p. * * * -'c bof A newecono llize for the large fcmr«y- bibg 20-ounce 1of. Mode of là fneth- graillon ts-ifs baked fa golden-birown ood- hem every day in our own oves--and noshéd fresh to our stores. A rmal value for luot 7c. swwos GLDWJWT- MqDrmi FMI CIIUKEN Fer Chieken ?les B*Doit IUitI tnUdr &bd_ eut in good slzed Plaee. ThickOa th& brOt)a wlth flour andui 0.080 wlth M«7 neumt and paprika. Arrange in aoùeri with cuit dough and bake la a. bot ovs until a 11 golden-brown . .. &bot tw.nty minte.. pot Roast moNu c Fer b. smoi! #"MY ~5e H.suuhold Needs. Serninole issue RnOW-white. 3 ls i Amn. Farnily Soap Irutry &. as.24 Amn. F.rnily Flakes Groter Eo@nmy 2 f.d' 9 Do>ule-Sudnslmgpgs: 9 Camay Soop The. Soap of heautiful Wom.n 3 cakes, l3z Powk & S.o.ns 3 16cl MFol. ~.326 Ibo 00kM P.od Ikl-Fo Cern Flokes 2 V 7' Shredded Wheot2"w2Sc Quooke.' OuIs 2 l 15 Coke Fleur. '~27c pozuii 011W' ' Évi-moi Desset 3 oc.0 r doUdus ud Lsed Coss Spasom 7c, T FemMe Muoroui 2 oUi c conobam w.rNomdbs Lmx irellet Sop 2 tâm1Oc GolduDust W Appa yrCk Greundu Ief Sf.,.f SwWdy ans, ud pure I,'se Ss.. 23c lb. Hà$tLuo3rib87C1b. cello. pkg.,~ H.res How to .Streambine Your Budget, Jili-O The New Instant Dissolving America 's Most Famous Dessert pkgr. 5C 19C POrk',A pkg., cake,. tais 25e e- lOt