Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 18

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One limitation as to entries has been made. This is that players w114 have won any tournament ini the past wiII flot be allowed to compete. On Saturçlay, February 24, the jiinn iors' will play off their matches.at the "Glencoe Ping-Pong ,club, 655 Vernon avenue, Glencoe, starting at 10:00 a. ]IL On February 28 and Mfarcb 1 ail tournament matches will be runoï at the Glencoe Ping-Pong club, 65.Î Vernon avenue, Glencoe, starting ai 7:00 p. in. Te finals on Mardi 2 wili be hield at the Central school gymnasium. A special attraction is being.planned for the-nighit the finals are held.. This will. be ini the forin of e xhibition matches by players -of national prominence. The tournament will bc xmn off ini five- sections-men's singles, womcn,»s simgles, men's doubles, mixed doubles and junior singles (for entrants under 15 years of age.) Naines 'and entry fees, should bc mailed to John McFadzean at th~e Central school, Glencoe, it is an- nouncéd. Mr. McFadzean is director of physical education in the Glencoe scbools. I HELTHCENTER NEWS Announcenient is made that- the American Red Cross and CWA will open another series of classes ini bome, hygiene on Friday, Febmuary 23, at 2 p. mn., at Wilmette +Jealth Center. Miss Lydia H-elmer, registered nur se. wilI be ini charge. AIl women whose husbanids are engaged in CWA work, or regis- tered with the Bureau o Public e- f are, are urged to makie appo)ininents for these classes hy calling Wilmette Helth Center, telephone Xilmette 2402, betw*een the boums of 9 and 4, daily ex- cept Saturday and Sunday.' The next Infant Welfare clinic will( be held Wednesday, February 28, be- ( tween 2 andi 4 p. m. As the cinic opens 5 and closes promptly., pleàse I)e on time. bad charge of the refeshiments. 0o 'Mrs. J. H. Mathisôn, 84 Abbotsford rqad, Winnetka, was hostess to ber 14nc.heoo.hridge club. 1Monday. ýTho, qu' scomposed of.,mostly,,Kenil- List j14ag3 iw no i roop o ±vaniers 'S Namne Winners of ,Uinseramble Tres Ba g s Aw rS After the roll had been called at the e Ba gesA wad imost recent meeting of Troop 6, Mrs. (Contribuited) Ormsbee distributed slips of paper' to Last year seventy-tbree badges were eacb person. We then ivent around the e awarded;, among these were nineteen room and fouind slips of paper with, different types. The possessors of :naines of trees scraibled up. 'Ne were these. badges, and awards are very proud to. tinscramble tlicm. There were of.tbem because they knowv bowý much twenty-two slips. After-a turne we got effort and bard work theyhave meant. inito patrols and counted up ourr points. «The. judges wbo. pass oni the. fitnless Patrol 1Iwon this gaine. Aý rope %vas of the girls are, in as mai i casesý as given to each pérsoiî and 'we were to 1possible, professionals ii their lines, and whip' the ends -of il. wben flot professional, tbeyare. at Ieast Virginia Biser was invested as a sec- competent to make such judgments, as orid class scout and Eleanor Altmil will' be noted f rom tfhe ist of judges as a tenderf.oot. The meeting was ad- follo wing.. journied -atlS5o'clock.-I1ois Whitebead, ~The scout organizationis very. grate- scribe.. ffut, an d the public ougbt to be, for1 the interest shown and, the time givenirl lnHkM k 3. y these judges., Anotlier iitere.sting'- M ,P até lSgai ýtbing about these badges and awards M > PatceSgnln ris their wvide. diversity. catering to mativ ell, liere's %vhat happened at the tastes. mst recent meeting of, Trop3 Offical jdgesare:The earlyv birds. while waiting for Canner-Mrs. M. H. Bickbham; Mfo- the other girls. played "Hi, Little tqorist-Eý. r. MWheeler; Cook-Mýrs,. D. Lass 'ie.' When the others came we \V. Rapp; Wild Flower Finder. Bird went to patrol corners to take attend- Finder, Star Finder. Insect Finder, ance. We also talked about the hike Trtee Finder-Miss Matalea Brown;- we were planning to bave. Electr ician-Mr. Wi ndoes, Laundress- Then the second class girls. went out MNIrs. j. . Humphries; Pathfinider. to make a niap. They went down XiI- Juniior Citizei-Mrs. S. B. Groves;- mette avenuie from the Baptist church Tlostess-Mrs. .Pollack: HTandyWoMan 1to the Village bal, leteywr -Nf rs. H., Ringholm. igone the other girls played a signaling *Jornaistl?. W.Webr:Scribe-:2-f gaine called ~Sga Chase." When i.C. Pifer: Life Saver. ,%iijtjt>r_ the second class girls camne back we fiss 'l og:Msc;mMs Cii-had ciosing circle and sang "Taps." luuid; Hlousekeeper .- Mrs. (,,. F. Therc was no court of honor.-Vir- Wright:. Athlete Mrs. BaIl: Arti.st_ ginia Daîstroin. scribe. Craftsnman -Mr Cobtirn: flugler. I)rummiier '-Mr. Schiunaclier: Dr -Tkese- Girl Scouts Eat 1Maker. NcedlewNN)ian -, Mrs. NM. H.i Bickha"I; Frt 11-Nr . j . 1 Plenty of Refreskments De-,hl.A signaling game ws lavd a the, metigof Troop 8., After' the gaine Scot L adrs o ws layed, we liad a party. Cake, GyirlScutL'.pops o corn. grape .juice and candi'w j etTuesday Eve ing 'rv We 'sang favorite. songs. .The Girl. Scotit leaders will :hloîîtîeirmembers -of the troop had.their pictures FerUlarv 27. etin te Gi . taken. ,Then we decided to. go ona. reguilarv meeing tesdirl e.tiiiig. hike son'.e qatirdav in the near future. of the' Wilmette Parish 'Methodist -Stella Koller, sc ribe. churcli. This meeting is especiallv de- signed for Browîiie leaders anid. Girl Scouts Giiggle as They Scouit leaders. One feature of the ses- Guess Heights, 'Weights sion ill e bage wrk.1 The meeting of Troop 1 last Thurs- Mrs. Harvey Craig of Wilmette, i Harriett Klei.,, 730 Linden avenue, wbo is spending the winter -in t. was hostess at a sleigh ride Party for Lauderdale, FIa., spent Wednesday twelve boys and twelve girls Wednes- andi ThursdaY of last week visiting dlay night of this week. .. f'orence her mother,, Mrs. 'Robert Kolb, 224 ýMcgyneaux and Monie Spil4Mne. were Ridge -avenue, WinnetIta. ýêI«of. hônor; LtIflm 88 in ve weigni iL assina8t.fl played the Central school of Glencoe at Glencoe. The joseph Sears midgets. boys weighing under 85 pounds, lost to Nichols. 17 to 12, but the Kenilworth lightweigbits, boys weighing, under 100 pounds, whipped the Evanstonians, 20 to 14... The fourth quarter in the light- weight gamte ended in a 14 to- 14 tie. Then Robert Tmump of Joseph Sears dropped in - three field goals in quick, successioni to give, bis team victory.. Glencoe wonn three ont of five froin Kenilworth, but two of the Glencoe victories were by one-poinit margins. The single point victories were in the 85-pound, and over.I 15-'pound classes. Glencoe also won, the 75-èound. game. The ý undefeated Kenilwomtb 10 0-pounid team (lightweights), again vas vic- torious, and the joseph Sears light- heavyweights, boys weighinig under15 pounds, also Won. Chat-les -E. Schick Dies; Moioxile Gas Victiu, A coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidentaI death in the case of Charles E. Schick, 532. Earlston'road, ,Kenilworth, Nwho was killed Monday evening by carbon monoxide fumes from bis automobile in the garage in the rear of bis home. The inquest was held Tuesday rnorning at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, 'Nilmette. Mr. Schick, a former -banker, was found unconscious on the floor of the garage, the motor of bis car stili running. An inhalator squad froni the WVinnetka Fire department was sum- imoned, but efforts to revive Mr. .Schick failed. It w as tbougbt by miembers of the family that Mr. Schick was overcome while trying Ito ligbt.a smalî stove in the garage whilt,: the rnotor of bis automobile was run- iiing. H-e was 62 years old. Entering the bankinig business in- 1888, Mr.'Sc.hick was assoôciated with. several banks on 'the north side of Chicago. Hie became president of the Northcenter TrIust and. Savings bank, 1940 Irving Park boulevard, in 1926. Four vearir I2te. whedin- î Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Haviland, 1116 Locust road, sailed Saturday from New York on a trip to Ber- mudaý They:r wilI bel away for;abüt two weeks. The Joeeb . laussigs, .1000' Chestn t av5enue, hve moved to 2000 'Lnon.-P r st in Ch'îcaego-

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