JlieUnited btates pair appeairedini Chicago lait month on a nation-wide tour which took in. twenit% cities. VinesC won the series froin iBig Bill. eieven matches to niine.. Neither Cochet noir Pîaa have ever played in Chicago before, altbough the f ormer bas made several appearances in the ]East 'as a member of the Frenich Davis- cup tearn. Elaine Rteml 335 Ridge road, Kenilworth, celebrated ber thirteenth., jbirthday last Saturday witb a luncheon for ten f riends. Tbev afterwards..weit, to a movie. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Christ Jesus" will be the ubject at the services in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in WiIznette Sunday ntorning, March 4, beld in the cdifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 ocok I VEwNETIAN BLINOS. 4$cpe qamfot mstld Phone. Wle 557 01 Priscilla Hlawley, 15 Warwick road, Kenilworth 18 flow attending Kemper Hall at Kenosha, Wis. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ï1/alter A. Roopiey of .57 Crescent drive, Gleiicoc, api attorney zvith offices at' 100 [V.!itonroe SI reèt, Chiciigo, lias annoiinced his candi- dayoiete Dem.-ocratic ticket in tlhe .pril Prim.ary. eleci ion, for c'oîitv éoe)ieiissione.r for the ceuti- 1try, tou-ps oîttesidie the city of Chi-. cagb., lie is bren reguiarly eni- dosdand> reconnended by the (lentocrafic opga iton. Mr. Ruooney is a native loi Chicagof-. He received his earlyv education at St.1 Bridget's Parochial school ini Chicag~o H- eier attended the - ýouth bide acan- eniy ini Chicago for twovo ears, andà, thiereaiter,. in 1902. entered the Unii-. versity of Chicago, xwbere be attended for fi'eveareàs. two *years of, literary wotrk and threc years of law.. He com- pleted his Iaw course atý the university in 1907 and wvas thereaftir adînitted to the bar ,and has been :In the- general practice of law since that time, over a, period of about 26 years. While at the University of Chicago, avenue and Sheridan road., Wilmette. at 3 :30 o'clock. Albert Windust of Chicago is to be thé speaker. Phyllis Bos1ey, 528 Warwick road. Kenlworth, was home fromi the Uni- versitylof Illnois recen1tlly to spend the, week-enld with 1ber parents. The D9Vew DEAU VILLEl A merica's Bteautitul $2MOO Re.çort at -. ~ AND CABANAS MiAMI BEACH CHICAGO, AND cooK COUUTY TAX WARRANTS Be Nm& La .9 et àww:m FLORIDA -1 1 m