isriarcliff wi spend ber sprmng vaca- tion with them. CE NTRAL" HALF SOLES ..$1 9*e Cl/onde//iver 7ree 1128 CENTRAL. AVE L5361 1207 WASHiNToNA^VE. oriL.$242 Husband," in which he had the juve- nille Iead. Before entering Purdue Mr. Glea- son attended Wabash college at Crawfordsville, Ind., for two years. There -h'e bad rolçs in two plaý's. Hie is a mtember* of Phi Gamma, Delta fraternîtyV. Mr. Gleason was graduated fromi New Trier, High school, where he was active in dramatics. CON VALESCING James McKinley Shedden, son of the James W. .Sheddeils, 1215 Chest- nut avenue, wvho bas been seriously ili With an infection, Js nôw con- valescing, and it, is hoped that lie 'vll return. soon. to this' studies ini the1 fourth.grade at the Stolp schiool. Doris Tans 111, daughter of týheRob- ert W. Tansilîs, 602 Lake aienue, is spending a tnonth with beraunt, Mrs. Robert H. Smith of Pasadena, Cal. Mrs, John Maloney, 1518, Walnut avenue, is convalescing from the flu. dish monologue. Gene Kalley playeul two piano selections, and Herbert Kusmertz sang three popular songs. Fan*cy dancing numbers and jigs were presented ly fourteen pupils.from thle, Betty Jones School of dancing. Hostesses, for, the .evening .were Mrs. Donald Hartness, Mrs. August Seyller, Mrs.. Myrie Hasselberg, and M4rs. John Brown. The Parent - T eacher association wiÎhes to thank ail the: mernbers of the organization and the. Ridge. road merchants who so'kindly gave 'th.eir time and donations to inake. this af air. a success. Ilrs. M. A. Bell and daughter, Nancy, of Oshkosh, Wis..* ieft. Wed- nesday of last week after a visit of ten'days with the formner's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. .Moritt of 226 Warwick. road, Kenilworth. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Ninth street, entertained club at dinner SaturdaY. Dierks, 1231 thei.r bridge sch ool this year, anld other members of the faculty have spent several' weeks ini preparing the staging of the play, whicb, they promise wil1 inspire and entertain thé audience. Trhe Mallinckrodt Glee club, -under. the 'direction of Prof. O'tto A. Sinen- berger of Milwaukee will also be heard. Miss DorotlLudden of Qlënview, soprano,' wfllpresent masterpieces of sacred song.' She, is a graduate -of Týhe Mallitickrà:dt. SON NS BORN Mr. and Mis. John., Nuveen, j r., 520 Warwick road, Kenilworth, an-, nounce the birth of a son, Johni, at the.Fvanston bospital on Xednes- day, February 21. They have tWo littie.girls, Margaret and Anne Ridg- lway Nuveen.: Mrs. James L. Palmer) 105- Dupee place, -and ber. sister, Miss Winifred Woodford, were hostesses at a George Washington luncheon and bridge party for twelve last Thursday at Mrs. Palmer's home. Paste:urid anmd -FRESI! STATE LICFNSED MILK AND CRNAM TESTE NO. 6016- TELEPHONE VILLA PARK 2162 KOLLER AND KOLLER> I[NCOILPoBATE» LABORATORY, 249 SOUTH VuWLA AVENULE, VIL A1,IUNS M: . Ass'ocla; . -l cf eaR- 'r U*- C AIWVD. PUILn'J Mt: Huit . KOLLE, B. SC, miAs j.LINANE, LL. B. w, M. D PRICE LIST .atuie I l Quart 13e. Haif Galon Pasteurized Coffee Creani (200% Bultterfat).* 24%Ruterat. .0eQuart ...25c gai. 1... '25c qt. Pasteuri2'ed Whipping Cream (36% Butt erfat)...40c qt, SPECIA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .. . .. . . ....2 lbs. for 25e ,CHEESE........ per lb. 19C ic cr -CUt U and crem lu of the. aost ns are inup.eed and test.d by etate boardu ates of Wimooasi snd, Illinois. "'Wisconsin 1602 Shenrdan Road Producta" No Man's Land I PURE A PHONE, WILMETTE 5SM, LUW