party and pageant, tô be presented by the children in, the Religions school. The regular Sunday morning service will, be held at Il o'clock as usual with Rabbi Charles E. Shul-. man officiating. The Feast of, Purim or Lots, which fails this year on March 1 (corres- ponding to the 14th of.,Adar of the Hebrew, calendar),1 is described asa jo-Vous festiýval' of the Jews, cele- brated by them ini commemoration of their auspicious' deliverance froin imimi nent destruction, as. narrated with fine drama tic powver in the, Book of E sther. 1The.Purim story takes one back for its setting -to ancierit Persia. flamn,n 1prime minister of the realm and parn- pered -.favorite of the ýkinig, feit hlm- self especially affronted because the Jew, M.Nordecai, alone of those at the palace gate. had refused hirm humage. Hanian then came to cherish flot ony a rankling resenrtmeflt against the one 1Jew wbo had ûrossed hlmn, but also a passionate aninosity againe;t ail the Jêws in Persia. Ini order to aeeonmpllh their ruin hit ,oniplatfled of thei, to 'the king. Har- ply the appeal to race and religious prejudice did flot, ini this instance ai least ' iead to outright miassacre of the Jews.1 The brave intercession of Queen Esthelh, i er elevation to the thro!ne did not fogetlher people, Saved the Jews froni', the cruel fate which threatened theti. The archplotter,Ha inan, ivâme to an ignoinnous end. And Mordeeai, !il recognition of the publicý erielic had. rendere-d was givenj high office. To celebrale the. alp put<onie, the festival of Purini wasj intiutd~as an annual day of rejoié 1 ing, a day. of sending of gifts top frlends and renienibering the pour. Naturally enough Purini camie to, have,a strong popular appeal to th( Jew during the later centuries of per- 'seutin.The story of deliveramce .whieh Purini told spelt a mnessage <of: hope and courage for those undergoi sûr( oppression. And the nîerry feý.- tivities. with wbich the holiday was- velelrated brought 1brightness a îad cheer into the glooni of the G.hettoF. The espilit of Purini was, throughout,; miore. social than religioùs.. Its o<,k serva ne in the synagogue is liiWtd to the rc-ýading of the Book of! Esthei! fropni the tr-aditional is( roli., Iii* ano1 db'utside of 1the home, nmaMsqeracles. iayand other eëttertiilient,, nîakt Gardeners to Meet at §~ f4ecia1 cJeII;ng i &7PUICE SET G ORIHý.A-M STERLING SLE $28925 12 Teaspoonsf, heavy . 6 Tabispoons 12 Soup Spoons. 12 Bouillon Spoons 12 Cof.. Spoons. 12 Orange Spoons 12 Dessert Forks . 12 Dinner Forks. 12 c. Creqm Forks 12 Qyster Forks. 11 Sotad Forks. 12 Dessert Krives.. 12 Dinner Knivs 12 Butter Spreaders 1 Corving Set 5 pieces $1 4.00 21.00 14.00, 8.50 17.00 21-00 31.50 17.00 11.50 18.50 26.00 28.50 I4.00 31.00 289.25 ai, C/ à> ADDITIONAL PuECES fo 12 Dessert Spoons 12 lced Tea Spoons 12 Fish Forks 12 Fish Knives 12 Fruit Knives .$21.00 18.00 *..16.50 *42.00 *..22.00. * pieces )$.50 0o Mrs. A. M. Forkner and Miss Gladys 1Forkner of Chicago are staying in th1e home of Mrs. John O'Connor at 149 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth,, whîle, Mrs. O'Coninorf is in Miami, Fia. 1636 ORRINGTON AVENUE 19