Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 32

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With Five Decades; Helps Missions The novel idea of a Rosary club in Wihneètte. with five dec- ades, ecdi decade a club and the members, tniembers of theWîn aù's Catholic club.) of W'ilîuettei had its origi with Mrs. Ilarryý L.Barker. Qrgaizgation lias been effected iii five groups. thle fiftb decade of. whicli lhad its organîzitng meeting at a dessert. bridge Tuesday offthis wveel, at th'e home. of Mrs. Gîxv A. ad- son of, 732 Park iveîiuie. I t as t welve mnehrs. The First decade lias Ilrs. Barker as president; Mrs. William Learv as secretary; and Mrs. H.,G. 'Dalton as treasurer; and, as members. .Mrs. Charles Broad, Mrs. William H. Dil- lon, Mrs. F. Donnersberger.. Mrs. William FitzPatrick, Mrs. Thoinas P. Gxibbon, Mrs. M. AK Gibbons, Mrs. 1t. Rleich, Mrs. MI. J. Kelling. Mrs. F. Dbouglas .Wilsoni, and MIrs. W. J..Ken-- :ney. The Second decade was organized by its president, Mrs. H. G. Mergener. M rs. H. J. Hickey was elected sec-. retary; Mrs. H. Clyde Hunter, treas- tirer. Other menibers are Mrs. N. A. Fuller, Mrs. H. Hùebner, Mrs. A R. Houle, Mrs. A. M. Rodeîîkirk, iMrs. C. Sullivan, Mrs. J. J. Stedeni. anîd \rs.9 J. Budinger. The Tijird decade bad as its organ - izer, Mrs. FitzPatrick. Mrs. FranIk X Thale is acting chairman. Mfrs.. John Boylstùn, Me. Artlbur Boy'lston, Mrs. J. Janette, Mrs. A. J.. Huighes. -Mrs. H. Moore, Ms W. Miller,, and. Mrs. C. P. Walker are memibers. The Fourth decade. has for'its1 presý- ident, Mrs. Walter GeorgeýSniitlî, who wvas also its organizer. and for ats members, Mrs. -M. O'Brien, Mrs. J. Healy, ,Mrs. J. Clark,, Mrs. T'. Gavnor, Mrs. Williant Hartra%. Mrs. J. E .11'S. W'illiam g inney 1'ilisaisopl elf 324 Sheridan road, Keiiterth aIs r'E51Of the Chicago chapter. of tit' Dass.htcr-s of tiere 4rnerican kcvlnto,, /resides i/ils. gala lunciseon apid prograin. Iodai' at tise IbIdStevrîs in lscoinmusenora- lion of tise birtisdaY iofî Wellesley Daughters -MoJ.Iet Bridge Tea Four future Wellesley da and, daughters of Welleslei uùates, modeled the clothes i dren exhibited at the fashia given as part of the bridge Chicago Wellesley club gave afternoon.at the Drake for ti fit of its scholarship fund. Th mannequins were: for twe On the evening of February 13, the auîditoriumi of the WVomi's. club wvas 1hlledl with guests iinterested to sce the new spring styles displayed ini a faslP- ion previ'ew preseiîted hy the Juniors: oif the ýNVomlani's: Cathulic, Club of XVil mette. 'rhie. attractive dresses, shoes. and biats shiowli for sport. street. after- 110011 *as(l eveinnig. wéee ipodeled 'hy memibers of the auxiliar.v. From .ail effectuve stage settinig of reed. furniture andi lovely floral (eoa tion, the moi(dels tiesceiec a feW steps to ,aisles w1hichi passed thringh the tables of guests. -Soit înusic played by a striing trio) acconipamced thei as they Mwalked Upomî the ternination ofthte, iasbioli show., the giuests I)11yC( bridg~e-for whvlui4 there wvas a novel, prii.e for eachi talble.. As the bridge ended. ct.ffee and cakle ere served. lîriniig to a close T li event. wliose pri-ceeds ill be iî,ed for charity. vas a hi-ghly satîs- f-lw-success financiallv. due to the bearty cooperation given the -ways and means committee under %vio-se ètipi-e-, the Party wvas given. Fatb.r-Son Dinner c'oe»(i A father's and son's dinner will take place at the Kenilworth club on Friday. evening, February 23, at 6 :15 o'elock. This basbecome a Kenilworth fistitflt 101. It wiIl start with an ex- cellent dinner andi continue 'with' a prograni of real entertainnient. The 3 invitation is flot confined to niemibers of the Kenilworth club. Everv father* iughter, .-and son in Kenilwortil is urged to ýy grad- come. Mrs. Bessie M. Taylor is tak- for chil- ing the reservations. )a revue* tea the Tuesday he bene- e young 'Jve-year. Arui..af ln Drama, Honors Washington at Program Today Conernorating t-he birthdav' of George Wasbington,,thýe Chii-, cago chapier, Daughters of the American Revolut.ion, is.giving itsý annual luncheon onpIFebruary 22, in thé Grand ballroom ,of -the Hotel. Stevens. The, speaker of the :day: is Dr.- Jamtes 'Altoît Jaiiies, professor of history at Northwestern university.. NIt- Sic Nill. have its part ini the Iirthday celébration,. %%ith Alice IVock, nember of tIhe Chicago> Ciic Opera. companv, present- ing a group of songs. Liinchleoîî- lIour mlusic will be furnislhed bv the Colonial Stringed trio. Mrs. Williamn Finniey WVilliamisouî of Kenilworth is regent. 'Mrs. Fredlertic *Dickson, social chairma, is in charge of luinchbeon arrange ments, and M,\r>. Harrv'.D. Briggs, also of Keniilwartli. bas chiarge of the music. Guest of honor are Mrs. Julian G. Goodb ue of Evanston.. state regent, and state. ofilcers; 'Mrs. Charles E. Herrick, vice-president general of. the, NXational society of the D. A. R., an(l1 twenty.-eigbt regents of the .Fouirth division of the Daughters of the An- erica Revolution. The pages will dress in colonial costumes. St. Augustine'0sàc ircles HoId Meetings Fridey The Four ciricles,of,.St. Augustine's EFpiscopal church are meeting Fridav of this week after the morning ser- ice at the churcb at 10:30 o-'clock.1 The North circle will be enter- tainied at the home~ of Mrs. joseph M rs ave- sumnmer homes near Lincoîn ville. Maine, w ' ere 'both Mrs. OsgQodand Mrs. Fowler spend their sumnmers. Mrs. Fowler is leavilig today (Thurs- day) for New York.and Boston after a visit of Somte months in Kenilworth,. Readîing Circle Hostes Mrs. Alonzo J. Coburui, 915 Linden ave nue, will have the meeting of ber Reading circle next MNonday nî»orning, at 9:30'o'clock. F4r SiFfl ivi FF. narr,* i. LÀu'r 5C U Wiirnetle, plaî's a Prominent part. is tise draina, <ýTise White Hand," bo be given at the Mallinckrodt High scirool Tuesdav eveis isg', Mfarch' 6. Dihner Precedes "Gaieties " Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Bush en-' tertained guests for ditiner at their home, 721 Oreenwood avenue, Friday evening before taking themh to the .Woman's club"aets.

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