John Sumiers and e ach year makes 'a tour of the east filling reading en- gagemenlts. Mrs. C. Sherwood Baker is a well known soprano and the Misses Forch have won, wide recognition for their. clever tap r.; -;nC Sare to- be maide t Mn.. John W. Nuzum, 745 Mlichigan avenue, will entertain her bridge club- at luncheon, Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. -Herbert L. Lucas, 173 Fuller lane, Winnetka, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Higbee, both of Winnetka, entertained at a costume party on Saturday evening, Feh- ruary 24, at the Higbee home. Thir- teéen ouples were at thé affair. .vii i *. *uai suos JDML.A~ . t . . Weixel, violinist; Mrs. Ralph Hon- ween, Mns. William H. Hammond, Judge and Mrs. Daniel M. Mickey, and Miss Plorence Biesemeier, who 1523 Walnut street, entertainied in- will play as a trio. Mns. Paul W. formally Satunday in honon of their 'Stade. will play - a grouip- of piano forty-second wedding annivensary. solos.