Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1934, p. 32

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Clara MacGowvan to Consder Ifs Origin and Developiment at Illus- frated Lecturoet Womnan's Club The fourth1 of a course ofAfve lectures on ,art ýgiven bIy Miss Clara MaeGowvan wil he pre-: sented at the Womnan's Clubi oi Wilmhette Wednesday, morning, at 10 o'cloQck, February 21. Mis,. MacGowan ivili discuss "Ameri- can Pai.nting" .and ill 1consider its origin froi;ntthe earliest timies anid its developmient t.o the pres- ,ent. The lecture wiIl be iilus- trated by ýa fine selection of lantern siides. In recent years American art, es- pecially Amnerican folk painting and scuilptuire, bas. received a. neWý and wide attention and appreciatio~n fot only froni acholars and exhibiting gaileries but also froin art-interested laymen. Holger Cahill or New York lias more than any other one person done more to bring to liglit this 'American, folk art. The very uin- pdrtant shows of this art hield by tbe Newark museuni, tbe Museumi of Modern Art, and tbe Arts club, Chii- cago have likewise done mucli to prove the artistic e"pression of Ert4ly Azuerican settlers anad their descen- dants. *Followving a discussion of Amierican Folk painting, Miss MacGowan, * who bas done considerable research in this field, will indicate and trace various European influences, tbat af- fected not only Early American.. artists but those of every period since theil and up to the present day. She will survey tbe Colonial portrait * painters, as John Copley -and Gilbert Stuart; The HudsonRiver scliool as *represented by [bornas Cole and Asher B. Durand; George Inness and the Romantic school. ; Artists of the Gold Rusb and Development of the West; Tbe Dusseldorf influence and the Munichi schoo1; The Figure Painters; James M. Whistler and an's Club *"Gaietîes' as in session, February 15, 16 and 1 7, Carleton Kaumneyer,- concert viol inist, as- sisted by niembers of bis group, ,ill play. Mr. Kaumeyer is an experienceci musician, well known On the ,north. shore.,. He bas filled, many concert en- gagemeénts and for two yeats was on tour. witb a light opera company.. He spent last summer studying with 'Mischa Ifiscliakof, concertmeister of the Chicago SymPhony orches- tra. A graduate of New Trier High. school and Northwesternl univer- sity, lie .has spent most of bis 1f e on, the -nortb sbore. Assisting Mr. Kauine3 er, is Charles McSherry, pianist, and others of bis group, %vho bave given liberally ofý their valuahie time for Announcè Rules for Club Po.try Contes* Mrs. Andrew D. White, 7428 Rogers avenue, Chicago, chairman of litera- ture for the. Tentli District Federa- tion of Women's Clubs, announices the rulesý for the animal poetry con- test of the Tenth district. Each ye ar the number of poeins sent ini lias increased and there bas been a steady improvement ii uality. It lias been a. real stimulus to creative writing. '['lie rtiles are as follows: 1. Poeins must bc original. 2. Poems must consist of teii to forty lunes. 3. Poem must be enclosed in sealed envelope with titie written on the outside. 4. Name of author and titie of poem on separate.-slip. 5. Alil enclosed, in envelope and sent to literature chairman of the district not later than- Mardi, 25. Al members of-Tentli Dis- trict clubs may conîpete. T[le five best poeins will be entered ini the State contest. Last year Mrs. Sam Dennis. of Wilbuette won tle District prize %witb bier poemn, «'Boiid- Womoan's Club 'o <Go on Cana. Wanderings Members of the Wonian's Club of NVilmnette will be taken on "Canoe 'Wanderings in America" when they meet again on Wednesday, February 28. Their guide will be Mrs. Frances \V. Baker, wvbo gave the club its de -, lightful -Canoe-cruising through Europe," last year on a morning prograin. -This year Élie will be featured in the afternoon, ber t.alk iilustrated %vith many pictures. Nlembers of the. wa iting list of the club ivill be guests of the afternoon.. T[he day is in charge of Mrs. R.,M Campbell, chairman of the ex-service committee, and Mrs. Earl Low., chairman of the philanthropy depart- ment. T[he morning . programi will pertain. to tbe philanthropic work they represent. WiIl Bring "Rug Negative Team Wins Lively Debate at Cathoiic Club-, Music and Re- vi.w Complete Afternoon WVithin-the-.mernbershiip ýt a 1 - ent, w.it.h- Qe or two exceptions, provided a program that'struck response from those filing the lourige of the Woman's club Iast Friday afternoon when th e fine arts departmeént of the Wo'man's Catholic club of 1 VII- luette gave. its programu. Keen enjoyment it gave its.hearers, applause and, commtent denoted. lit charge *of its cbairman, Mrs. Frank Xk. Thale, the afternoon start- ed with announcements; one ruade bv Mrs. George H. Beaudin pleadin9 for- clothing for girls: and bouse dresses for -women to lie given to famiilies the philantbr'opy depar trent as aiding; one by Mrs. Thale calinig attention to the day of the ways and means party March I7ý another by X.Mrs. Bernard Brown of the W\otnani's Club oif Wilmette., and director of its "Gaieties," which on Tliurkday, ýFni- day, and Saturday evenings of this wveek is given -for the benlefit of the club. building' fund. M\r's.,Thonias Mintz, ,Mýrs. Charles. A. Broad, and .Mrs. T'[ale, are memnbers of. the Catholic club who.are in the "Gaie- ties'" cast. Otber announcements côtncertied events nlow over. The "bell then rang" for the second session of the fletter Englisli school conducted by Mrs. '[bale. wbho armed with charts of words, impressivelv niarked, led tbe assemblage, throug- a ten-minute drill. T[he new historical novel, "A 'Vatch lu nthe Niglit," was rerLiewed b.y Mrs. George H. Beaudin, who bandled theý tretrentofa' lengthy' work adeptly and aroused -reader! inte.rest in it a of handling the f. 99Mrs. Wallace uare Sde- who were re-el'ected, stand as fol- Iows: Dr. Davies Lazear of Win- netka, vice-president; Susannali W. Armstrong of Glencoe, secretary, and Franklin M. deBe.ers of Glencoe, treasurer. during at the Reservations for this. outstancling churcli for the event may be made through Mrs. ciated Guilds of Charles J.. Kostbade, Winnetkca 2173, sored by the cir or.Mrs. F. ,C. D. Doibson, Highland is in charge of, Park 2092.seis enfC flt0 the Asso- le church and spon-. es. The East circle e sale. initiating the T[he Protestant Women's Service club will meet on Wednesday, February '21, at Marshall Field's Wedgwood, room . Luncheon wil be followed by a lecture by Charles Pabens Kelly, dean of the Art institute. t

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