Nom iiner's the fathcr of Springtirne And Sus ner's her m~a, I suppose, But the child mnost resembles her.daddy, And mur&h of his nmeanness she shows. Slijl, blizzards in Springtime are fewer,§ The wind's not so bitingly cul The stdn's rays shine dotwna bit . rnier, Anid we dont't ipend, ALL, for fuell¶ f So hey! for theSpringtirne approaches! I-e y, hey!1 for the' wild geése awing!1 4d hey! for the coul bin-near e»Ipty- Stili . . il's oilly four îvet ks titi Spriiig! t *Aecoiding to the caiendar. §Conrpai'ativeiy. ¶ We had no-arly enough lef t this inonth to pay !he Publie Service bill! tMaybei- ts tr-ue-eee . -Delta. GOD SAVjE THE KING'S *'HENGLISH" Forgive us, but we've become an ~addkct of deformed spelling after try- * ing to record the following outburst:, An East Londoner was, reprimanded for referring to bis employer, Mr. * Harrison, as.,"Mr. 'Arrison." A care-- fut. worker and also a gentlemnan, the East Londoneir, nevertheless 'couldn't refrain frQm exploding, If an haitch an d an hay and two bars, à Ihi and 'hess, a -ho and a hen don't 'make 'Arrison, Hid Iike to know. ýwhat doeslT, us~ o'f Failing to hold a 13 to 1l lead ai» the haif, thie Christian Endeavor teanm 1 r. and i rs. John P. Olesoliiand watcbed the "auni.i, led 4Ny their Barbara,' 240 Woodstock road, ',en' captain, Ed. Hill, .drop in baskets f romilwortli leave this week for their ail angles in the Iast baîf. Hill wa, yearlv vacation ini Sarasota. Fia.. the individual star of. the game, He wh1ere tbey have a wint'er hione. sank seven field goals and one fre throwfor a total of fifteen points. Ms a A. Colvini" and lher:daughi- John 'Bartholomew, Jr, captain and ter, Priscilla, 116 'Robsart road, Ieft center of.- the Christian Endeavor Kenilworth the first of the week. teami, scored seven points on 'three driving to Miami Beach, wvhere they field goals and a free throw. His. wilî probably remaini six 'weeksr. tram-niate, -Dick Torreyý, forward, made six points on two field goals and two free throws. James Chambers, Jr., played thée other forward poi- tion for the Christian Endeavor team, and- Paul Emerich1 and Dudley ,RSITy Veneklasen were the guards. Ted' Teadle, John Campbell and ' Fred EVNSTN-EOKE 1S . Paver. were substitutes. Pluilip> Os-' borne, a guard, idiose right- foot -%as inj ured in the game with Deertield Oe al t13 a week earlier, was utible to play last SosCntn..te- 12Midut. Satuirday. The lineup for the, "alumtni" in- Thur. (Today), Feb. 22 chuded. besides Captain F4 Hill at h forward, Jim Weld,' forward, James SPe W W" eO6e* UIIth&]O Doose, center, and Martin Herberbolz Show and Fred Quayle, guards. L Ut1 mi Hm"47 Robert Moran was referee and -in thil. atesi f.tuve lomer. Bonnemi was timekeeper.1& Hugh Bôyd, president; of the " N bO Christian Endeavor societN, is nian- T ie ager of its baskethall teamn.Tif D S RT With CLan.7 Cipas iRotary Club Hears Doons Open Toày at 12:30 Dehate iand Sin$rm . East Londoner gently "corrected" the iedy Tesue ttree fresh- American: 'You should say, 'Whiere ,IS Ie" and a sophomore, argued thet miv *at-niot '\\'here AM nw*a T question, "Resolved that the Unitej States should adopt a system of radio Whie 'Testll av ou fet aredcoiitrol similar to that used in -Eng- on the grocery 'store stove, lets ge ad *this story off our bstbfor ,e wetit arjorie Wood, the onily sopho- our' chair too far back and take a moe h ruadJa pm- tumble. uth upheld' the affirmative.Te an mercanspeakers. on the negative side %vere An Englishmian andanAiecn Van McQuide and Clarence ILiin- were , walking along-when they sud- berger. denly noticed a cigar store advertise- accorciion 10 iHoyle. l .--. IU 1- -R. W. N. of the public and press. Her voice -_______has quality and power and has been MIrs. Frank Gutbridge, 917 Green- culti vated into a wide range. Gor- wood avenue, entertainied hier bridge don Campbell bas been heard at the club for luncheon on Friday of. last. club before. 'He is ont, of the most week.popular. accompanists in Ch-icago, hav- Sats, F.b. 24 LIMlED ENGAGEMENT ope Day (W~Y "AIIe lu Woudewlaud" 1 in LAW" Doors Open Week Days nt 4*30 pm Sho . 446p. m. Boxoffce*éloes very Evelmg nt 9 94à p. m. Màults ZSç - ChUvmu 10 Matin.. Td.y <lhuis.> Shoëws et 1:30'p. m. Confinu@us KATHARINE HEPBURN "LITL-WONN z 10sol. Disnoys Carfoon OLD KING COLE' in color Held Ove, to Sun.. Feb. 26 KATHERINE HEPBURN ON