l Il1 1 1 papers. I TRAVEL back sud forth gto work on trains thst do. not bumap'or jerk. MI bean wiil ne*er go to nebecaueI have a chance ,to readmàd keep myseif right Up to sauft; riding the Uine that ia flot rough. When G.rmÏany is on.the spot, and thingu la Rusia aint so hot, Pm thei guy that knows about à- Ride North Western if you doubt it! L TIOMSQN, Pussenger Truc Manage GUaO NORTH VWESTERN RY9 Patrornze Our A dvertisers supervisors iromn ail sections vi the United States on April Il in Chicago. The program to be presented by the chorus is being sponsored by the Ini- and-About-Chicago Supervisors' club. R. Lee Osburn of the music depart- ment at Proviso Township High school,. Maywood, will cônduct 'the chorus. The NewTrier singers have been rehearsing at the highý school .during the week, andon week-ends go to the, Evanston, Township, High school, .to rehearse with à,aiager-gr oup from. various highý schools àlong the north shore. Those in the'New.Trier group .are: Girls Bet Rosen, Jean Anti Moulding, Virginia Buchanan, Carol Letts, Helena Mickey, Virginia Nor- man, Selma Behrens, Phoebe Wil- liams, Catherine Stevenson, tile Munster and Barbara Smith. Boys -Harçld Ray, Frank Stan- nard,. Paul Emrich,. Bill Smith George Fager, Fred Hicks, Bob Hen- .derson,, Lestie Waldo, James Nlitchll and Robert Vernon. Elevate Sports to Curriculum IHonors New Trier's sports administration class is unique amnong high schools throughout the country.. In addition to teaching boys rules of athletic con- tests in various sports, rnethods andi technique of officîating and the duties of athletic, managers. the ceIsa~ 1isohasc visor room nus a rvjpresentative o the council, which meets once each week with Supt. M. P. Gaff ney. The four classes also have elected their representatives on 'the inner. councilI. There are two girls and two. boys from each of the two upper classes op' this inner couincil and one girl and one boy from each of the lower classes.. Freshmen, sophomores. ju- niiors and seniors elected their rep- resentives on the inner counicil f rom the.memnbership.of the larger councll. The ilier couincil also meets once, each week :with Mr. Gaffney. Its members are: F.rnestEstes, Foster Gilgis, Brenna Hawley -and Mildred, Waugh, seniors;- Jame!s Donovan, Dave Miller, Anna- marie. Booz and Eleanor Wýilliams, juniors; Bill Snyder and Beth Bryý- son,. sophiomores, and Arend, Knoop and Jean. O'Brien, freshmen, The larger student council. group is composed. of the follovving stu- denIé,rsýMaýtn Bridges, Jack BEyrne, John Conrad, Jlm. tonahue, >Er~nest Etes, Foster Gilgis, Richard Hall. Robert Hallquist, Joe Harrison, David Jasper, Stanley .Knight, Bartlett Price, Mary Jane Eider, Virginia Fiannery, Brenna Halwley, Kathlyn Holway, Carol hlooker, Bee :Levirison, Ruth Pavlicek, Jacqueline Preston, Dorothy, Raggio, Betty Taylor, Mildred Waugh and Ruth Williams. Juniors-Paul Baker. Robert Cordel11, James Donovan, Donald Frankel, Frank Har<lln, Alan Henrekson, Dave Miller, Reinard Nanzig, Ted Oison, Arthur, White, Frances lluthardt, Annamiarie Booz, Virginia Green, Claire Elien NI,, Ethel Steingraber, Eleanor Williams, Lois Wolfe andi t l Vs..ne~- 4b There are many people, both men atnd women, who are flot getting the most ont- of lafe because they are ,seedlesslyý bur- dened by fat. Manyare, makiàg themselves more miserable by the use of patent' medicinies,, nearvation diets and other im- practical "cures." If you are oite then tAis message is ot vital building firm mutcles. We cato take any normal, overweight mani or woman and iay ont a physical course which, will reduce. them and ,theyl -enjoy kit 1If such people WiIl put» themselves -in Our care. in juat a littie while they wiII d r o p unnecessary pounds and be keatisier. and and wno conducts the sports administra- tiont class, states that so far as he knows there is no oéther high school offering this work as a part of its reg- ular curriculum. Foster Participation The tendency at present is f&or people té become spectators rather than par- ticipants in various forms of exer cise, Mr. Showley states, and an effort is being nmade to change this situation,, The sports administration course is .nocK, iiii ,iyae, iVietyjane BroUwn- ing, Beth Bryson, Mary Jane Fariey, Frances Rager, Mary. Lee Neeves, Jean Pettibone, Vera Schapiro, Catherine Stevenson and Annette Williamis. Freshmen- William 'Bonner, Jack Byrum, George Clàbaugh, Albert Dick- erson, Ted Huit, Irving Jackson, Arend Knoop, Jack, Randaîl, Robert, Steffens, Edna Baughmnan, Ruth Ellen ,Bull, M ary Elyn ,Cleary; EdIth Giliett, Ellen Jones, Geraldine Kenipnicki, Doris May- hercy, Jean O'Brien and Jane Wh--éeind*. 1700 Central Street, Evanston Iinoleta 418 Greenleaf 370 of Mr. and Mrs. James Battie. Creek, Mich. wedding. Mfr. and Mrs. Charles Driver, 423 Abbotsford road, ICenilworth, enter- tained thirty.-two guestsa ai a ýbridge ditner Saturday, February 17.