Quite Fami MNy fathler came froni the "g1 west." He was bors- uear thie Crater Lake region in Oregc wbetuî lie was a' littie boy hli foulid gold nuggets oui bhis grai er's farni. Is glous ,on 2and k ofte'n ndfath- My fatbcr is a wolidetfui swimmiiier. ýHe lieic and stili -hoids several world professionai cbampionship records ini swimming, amhong them the 50-yard backstroke and the 100 and 120-vard crawl. He was the first to use.tbhe backstroke,(whicb was.originated in Hawvaii) in California.. My .miotler bas a scrapbook of newspaper clip- pings 'about bis. swimming. My father was called the Izaak Walton of California because lie was an expert fisherman. He won prizes for casting at many meets. W heu u1ny father lived in YosemIite Nationl park, lie substituted for WVallace Reid a nd other movie stars when it was necessary to' show theinucatcbitngtrout in a mountain streami for the pic- ture - because mv fathler was aiways able to make a catch. .My father was a master signai1 electrician i a balloon corps duriuig the war and made over fifty tripsi 'fronui Paris to London in a lballoon.i Once bie was giveui up for lost in( the middle of the ocean and it wvas so0 printed ini the newspapers. i-ow- ever, lie was saved and came back to San Francisco surprising al bis friends wbo thought bur dead.-Pat- ricia Dungan, Central 6th grade. Stolp Group Nominates Next Semester Officers sThe A. assenibly club Honernade Articles À onest is to be held for the boys ini the inanual training classes of the Wihnette public schools. A prize .WmIl be gavenl for the best article made sont of wood ini your ownl home, iw'otrksbop.. If you are interested ini 1chtnistry, an experiment sbown.and 1explainied may win a prize.. Mfr. Bail, the teacher 'pf 'the classes, wiIl coule to your hom e and seé your workshop. Wbere, you made the, ex- hibit. Start now.50 that you may rwin thé prize and have a picture taàken of your shop.« If you are especiallyin- terested in whittling you may win bvý. inaking a t otem pole> or some other interesting thing. Let's get busy « noyw and 'vin that prize.. For, .furtber,(letails s.e.Mr. BalI.-Bern- ýard Flood, Stolp 2A. Ruth Hopes Ice Skating WilI Cause Excitement Trhe. other day wlîen I woke "up it %vas sç. cold that, 1 knew I could not roller skate to school. The' junior policemîen let us go into tbe buildinîg if we sat dOViat o nc e. No- l> o(iy -1îad fun Iecause e couildn't rouler skate, P'la y mar- bIes or do anytlîing outdoors, so imost of' us stayed ini at recess. Maybe we %vill get sonie i ce skating out of this thlat 'will repav us for having to stay ini the bouse 80 rnuch. i hope that the ice %vill comie soouî so Me ca*î skate before spring.-Ruth Mel- choir, Central fourt.bi grade. Howard 7C to Issue Basketball Challenge Howard XC is going to challenge one, of the other seventhi gradesat, Howard in a basketbail gaine soon. WNe are going to pick a captain and soine other-players this week. We will probably charge a small admis- sion fee. If. we have it,: we hope everyone will coue.-Edviîî Beilson, Homward -8B isgoing tohave some fun ini the future. \Ve are planning ont having a puppet show to raise nioney for the rooml treasutr%. We are going to inake six puppets of the stan- dard size-ahout 16 iniches. The, roomn wvas discussiîg, the play to- put ont, and we decided to choose * several g r 0u p Sof people *të niake up niew, playý' or reniodel Puffpt Love old ones. IlieuXhell class will decide whieh1 one to use and make the, puppets according to those characters. We ali hope it wiIl 1)e a success and that we shahl have a second opportunity.-Mfariatn Goode, Howard-811l. Girls. -at Stolp Scéhool Start Work in Sewing Thursdajy, February 1, the girls of Stolp school started to bave sewing instead of cooking. Every girl, was assigned to a table and given a drawer to keep bier work ini. The first thing we ,did ivas to tnake wbat you might call a needie book. We took two sniail pieces of cioth and chain stitched our initiaIs ont one piece. Then we notched the edges of both pieces and placed one on top of teh other. Then we chain stitcbed the two together' in the mtiddle and folded it over like a book., Wtt were given needles and we stuick them in the pages of the book. Soute girls got doue abead of ot bers so they got to go ahead with bast- ing and hemming a piece of ciotb. 1 ami sure that most of us think that se wung is a lot of fun --Gertrude Weinstock, Stoip .7tb grade, Eighth Graders Now. Study Common Solids The eighith grades at lloward schooi are studying solids now. A solid is sometbinz t112t b2s. lenLyth.i of Newspaper àfi ss Perring, and Miss' Donne.lly, met recently with the oid staff of f lie s cbool paper Io appoint addition- ai members, mak.ing the staff larger, a nd.'.for. Sthâtat ~ on, a lot' Sbetter.ý 1 i aini -Su re the \~ n e x t -, pa- per wiii be a lbig Suc- * cess. The new staff is as f oI iows fore nian, Verta Jones; assistants:. jerry Peter- son, Virginia *Summers .and George Pjutttam; editor -ini- chief, Virginia Goodrich;- assistants:, *jean Everson, Ray Haiet. and' David, Geppert ; art editors, Cherry Sue Orr and Eliza- beth H-oesii; business manager, Fred Bird; assistants, Art Brereton and Shirley Patterson; reporters: sports, Jack Potter and., Frances Akeley; Society, Shirley. Hughes; personal1 news, Bounie Lamb and Madeline Clark; siubjects, Pauline Shank; as.- sistants, 'Clifford Goodman and Betty, Ellis; colnmunity reporters, Paul. Lang and Mary Burlingame; report- ers-at-a Ce arl Hotze and Doro- thy Yarian;, seventh grade, Elsie Lippen, Richard 'Finniey and George Terzakes.-Ben Barrett, Stolp 2C. Class, Led by'Sniith, Discusses Constitution. T# 2C, Miss Chase's room, we are studyiùg the unit on the -Constitution of, t he United States." The leader. was Cushing Srnitb vho. gave thé. întroductory speech and led 'class dis- cussion. Robert Hess, Nanlcy Robb, George Putnam,, Carl Hotze, Beth Hind'ley> and Jean Frances Miller ail took part in the discussion -b3r ivifl2 AIl of the 5C1 ICE SKATING RACES sciîool likebasketba Ice skating races were lîeid oun the cause it's a fast , V~illage Green bebind Hloward s'chool %%on al 'but one gai Wednesday, january 31. -WYnne get the pennant.- Itoffman, Howard, 7B. Hpoward 5C. Ison, WAiJa.i à MAI-LE C^KE The 'seventb grades of Howard FIRST GAME I1S TIE school made walnut maple cake Tues- F-I and F-2. had their first,-basket- day, January 30, at our' last lesson.' bail gaine Tuesday, january 30. F-i I enjoyed ail our lessons, and every- bac) seven points and F-2 had seven tbing we made was splendid.-Wini- points, 80 1* was a tie.-Frederick, fred Hoffmani Howard 7B., Witt,tloward 6A.