Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Mar 1934, p. 17

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placeimeura c IIUV~UAUA age iasiyi ... rie urday nigbt by whipping Evanston, 27 the third quarter Klini, NewTre to 26. at the Leslie F. Gates gymnasi- guard, 'went out of the ganie the saine uni, Winnetka. New Trier's victory way. ..11 periîed Evanston's chances of winning a Trimmed by DeeIed cleàr titie* to the league chatnpionship, Led by Huhn, forward, wbo seored aditheetthtIastnlssthirteen points, the. Deerfield lights to, Ieerfield in'its final, game Friday whipped N ew Trier, 31 to. 18. The, New nligit. of this .week New Trier would Trier boys, who beat- Deerfield on the tie for. the championsbiP. latter's . floor, neyer1 made a serious. This situation is brought about by threat in the returni gaine. Deerfieid led thé fact. that ail. other teams in thie 5 to 3 at thffe end' of the first. quarter, league> except Evanston and New Trier 14 to. 7 at the haîf anid 23 to, 12 at have lost. four gaines. Evanstoni was 1the end of the third quarter. def eated once by Oak. Park, and once. Saturday night of this week thé 1New by New Trier. New Trier lost a one Trier heavies and lights «play. Lake point, décision to Evanston at. Evans- Forest acadeniy in retuirn gaines at the ton in. an* overtimùe game, dropped an- 1 Leslie F. .. Gates -gymnasinin iii Win- other overtime battit to Proiviso and! netka. The heavies iost. and the lights was defeated in itsrt gaine with Deer- w ~on at Lake Forest a f ew weeks ago..I field at Highland Park. Tht New Trier i While _the heavies and iights are boysi finisheci the league season %%ith1 busv winding upi their season, the New five victories, and thiree defeats. Trier freshtr.an-sophoinore teami is "sit- stage Trhrifling Raly timg on top of the worid." By winning froin, Evanston iast Frida yafternoon, In winning f rom Evanston by on 30 to 23, tht frosh-soph boys copped point last Saturday, the .New. Trierth urbn.leecamisip heavies avenged the one-point defeat.1tht Subu rban laguee amponship. handed theni by Evanston at ILvanston I Thv oeWet tr'g h .esnw a mnonth ago.- After E vanston liad led tliroughout rnost of tht garne last week, Ne%, Trierstaged a fourth quarter rallyGo dya dP o t tlînsohtactae 10 to 5 at the Capture WVestern end of tht first quarter,'15 to 10 at the igP n ii hialf and 21 to 16 as the third quarter closed. Voights, Evanston guard, had William Condy of Wiimette and in1ade fifteen points up to this point, Carltqn Prouty of Wînnetka again sinking ihve field goals and the saine demonstrated that they are practicaliy iihv)r oi f ree rhrows. unbeatabît as a ping-pong . doubles But thte last quarter was different. teani, when they won tht men's Voights was held to a single point on doubles titie in the Western Ping- a f re. throw, and the New Trier boys Pong tournanient at St. Louis last mnade just enough points to eke out a week-end. They defeated Leonard victory. jac-k Sinding, forward, drop- Radunsky and Norman Schwartz of ,pin two field goal 1s. Bud Thackery, St. Louis in the finals, 21-17, 21-17, pored mae fe tro. 5-1and 21-8. forwrdmad a retthr~v.Scott' fhe men's singles championship Dai ,and Bucklin each counted . ws o b imyMClr o n fied gal an tht as ht aI gae.dianapolis, 17-year-old Indiana and * Siuding Leads Scorers Ohio table tennis champion and the Sinding led ýthe scOring for New isensation! of the national ping-pong Trier' with nine points. "».uke" Scottp teai matches held ini Chicago re- center, -was close behind him with eight cently. Çpoift4. Ii the finals McClure won froin Scott and Sinding have been tht Robert Ratcliffe of Evanston, 21-10,1 principal scoring threats for New Trier 21-16, 17-21 and 21-15. Ht defeated this season, and to date Scott has scored Carlton Prouty in the semi-finais, 101 points and Siinding 88. Scott's total L)-24, 21-19, 20-22, 2141 and 21-9. 15c ROUND OR Siricin Steaklb1c CLUB OR PORTERNOUSE SEK.L.23e LEGI0F LAMBS .Le. 19C ARMOUR'S MELROSE WHOLE OR SKINNFD HAMS HLFLBe. 12AC FRE9N BEE TENDERLOIN e La. 27C HADDOCK FILLErs. 2 LBS. 27cý IAGED AMERICAN Cheese lb, 17c THANK YOU BRANID 2 12-oz. botties .......25c, 28-oz. bottle 20e (Plus boue deposit) Swan$ Down, Cake Flour 23/-1b. pkg ........... 4.23e Nucoa Oleomargarine...2 lbs..19c Rajah Salad Dressing . pt. jar 13c Rajah Sandwich Spreaçl. . 1/ pt. 1u Jona Coeoa ...........1lb. pkg. Bc- Homehike Cookies, ..... 2 doz. 15e whipped theni the previous Wednesday, -o *31 to 18. Mr. and Mrs. joseph J. BudIong Cailing fouis appeared to be a hobby 413 Central avenue, left last week b) of the officiais in the Evanston gaine. motor for Miami, Fia., returning tc A. total ýof 39 fouis were called on the Wîlmette about AprilI1. i

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