Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1934, p. 34

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foi r Wellesley CIub's Benefit l'atroness.e,- for the b)ridge tea and, fashion show, -ith its prograinii 1wReinald NW'e rrle 11- rath, ceIet)rate(l haritonie. cà.p1 cÊtertainniient by .Sanimv\il liais, which theChicago NWel- leslev club is gji n ext Tues- day-afternoon ini the Gold Côast rooliu of.,tlhe rake, at 2 oýcIock, are ainounced this wveek a beîng: > 'Nfr S. ilianfi. Sherman Hav. M rs. Ralph C. Brown. and Mrs. Hubert E. Ho.ward, of Witinetka; Mrs. Bruce MacI<eish of Glencoe; Mrs. George !Edison Bliss of Highland Park: Mrs. Franik.. C. Enigelhart, Mrs. Frank Warner Kingsley, Mrs., Richard C. Lake, Mrs.ý E. E. Billowv, Mrs. Irin Rew, Mrs. Harvey Fox. and. Mrs. Bruce Scott of Evanston; Mrs. Al- bert Burkner Côe, Mrs. Edward W*. McCready, and Mrs. Thomas Dixon, of Oak Park; Mrs. Ralph B. Tread- way, of Glen Ellyn; Mrs. Albert -H. Wetten, Miss Helen Bennett, Mes. Francis E. Broomeil, Mrs. Paul Steinbrecber, Mefs. Albert Bruce Wegener, Mrs. Charles H. Remieii, Mrs. Henry Hoyt Hilton, Mrs. Joseph, A. Capps, Mrs. John Goehst., and Mrs. Willard W. Jaqiues, of Chicago. modes. iTne revuie of lashions, «itfl songs by Mr. Werrenratb, and the piano playing and singing of Sammy Williams, popular colored entertainer. provide program diversion for those, who are not interested in bridge, as. well as for those who are itsdevotees.l Miss, Elizabeth Kingsley ýof Evan- sto'n is publicity chairman for' the Chicago ýWel1esley club., O. of M. Hostess Mrs. Edward J. McArdle, 111 Broadway avenue, will be hostess to $t » Francis Household, Order of Martha, on Monday .afternoon, Feb- ruary 19, àt 1 :30. o'clock to sew for in "A imalThéfeotr& ' Playing with the "Animal Theatre," which is being presented at the Na- tional College of Educat ion on Satur- day. is Betty Twvist. who takes the part of a,.fireflvý,.and WVinniiffrd Jack- Son as Dr. -Mavbug. Other students iii the cast1 are. Jannette Gardnier., Edith 'Sfewart. -Maribel Ford, 'Mar- garet Donjon, Carolin.e Liinneli, Kath- ryn Southwick, Mattie LeeWit -.%%worthi. and Carol Jennlings. The plavý is an original draiatiz-1a- tion by Miss Clara Belle Baker. and MAiss, Etta Mount. of .a- Czeclioslo- vakian. story by Josef Kozisek. Two performances are: to be giveni. one in the morning at 10:15, and the other.iii the afternloon at 2:15. Ali attractive lunlcheon will be served at 12 and 1 o'clock; reservations-imav be mnade wýith Ifiss Dittnian at the1 Chil* dren's School office by 'calling the c6llege. Every year studelnts of'the -college Presenlt a play for children' of the north shore a-nd 'Aninil Theatre"' is expected to be one ' of the best of the series wvhicli bas included "Rack- ettv- PackettN, Ho-tise." and "Fi e Little Peppers.". Blind Enertained Mrs. M. R. Roseni, 1045 Eliwoobl avenue, Wilmette, with Mrs. N1iltou Smith.of Chicago %%as ini charge of amnong tne entertainers. were,,Amýos an' Andy as wirll as othier notedl radio Manager. Mrs. John Tiurlier,-z-. is lit Glencoe. is. serving ( tion mnawger for "Rag,( ivmd Andy," u4hirh the Juntior league wil givie children Priday ai;d'Salii. ruzlry 23 and 24;in the a ofthe Nichols school iii Mliss M crjoie Gantlbit Kocu lig of ['VibIette is thle biidcof a- Pence C. Heclît of ast.Thr *naarriagi,' was aei ioiiiced fast îweck b her Parents.,.1Vr. d;lîsE- 7c'ard.co Korniq. Kappa Alpha Theta aluminae of Evanston and the north shore %Nwill ineet \\ednesda3-, February 21, for a one o'clock luncheon at the homne of Mrs. Ericsson F. McLaughlin *of 2812 Colfax street, Evanston. A f.eature of thé. day -will bc a "boo0k shower" for the active chapter at' Northwe stern. "A library in. every chapter biouse,"' is the slogan adopted in the canipaigii for Theta libraries and Mrs. E. E. Stults of Winnetka, ývvýll&L jului-. C.AL11~4ien tbasoI, batuir- E.inston day, September 23, 1933, at the Holy er school Name Cathedral rectory in Chicago. 'a, Feb- Mr.: Hecht, who is a graduate of Amn- iditoriiuî,î herst, and bis bride are now at'home vissîon. in Barrington Hilîs, 111. Issue 500 Cards for. Library Tea Viehundred invitations. have I)eell issited for the' annual li- 1rarv. tea of the Associ;tte, Aýiumniiae of Nôrthwestern uni- vestwhich wvi11 take placeîé Sudvafternoon froni .4, until 6. ini the 1)eering Meniorial li- brarv ii 1'vanst on.,I)uriing* the 4fternoon. 'Mrs. Ethel Rogers Sý\ift of the -faculty of, the sehool o.f "speech. -,-i11 1reseflt rea(ings ;froin nmodern 1)<etry. MIr,. Walter Diii Scott. MNrs George B. Dryden.. Mrs. Thônias H Eddv. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Buirgess, wvill preside. at. the.,tea tables and the followhing alutnniae vill 'serve: Mrs. John MN. Scott, Mrs. Wallace Chris- topher. M-\rs. Aldo Nessier. Mirs. W11- iiam F rickson. Mrs. John iGoesselc, MIrs. Raiph Colville, Mfrs.. Emore Murph. Mrs. Dillon Brown. ýMrs. Williami Siegrnund,. Mrs. George \Tecder. MIrs. Raym.-ond. Keeler. ýMis'1 Franices Ctier. N.Miss Mary Lus Paxoi, Mr.. Leonard Paidar, Mrs. Clifton 8 'towers, anid Niss \riniia: Sioli.. ifrs. osepllHaIsted. presidetit. \\i1l he assisted by Mrs. Ertiest Bar- !hour, prograni chairin.an: rs; fe Schroeder, Jr., social chairman. anid Miss Jane Hutchins White., lihrairv chàirnian. Other memibers of the board of managers who will be present 'to rc- ceive their guests are:, Mrs., Arthur R. Colwell, M r s.. Ericssoni . F. Mfcbaughlin.. Mrs. Datle McL.au.,gl-. lin. Mrs. H-arry Andersonl, Miss-, fel- en Nixon, Mr s., Walter S. Davisl. Miss Louise E. Paullin, Mrs. Richardl Hart, Mrs.. FrankeE. Spenser. MIrs. Henrv G. Carlisle,. Mrs. R. D. Crock-- er, M.\rs. Irving S. Cutter, M. iss Kath- erine Hulteen, Mrs. Richard' Breeü- dell, M Virginia M,\artini, and the follovving past ,presidents: NIrs. until about 3 :30. During the luncheo-n, which is served at noon, R. M. Hillyer will tell of the work and neecis of the home which is in Maywood. Mrs. W. C. Huggins is chairman of sewing, and Mrs. Henry Beach. is luncheon.chairman.

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