A.I1Lfl -l: I v I J.It U 1-411j Eyes"..................Rogers OffeÏrtory . "Andantino" ......maquaire Quartet: "Ho Shall Cohie Down Lîke Ram". ........ Dudloy Buck Postlude: "Toccata ln D Minor" . MaýillY The- Church school will meet -as fol-~ lows: Plmary, Junior, Interniediate and Hlgh sehool. departments at 9:30 a.ni. Thée Begînners dopartmüent,"which car es f lor childreh of pre-school age, meets at *10 :46 a.m. and lasts through the chuich1 service. D1)r. Laurence. M. Gulsecond iniconi- miand'of thre Byrd Antaretlc expedît ibn, wlll speak on With Byrd ai thé- Bot' tom of thre World'" at the Wllmette Sun- *day lEvening club whtch nreets, In thîs church, at 7:3 p.m. next Sundi y. HEis leture wlll ho illustrated with inost unusual motion pictures. Theo'Nighborhood circle wlll nieet Tu esday at the- home.of Mrs. Edward H.e Burge,, 924 Forest avenue. Nlrs. W. M. Cowell, Mrs. H. A. LaRoy, amd Mî's. F. j. Newey will be the assisting host-, esses. Regular. week-day activittes of -tht churcir and Church',scirool are scheduled as follows:- Tnuesay-:30 p.m.-4rowriIes 7 :30 p.m.-'Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesday-7 :30 p.mi.-Ti'oop 'No. 1, Boy Scouts. "hursday-3 :30 p.m. -CGirls' choir re- hearsal. 4 p.mn.-Boys' choir rehearsal., 7 :15 p.m.-Senior choir rehearsal. Friday-7 :30 p.mi.-Wekeacafil;L Camp Fii'e Girls.- 7 :30 p.m-Boy Scouts F i r s t Aid - course. Saturday-.9 :30 a.m.-Cub Pack No. 63. 10:30 a.ù.-Girls' choir reht-arsal. Il a.m.-Boy s' choir rehearsal. S.John's Lutheran -'Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilrniette 1 Rev. J. H. Gockel, pastor - 4Q6 Prairie avenue, Churcir Tel. U79 Services 9 :15 a.m. First serviice and sermon. 9:-30 a.m. Sunday school and Bible classes,- Il a--m. Second service and sermon. Lenten Servie Wednesday evening. at 8 o'clock. Ser- nion: "Betraxed by a Friend."- st. A ugusine's Sunday, Febr-uary 18, wlll be.the first Suniday ln Lent. There will be 11o1Y Communion at 8. a.m., church sccoOl-s Ind Bible clas 9a adses a-9:45, -ndniornng pî'ayer wlth sermon at.1 Doring. Lent there will bho evenlng- czervices every Wednesday at 8 p.m., except ln HoélyWeek, whenthé- evenlng service will hé held on Thursday a-nd Friday, There will be extra celebrations of the Holy Communion on eaoh Wed- nesday ln, Lent at 7 a.m., anld on oach Friday at 10 :30a.m.* The 7 a.m. service 0o1 Wednesdays lare intended especlally- for those who go to the.clty each day. The 10 :30 a.m. service onFrldays are esýpecialIy for the womnen of the parish, ami will be followed each FÉiday.by a meeting of. the Associated guilds. The World Day of Pra yer for the churches of Wilmette will be held ti St. Augustine's tomorrow, Friday, Feh ,- ruai-y 16,' at 2 p.m. This ý is. under the auspices 0f- 'thé, wornen's mlssiona-ry or- ganizations of the varlous churches. It. is a~ union service for- ail ChrIstians an-d ail who can are urged to attend.,- Théý Lenten Monday services under the mianagenjent of the Church Club .of Chicago are being held every week day in Lent, except Saturday and Sunday, at the Grand Opera House, on Clark .Street near Randolph'. The speaker this week is Bishop Stewart; next week, February 19-23, Bishop Woodcock of Kentucky. T1he meetings last from 12 :10 to 12:30 p.m. Tlie, Catholtc Club or Chicai I neet Tuesday, February 20, atg elhurei, 2>162 blonroe street. w ill Lvary out thre wliole village or hundles of pa- pers and'used ciothing. The receipts from the ýsale of the papers will go to Wil- mette Wlelfare board a.nd thé- clothing wili go- direetly to thre saie- organiza- tion. Please have- your bundles ready.- The annual Washington blrthday cor- porate communion for ail men and boys, of the diocese wilI ho held February 22 at 8'am., at St. James' church, north Wabash avenue and Huron street, Chi- catgo. Immediately followlng, the serv- sfip Failedr Fo-r th, resnt b.eg-u will ho callod. "Thre oru.' Al Young people of college and post-college agé are lnvited to attend. Refreshpients wtll be servedi aftei" the discussýion ineet- Ing. The Sunday Evenlng club at the Con- gregational church at 7 :30 wlll present Dr. Laurence Gould, second In command of the 'first Byrd Antartlc Expedttion, ln an Illustratid lecture on "With eByrd at the Bottoni of the World." Boy scout TrooPe No. 5 wtt1 meet *at the church Monday evening at 7 :30 Wednesday evenlng wé will begin a new sertes of discussion and study classes. One will be a discussion group us-ing the theme,, "Church' Adminisitra- tion," ando .Is lntended for aIl church offleers, and officers and executivecom, mittees of ail thechurch organizations except the Young people. Another will' be for th e teachiers of the Sunday school and for those who wls«h 'to be teachers, -on. "Teaching- Technique." The- third wvil ho for young people's leaders, on "Young People's Methods." Thre fourth will bo on Bible Study. Thre teachers of thes-e groups will be, respectlvely, Dr. William Wetr, formerly the director of Men's work of, the, Preshyterlan church; Miss Iriez BisIr, graduate of, The Pres- bNyterlan College of Chri.stiani, Educa- tltiî; MssMaran Everett,,gra-duate'of. thre Presbyterian College, of Christian Education. and the pastor. 'The church choir wlll -meet for rî'e- hearsal Friday evenlng at 7 o'clock. A. sertes of Union -Lenten iservices will1 begfiniln the churches of Wllmette March 4, continulng for four Sundays. The first service w-Ii ho - hel-d in thé- Baptlst church, with Dr. Hubert Carie- ton of St. Augusttne's ciiurch preach-* in g. English Lutheran Seventh street at GreenIeaf Wllmette "A House of Worship"- Rev. David R. Eablelo, pastor *On Wednesday evening, February, 21, an Informai Hour wilil be held at the home of the minister to which memibers and fritends of the .church are invited. The Womien's guild. wili -meet M»I> worning, February 19. The hours of 3meeting are f.romi 10 until 4 o'c1ock. The women ar e asked to corne lii foi- as mnuch tie as possible.. The invitation is nlot only ,for nimernbers ofthe. gulld and the congregation but for Anyone in' the- village, who niay lie tnterested. ThieSutiday schîool will nieet at 9 :45 a.mn., ail children between the .tges of. tlîree and;the high -school are cordlally Invited to visit and to become rnemhers. of th!., organizatioli. 1 The Kenllworth Young People's Sunt- day Evenlng club w-ii nîeet Sunday eve- ning at 6.:30 p. nm. AU students of Ihigh school.age are lnvitjed. A supper wilI be served, followed by the program. Methodist Church Rev. Oscar Thomnas Oisoni,,D.D., mnister 'he rnlnister's fernion theme foi t ht. il1 o'clock worshij> service next Sunflay niorning %viii be: "Our- Heritge (if Re- Ifgi oni.-Titis is tefs the heLeîîli series oit raclig Our As.sets and ia b'ilties' Today." The mu.sic for-the Il o'clock service wilI be a.s foilows,: Organ PrelUde: "Chorale.and Anidanite" (V Sonata) -nlsh "The Guardian Angel" 'frn TheIntroit:- "Cast Thy Burden. Upon the Lord?, ..... 2MeudeIss-ohin iAntheni: "Whei-eso'er Thou Walkest", . Prîske Offel.toriy: "Lord, forThy Tender' Mer-cys Salie...........art Organ Postlude: ý.F ina1e'? (V -Sonata) ...........Mneson String quartet.. The personnel consists of Oscar Chausow,*ftr-st violini; Leonard Sorkin, second violn; Guldo St., Rizz, viola; and James Kann, 'cello.- Mjiss Marie Briel will also play' several. or- gan numbers. Thre program wilIl be as follows: - 1. Quartet -in C. Major. OP. 18., No ...-------Beethoven Allegro Adagio Cantabile, Scherzo - (Allegro> Allegro molto -quasi presto. IL. Thiee -Chorarles - -- Brahms 2%Miss 'Marie Briel III. a. Moment-Musical Schubert-1Pochon b. Spirit of thre 18th- -Century-------fter Martini -c. An old Ca4tle (fromi Pictures at .1'ays iln-â~ il -deépartments and - èasses eveifg- at 5.36 o'cock. -Thre-SixtIr diviso iime irciraslng Fb-ar 2.-es- ino thre Our dl Bible casIs studylng thre Catochetîcal classes wîî et -* lriy - so:wl meet Mon-a~ silg a.nd "Great Messages From the Propliets" day at 4 o'clock and Tuesday at 3:30- Thé Boy Scouts will collect magazines 4d Judas and Invites you to meet wlth them at o'clock. . paper and clothing on February 24, the anddb-W9 -45Iontenk.proceede to go to the -Wilmette -Welfare or gain k ,,ete îrvices are hbld board. Its fatal The High School Chrstian Endeavor each Wednesday evening ait 8 o'elock.- terrible society wlll mheet at 5:30 o'clock ln the hé'ahrad o"bnutwl f rigrt fil chapel. John Bartholomlew will load 'Coin. to the FrIendly, Churchi wher. ho held tomorrow nlght, Fràda.y, at 6 :39 lm, wrlt. the devottlonals. A spécli speaker, wllî Thre Way la made Pl1ain. (ConttnUed on page 13) Wê kflow ho dted handi. u~A