Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 49

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f PLEASANT, ýSUNNY FRONT 1; OO-M in 'private home. Eýast side, centrally lmcated. ai transportation. Rea.son - able. Phione Wilmette, 965-M. 82LTN42-Itî *NÎCELY FURNISH-EJ) RMN. IN Side horbe. Close to transpor Garage optionai. Phone Wilmetti - -I 725 Eu FOR RENT-FURN'IsHED APTS. .2 ROOMNS AN!)- KITCHENETrTE. Ho-r water heat, gas and hot water ln- cluded. Near tranqi.. Reaçsonable rent. Phone Wilmnette 3082. 93LTrN42-ltp __FOR_ -RENT-HiouszS__ EAST KENILWORTH S P A CI OU 5* VERY ATTRACTIVE, brick residence, fin)enighborhood. near lake. perfectcondition. 7 bedrnisq., 4 baths., 2-car garage.. $225. 1EAST .WINNETKA BRICK CO0LONXI AL., WELL CON- s tructéd,,close to lake and schools, library. breakfast ;nook, 6 bedrnîs., 4 XICGUIRE & ORR' < p. <~*iI~>rIîStation Keffi. L228 97LTN42-11* MARVELOUS fs THIE ONLY WORD TO EXPRESS this exceptional home now availablie for rentai. Less than 5 yoars old. Large living room, panelied library, breakfast rôooi. overiooklng formai garden. 6 bcd- rornaiso 3rd floor ping pong room. .pacious grounds. Ia one of the choicest Nrth Shr, locations. RentRi $250. QUI NLAN & TY SON, Inc. 15ý71 Slhe1-11ai A Uni. 2600 ________________!_7___'~7N42-1 te 5 rm bungalow, 1 pch., 1-car gar $4 4 rm. uique house, near "L"......50 5 fln. brk. bung., near Ho&wa.rd schl. à50 8 rrn. hou,". east, near traisp ........7-é0 .5 nm attr. hrk. bung., oil it.... ....ï-) 6 rm. Spaniqh, near "LI." gas. ht.. 80 OTHERS UP TO $250 Eddinigton & Allen, Inc. n1 Lindf-n i t Wil. 407-40S 97LTN42-ltp) FRENCH COLONIAL 4 BEDROOMIS. HMATED SLEEPING-4 1poreh, *3 bathes,. oil ht., oit hot wàter heter.. -ar, att. garag9e. $125., Other furnished anld unfurnisbed bouses $0up. ANN MORE LAND .;i*;:! Ve-rnon Avenue OGlencoe 205 !97LTN42-Ite !j rnis. brick, strictIy mod., ea.st $135 hs- . NV-H- 2 t,. st 7 cnession, for dec-oratlng. Immediate rentai $55. WINNETKA Northwcst section, semi-private street, near school. 7 rnis., 3 porchies, large lot. Aprhl or 'May. $100. 11 - LENCOE South Green Bay 'Road. Fine bick. Co lonial, . rae-tically new, 8 rns., 3 tile bathsl, lut 100xý200. May lst or sootier. $17e. SHORE-TOWNS REA LTY CORPORATION 1614 Shermian Ave'. Greenleaf 2700 '7T42-1 Our Glencoe Office Offers GjLeN'COE-1 ' story Il%,. rai., 4 bed- *1 rnis., -2 col. tile battis, brkf.4t. nm., full [tue kitehen, ohl H. W. ht., 2-car att. gar. Deep ravine lot. Very fine for ...$125 HUBBARD WOODS - Brick, boîuse, ý4 bednms., 2 baths, toi, -lav. on lat,, oi Mt. Corne a.nd see for.............' " '$90 GLENCOE-Stucco. siate' roof, '5 bed- rrns., 3- baths, sun .,. slpg., pcbh.. library................$1 25 Many others for rent and sale. OPEN ALI. DAY SNA THE BILLS REALTY, mnc. 71N Vernon Ave., Glen-oe%, flen. 7-77 WEST .A$H m- i. Coloniali, 4 bed- ri.:ilntl. oal lit., 1-car gar. $100. Near OREELEY SCHOOL - Stucco. 10 msis. 6 bednmiis., 3 baths, oil ht., 3-.uî. 1a. 125. NÇea r HUBBARD WOODS SOHOOL. .Stucco, 9 rms., 6 bedrms., 3 baths, ohl lit., 2-car- gar. $150. \W"EST HUBBARD WOODS - Larg,- griîd.Modern brick, 6 bdm. htw iilit.. 2-var gar. $250. J. L. FLOYD CO. IVS44 dl'tik t ti-S. at Ash) 4 nta 50 .97LTN42-1 te .10 rms., 3 bs, H. W. lI., ohl, 2 c. g. $150 8 rrns., Z bs., H. W. H.,' 1 c. g. . 13.) 7 rnis., 2 bs,, H. W. H., ohl, 2 c. g..- 100 7 rnis., 2 bs., H. W. iH., 2 c, g.,..._ 75 7 rrns., 2 bs., H. W. H., oil, 1 c. g.. 65 7 rms., 1 b., H. W. H., 2 C. g. ..... 60 7 ras., l b., H. A. H., 2 c. g. 55ý Other good, valuies,, furnishied and un- B:. H. BARNETT. 32s1<'~~IterSt.Witanletka 6 9.1,42-ltp 4 RIL HOME, EAST. KENI1LWORTH, 5'bedrnis.. 2 baths,. ex. Iav.,. sun i-n. Beautiful grounids. H. W. ht.-.oil or ca.3-car gtrage, with quarters above. Near selîools and transp. Rentai $150. I niiiied~i'. tP possSession. SMIART & GL ,I nc. 1Shi,îrmîan Aveý. tl:i. 0283. 1316 p - - lGen. 13 97LT1442-lte 6 rins., brk., ne. trasp and soble.. .U5 7 rins., 4 bednnis, 1ib, good Ioe...;75 7 rins., 2% hb., coal ht, i1cg.0 7 rnis., a2% iii., ......125. BAI RD & WARNER, hIc. M23PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE *f-enilworth 5566 ýKenlworth 4785 (llencoe* 1554 Briargato 18655 97LTN42-ltc WHITE COLONIAL EXCELLEINT COND)ITION. 4 BED- rnis., 2i baths, and ex. lav. adj. mald'a Tn. H. W. oitl t., att. garage, screenèd porch. 1 or 2. years at $110. .SMITH &. GOS Exe. Agents 725 Elm St. Phone. WIfn. 3500 97LTN42ltc RETASWORTÉ ATTENTION iCniwrt nd South Wnnetka-7 rm., 4 bedrn., 3.bath homes. Garages at 011 lit. Close to transp. and sehools. E. E.ý STULTS RPEALTY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 97LTN42-Itc CITAfMING DtITCk COLONIAL, 6 roonis. 1 bath. lav.. 1-car gar. $75. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard Wlnnetka. 122-3722 746 Elm St. 97LTN42-ltë À-!TTR. BRICK HOUSE. 4 BEDRMSý. 2 baths. extra lav., breakfast nia. 01 heat, Attd. gar. Sale price $19000, r-entai $105. Mrs. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 97LTN42-Itp 13EAUTIFUL W HFI1 T E COLO.NIAL near' lake, schools, transp. 5 bedrms1, 3 baths, ohl, 3 porches,, 2-car gai'ag#Z Heinsen Realty Co. Winnetka 254. 97LTN42-ltp 5 tOOM flOUSE $85 HOT WATER IIEAT, GARAGE C. HM BRETHOLD WILMETTE 86 97LTN42-ltp WANTED To mENT-b#OUSES UE HAVE CLIENTS DESIRING TO RENT MODERX houses, prefermbIy >wlth, 2 or 3 bathe, .in the. North Shore sÉuburbe. Referenoes carefully linvesitgated.' List your prob- erty wit h ùs for responsible tenants. .,0 Ye.trm or, Depéndable Service QUINlýAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 26000 99LTN42-te kanid 6 rooîns, refrfr. ièil Bldg. 819 Chestnut :a 7650?o Wirnnctka 1592. 92LTN42-1 tp To Place Classi ied (Ask for AduTaker) A dvertising Phone WILMETTE 4300 le ,atw. "h St., P>hone Winnetka 3682. 7ILTàN42-1-ltc HELP.W ^ML. NU FEMALE DOMESTIC HEIP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED eoCharge to Emeployer. Lindigren EmPl. Agency Establilsed 25.years 199 Elrn st. Winn. 104o BURNS S EL EC TIV E SERVICE TO E.%1- ployer, specializing lu placiiig coupJle - ami chauffeurs.,References ..thoroughly investlgated. P.hone Buckingham 7461,. 3407 Broadway, Chicago. 73LTN42-4tp COUPLES WÂNTED AT ONCE WAGES $75 TO $125 MO. PAULINES EMP. AGENCY 421 FOURTH ST. WILMETTE 2171-2172 73LTN42-l .- FOR S ALE-AUTOS SPORT COUPE 1 o 'HEVtROLET. INUST SEL.1-1191. RIn.son, Uni. 5692. fîrom 7 to 8 P. Nt. 7ÎLTX4-l' ;30 FORD'COUP9 GOOD TIRES, EX- cellent'running condition. Very rea - sona bic. Phone Wilmette 569 aftner 6 :00 P. M.77LTN40-tfp * 1429 FORD CO U PE, EXCELLENT' running condition. Price very reason- able. Phone evenings. Wilmette 2541. * BUICK, MASTER 6 COACH, GOOD condition, new tires, new batterY. $100 cash. A bargain. Ph., Wil. 676 77LT'IN42Itp FOR RENT-IlOOMS NJCELY F'URN. ROOMS. 2 BLKS. from N. S. and- N. W. stationis. Very reasonable. Al-so garage. $3 per month. 6!>9 L-ark Ave. Phone Wilmette 2.145. X2T42-1 te . fr-ce., Ct. Tel. mette 192.

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