Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Mar 1934, p. 38

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benter InnovationmntorLs The flôwern shov whIich iwil open -,on Navy pier April 7, wil mark the eighth anniv 1ersa rv o these 'exhibitions given by tht Gardeni Cliib of Illinois. in Çhi- cago. -The exhibition this yçai will. be notable:,for *the greal ainount of color and the tfinish of the whole. The general fioor plan has been made by Erke Blair, landscape. archit-eet, whc has conceived the idea of mak- ing this, sho-,%vone. vast unified garden, each detail depending upon the whole- for. its sticcess.. Upon entering the exhibit, the visitor Will find hinisef ini a large formai garden êontaining t.600 square fret of,îloor space. The ais les are sep- arâted by tail grecli screcens on hemlock and the, result is extremiely e ff ect ive.0,. .Forty-fiv-e gardens and, plantings wilI present con crete sugge stî;ins for actual -vork in the home garden. Flowers, trees, and shrubs nirM ally blooming outside have. been forced into bloom for this occasion. The garden clubs throughout the state have entered competitive classés, and the National Council of State Garden Club Fedérations is sending Mrs. Cyrus H. Vail from East Orange, N. J., to btild, a Garden center. This is a very special exibiit and has neyer before been seen in a mnid-western flower show. Other interesting and educational exhibits will betheë Terrarium garden* buait by Rockford Garden club and the Iriggarden of the Freeport Gar- den. club, beautifully designed and executed. by Mrs.. W. L. Karcher. Freeport is a center for fine and un- Usual Iris and many plants were 'put ianto greenhouses last fall to be forced for this exhibit. The State Nurserymen's associa- MIS. Riossell Flood anid, Mrs. T hojpIas 31. Millt--, at kiet>and righf re- spret1izvclv, ha-ve Paris ini 'Noi and lTheit," the original play of Mrs. Fra> k Thaiile wvhieh the JFomnan's Catholle club casi is giving for t/w Inniors Tues- <ai evenng, Ifarchm 6. .ius>gyand cleîeriy-ît offers contrast betzweei, a si.rv ea-pdgrandinother of the IVorId's Fair vear and Ioda y. Clubs Have Joint Gard'en Day March 14 Once a vear the \Vômian's, Club of 'ilmette and the \Vilnmette Gardefn club join hands for ail ail-day pro- grain, the latter organization suIpply- ing the miorning programn, its mem- bers becoming the guests of the for- mer for the afternoon program. This annual meeting will be on March 1.4. An illustrated lecture by Butler S. Sfurtevant commences the mnorning program with Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelnî -iving the noon hour talk on ,'Lanidscaping Home Ground'(s.." Luncheon at 1 divides the norhing. and aftemnoon program. At ý2 M~iss Isabel Cline of- Ken«l%%orth ivili sing a group of solos before Hikoji Yýana- gida gives an illustrated lecture on "japanese Homes and Gardenis." Womnan's Club Invites to Art Exhibit, Tea A new art exhibit wiil be introduced at the Wloman's Club of Wiliiette, this next month with paintings loaned by the Oak Park Art' asociation hung on the wva ls of the sniall auditorium for two weeks beginning March 4. The exhibit will be opened to club members and the public on, Sunday aftermoon, Match 4, f rom .3 until 6. Tea will bc served by the. art committee wbose inembers are hostesses for the after- noon, ýwith Mrs. Williami Ellis of Wil- mette and Mrs. [L. D. Taylor of E v- anston having' charge -of the tea table. Several of thé*,exhibititg artSts , ill he ýpresent. By a great rnajority, those at- tending the miost recentiiet- ing of the mnorning* lect ur.e class. spoiisored by the art depa.rt-. nient of, the Womnan's Club of Wilmette and. openh to the. pub- lëic.voted that the fiftan fnl talk of the art course wvould.bée <,"Modern Paintiing." It %vill be given Wednesday mi o r n i ng, ,March 7,>at 10:30 o'clock, by Miss Clara MacGoývaii, assist- ant professor of art at North-. west 'ern -univ.ersity, wvho has de-. livered, the entire series of art talks. Being herseif a mnodem iýpainter as ..welI as a.student of Fernand Lecgcr and André lYHote, both of whomn are farnous modern masters, Miss Mfac-. Gowan is .prepared to give a first hand .surve-y of this subject. She will indicate the -background out of whîch t:le- modern European painters dlevelopedl .and, will discuss the, outstanding per- Sonalities who constitutie the modcmI novement in painting, Following the last maniifestationsý of the Renaissance influence aid ccn- tered ini Paris ini the last part of the nineteentli century, the background of nmodern painting consisted for thce nhost part of the traditions of Ingres, D)avid, Delacroix, Corot, Cou rbet, Daumier, and Chardin of France, of Constable and Turner of England, and of the impressionists, Monet. :Pissaro, and others. Other Influ- ences that inspired the modemn grou1p of painters were the old Spanish art- ists, Velasquez, Goya, and. El Greco and the art of African natives whïich w-as being collected and serios.y :evaluated. about this tinie.. .The 'modern painters and- Itheir work that Miss MacGowan- will dis- cuss will include among others. Ce- zanne, the father of the modern movenient, Mat isse, Picasso, Braque, 0. cf M. Ssw for Missions St. Francis Household, Order of MJartba, will meet with Mrs. G. E. Pouts, 530 Greenleaf avenue, on Mon- day afternoon, March 5, at 1.-30 o'ciock to sew for the missions. the Parish È, under the au Home made are offered.ý PaulI George Bay- ulonu autractïng wmcme attention. H-e wili be Iward hbeard in "tan Europe Avoid War?" Win- at Shawnee country club, in Wilniette Mr8. Tuesday evening, Marc h 27, at 8:30 Mrs. o'clock, under the direction. of theý Mrs. North Shore branch' of, Chicago Junior scho. ewart , v. ýtiétit forýýtatt'g

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