Here are glimpses of- five days of giory wh'ich the Wi1dh-ette théater. will offer witb the showing of "Foot- light Parade," musical extravaganza featuring Jimmyv Cagney, from ,.Suni- dyto Thursday, February 11-15. Lithe Cagney interpret s modern riythims more effectively, iperbaps, than ady other maie star whi) has ventured to wave bis boofs before a camera ....There's àawater scene that's said to be th.e finest ever produced in 1Hol- ......... Stage ensembles beautiful g i rls. *Unparalleled dance ensembles 4 and lilting songs, build* up inito a climax right along with a fine pl1ot a3n d*a Jlmmy agney double romance JiMM Caney ini which the teamis of Cagney and Joan Blondel and Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell are the principals . . . Other members of the great cast 'include Frank Mc- H-ugli, Guy Kibbee, Ruth Donneliy, .Hugh Herbert, Claire Dodd, Gordon Westcott, Artbur Hli and Phillip Faversham. And here are additional siants caught by the critic's camera whicli spraying turrets in the "watérfall number" ...Jimmy Cagney is caught hoofing it lu a barroom of Shanghai, China . .. Ruby Keeler sings "Shang- b.,ai Lii"... Seventy-two tbousand pearis arè used to dress 100 -pretty girls in a single number of "Foot- light Parade" . That popular song, ',By a Wateefall," accompainies one of the most- magnîficent scenes ever staged on a movie lot . . . Lloyd Bacon directed the picture and got so interested in, bis wôrk that. bis bareh. iad to cn. ie tf he m,,ie lot ,~ Besides announcing a fine list of pictures, the Valencia theater gives the foiiowing tidings: "inaddition to our present perfect sound reproduc- tion we. are installing Western E lec-. tric wide range sound* system. The Valencia is the only theater on the. entire north shore to preseent this iatest development in Watch for thé inaugural,program !" Well, noW thiat this announicement has, awakenied us to entertainiment possibilities, let's ýget back to, our lessons. * This Thursday.and Friday, the Valencia offers Walter Winichei's "Broadtay- Ibr u a> Keyhiole," starring Constance Cunimings and Russ Col- Unibo. The> filim's full of action and. mu sic.' Ed Wynn, "The Perfect FoolI," is just about the whole showý in "The Chief," Saturday offering with plenty of screa:ning scenes. Chic. Sale ai d, DÔoflihy MackaiIl are also featured. Sund(av and Monidai-, February Il and 12, ibring fast and exciting enter- tanient, -Af ter Toniighit." Cn stance Bennett's a Russian spy in love with Austrian oficer Gilbert Roland. Three big days of "Dancing Lady" are offered at the Alycon beginning 'Tuesda3r, February 13. An interesting story, featuring joan Crawford, Clark Gable. May Robson and Fran- who.plays the part of a vamp lu the Warner Bros. picture, "Footlight Parade," has what is probably the largest collection of cigaret holders in Hollywood. She carrnes her own in any scene that requ Rer favorite is a longe carved bolder of Chinese ivorv., .Mary Carlisle siniply, won't listen- to reason Mien ber pareut'. Alice Brady- and Lionel Barryniore. try to keep lier from niarrying suave C:o1.- wav Tearle. That starts the amnisingg plot tanigles lu "Sbould Ladies Be- have?'" the Va'r.sity' theater attriction Thursdlaüam Friday. Febr uary 8 and 9. A riot of fintht'-"Iurk Solup" at the Varsity. Saturda . Suiîday and Molnda%,, February 10, Il and 12. Theî Four Miarx Brothers. get rixýed u.p in a revolution in a ni,1ytbical couni- try-ýand. how, they. get mixed ap! ,The action is fast, the dialog is-faster, andl the Marxes fastest. of ail. Kay, Francis .gives a superb por- trayal in, the poignant, comnelling (Irania. "The Housc. ou 56th Stree'ý" at the Varsity theater Tuesday,XVe-' nlesd(avt and Thursday, February. 13. EV4AITON- E UNI. 89W Thuma. (Today), FiL Feb. 8-9 Lionel Dmrmore and ALICE BRADY in Dehave"l' froi M "The Vînegar Tweeè Sat., Suas, Mon., Fui>. 10-11-12 4 5hwz DIthen "11DUCK SOUP" aliso -Popeye"l Cartoon and -ITCUY SCRÂTCHIT" (Outdo or, Story 0 f, a Bear aunda ou pen wcelk »IJsjat 6:30 P. ni. Show at 8:486 p. mn. BOx<Mre Closem Every Evenmu; at 9:4& P. . A"ute 25c--Cwidre. 0 Lest limes Toight <Thurs.) Claude Reinse-Gloria Stu art Fr1., So..,Fob. 9-.10 PAUL MUNI li Sun. to Thurs., Nb. 11 -15 granis ever presented in Chicagolaul, beginning Friday of this .week. J. -J. Sbubert's "The Student Prince" wiII be the stage attraction, direct frorn a triumpbant showingat the Chicago theater. "Roman ScandaIs," chock full of Eddie Cantor laughs and beau- tiful girls, ýwilI entertain from the screen. bors WMI SAtIO A.