again à sprigmty bit w ini gy Mexican coloinc neclin. of thie newesi wearer the. appeararmce.q 'wind et her bock:' Here you find thres of our smort just-arÎived models, .ach -Wi an indiidualizod expression of t4i "blwnabot"treaiment. Blacks, navy and Spring coloings.. one and two-piece-,modes ... is for misses and juniors. ~App areI Shiol' -Second Floor (K TUarlene S ho 0 of, You th Poi e Wéy to, Spring'Mode .95 Ps Straps. O xfords T-Str'aps WJBOLIJTSmEVAN STOE HURS9 A M.TO a P. M.&-sATiuRopày»TOS9 P.' M. on Davis-Streef Ca f. 'vare SC ItoG i&