SoA Sheers, Sturdy Lightweight WcoIl And Interesting New SiIk Crepes Fashion donned her Most imaginative thitnking cap, and lol we find :the most versatile, the. most flatterina.d h mosf. diversified group of frocks for moly seasons past. ýie There are the SPOnsored navy blueas and blacks, of course . ,.. but in addi- fion we ft.nd ricit browrst and other Spring colors, somnetimos with the ubi- quitous lingerie touck, again wth a. contrastinq taffeta plaid or prin.r* There are one and two-piece frocks, muind w. repeat again,.'Necklines mat- ter a loti", Apparel Shop-Second Floor $298 Thiey are both envelope and pouch ty.pesj to b. sure, but strn.mtline in feeling. Patent, caif and smooth leathers in and colors with f a s c i nating ::wtfrims and *~ .~:The Dfi.hing N*W' AtR I ýlSavings (cpe fe oeDsct _black, bieadbrow. o f sthny c.teaI .. Acceaspies-& re;FIeor Milinerg $alon-Second Floor BOLD ANS I On Davis Street STORE "OURS.. 9 A.. M. TO a P. M.,--SATURqDpàaYSTO) P. M. WImf.10