Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1934, p. 51

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l'le senior and junor swimmning teamns of Nýcm, Trier High scbool swept 01, toward Suburban league championsbips last Friday at, May- wood, where tbey defeated Proviso Township High school by scores that were as Iopýsided as tihose of the New Trrier-I)eerfield meet the previ- ous week. In the cas e of the seniors, New Trier sank Proviso by the same score- as Deerfield, 43 to 16. The New Trier juniors won at Proviso, 43 to 10, just. one point, mùre decisiWey than at Highland Park. Juniors Aid Cause Two boys front the junior division helped th e senior team win its sec>- tion of the mieet last Friday., Bill Beebe was used in the same events as in the Deerfield ineet. the 100-yvard back stroke and. the niedley relay. let took first ini the back stroke event, as he did the prévious. week, an(l the. ni edley relay team also won its event. Cunningham, the other junior- switmner used in the senior division, swam on the winning 160 yard relay team. This team was coni- posed of Cunningham, Paulson, Pat- ton, and 'Conrad. On the medley re- lay team- were Beebe. Watt...Happ and Silverinan. Captain Happ Stars Bud Happ, who was, elected cap- tain 'of theý team last week, continued bis winning ways.. Besides swimming. on the medley relay teani, be took first place in the I00-yard free style event, swimming the distance in 58.5 seconds. * Bill Paulson was high point man for New Trier. Hie tooIk irst places in both the 40-yard free style event and in diving, besides swimming on the 160-yard. relay team. Second and third pflaces were won for Newý Trier as follows:. Ricb, third in the breast stroke event; Patton, third in the 40-yvard.free style; Byrne. second «in. the 100-yard back 'stroke: Conrad, second in the 100-yard free style, and Barnard, third in diving. proviso Téops Once Proviso took only one first place in the senior meet and none in the junior division. Goldstein, who swamn the lO-yard breast stroke in 1 :23, -was the first place winner for the west suie schonl. miors, who have onIy two return meets renmaining after taking on Oak Park-Proviso and Deerfield, both schools. that bave been disposed of with ease. .Winning a championship- will be more' difficult for the New Trier.'se- nior teani, which lost ta the unde- feated Oak Park seniors at Oak Park, 33 -to 26. :The New Trier boys have improved since that defeat, how- ever, and are given at least an even: chance -of whipping their west side rivais. If that cati be aécomplished the- sailing should be easy, with the already defeated Deerfi.eld and Pro- viso teams the onlv obstacle in New Trier's path. Point for Big Meet After the close- of its regular schedule., New Trier will. ta ke part in the annual Suburban league inter- scholast.ic ýat Oak Park and. then will enter the state. swimmitng meet at the University of Chicag.û Organize Angel Chess Group at Skokie CCC Bill Younigquist, H. L. Beach and several members of the Wilmette, junior Chess' club took magazines. and angel chess sets to the boys atI the Skokie CCC camp this last Sun- day in order to give John Sullivan of Company 607 a boost in bis work of organizing an angel cbess club of five from aniong the 2,000 boys of college and higb school age billeted at the camp. Sullivan expects to schedule cbess contests soon, with the following groups: Wilmette Men's Chess club. Wiilmette junior Angel Cbess club, New Trier Chess. club, The Angels' of. Northbrook, Kenilwortb Angel Chess club, the newly orgartized, chess, club obf Batavia, Ill., and . tbe Aurora. Cbess club. Any other village or scbool, chess' clubs, wishing to scbedule matches are requested to communicate witb John Sullivan, Company 607, CCC Skokie camp, Glenvjew, 111. L<4uri ana u iIn L.UK-rIowara) miiy Meet together on February 20, in the Stolp school. The timne is 2:30 in the a'fternoon, a haif bour earlier than the usual time set, for the meetings in the Howard school. and members of. the. west side organiizationl arc again reminded to' make allowanec for the difference. Miss Berenice Viole, pianist, a mnember of the faculty oôf the Ameni- can Conservratory Of Music, will play piano selections. Miss Viole took a- good; part, of bier training witb Hen- oitý Levy, in. Chicago, and bas hceet' paid bigbest bonor, in the city. S .li bas >often been beard in, piano con- certs *and as soloist witb various Chicago, orchestras. During a two years' stay abroad,, in Paris and Ber- lin, she was a plipil of Arthur Scbna- bel in Berlin, and of Cortot.iii Paris.. She played as soloist witb the Berlin Symphony orchestra., On'ber returu to this country sbe studied under Lbevinne and Ganz, and bas been heard in many concerts i ottier cit- ies, as well as in Chicago, always winning the bighest praise from mul- sic critics., Credit for this feature ni the program goes to the Logan- floward P. T. A., :wbich made the arrangements for Miss Viole to play at tbis time. Dr. William S. SadIen, author and well-known psychologist of Chicago, will be the speaker'. Witb such an attractive program offered at this joint meeting, a record attendance i- expected. Other meetings scbeduled are: Babies Friendly, on Thurs.day, February 8, at the home of Mrs AI- bin Carlen, 1713 Walnut avenue. l'he Pre -School circle, on Febru-, a ry 13, at the home of Mrs. Ray- mond Robinson, .1606 Spencer ave-L nue: Mrs. J. Benton Scbaub will speak: on, '"The Little îChild and Na- ture." Adolescent Study group, on Fe- ruary 12, i n the Howard schooî. Captain Crehani came to the Sixth Corps area last spring from Fort sili, taking comnmand of Company 047 at the Smith. Lake CCC camp, Cliequemiagon forest,, about. ttventy miles northl of 1-ayward Wic 11e Sixth Corps> area comprises Illinois, Wisconsin and, Michigan., Company 647,. under command of Captain Crehan, attaine& the highest rating of any comùpanyin the' Sixth Corps area,l as a. resuit. of, which Cap- tain Crehan, a few days ago, was placed in, comimand of the entire, Skokie Valley. camp, compris ing teai companies, at the departure of Colo- nel Meredith. Captain Crehan entered. the army as a pnivate soldier in the Secondà New York...field Antillery, and was commissioned as.second lieutenant in October, 1917. He served overs eas witb battery "D,Eigbth. Field Artil- lery, and was att *ached to the air corps as a balloon observer in 40é- tember, 1918, lHe returned to the United States as commanding officer of. Battery "A," Fiftb Field Artillery, and served ini this ' capacity until 1922. 1 ater lie served in Battery "«E," Virst Field Artillery, and then was anl instructon in field artillery to the Oklahoma National guard, f rom 1924 t o 1929. He commanded. Battery "B," Eleventh Field Artillery, the 1932 Knox trophy hattery. froni 1930 to 1932. a.met, t te Spiders and the Ke -nil- Worth Indians, aré leading their Sec- tions of the tourney, the Indians hav- ing won four gaines, while the Spi- ders have won three and lost one. The Spiders tcok ,their last gaine by forfeit, wben the Unity Atbletic club of Rogers Park failed to appear at the time scheduled. Tom Conley is captain of the Spiders and John Mon- tanaro of the Indians. The latter the 60-yard switn, and Ray,- second in Wes t Indies- cruise. Mrs. Ro~y C. Osgood, 423 Essex wa 01mfr wu aiuc diving. 0.-o~ road, Kenilworth, , entertained lier William M. Kinney, 126 4-bingdon . The championsbip hopes of botb Miss Frances Ott of Emerald, Wis., Monday sewing club, at luncheon on1 avenue, Kenilworth; returned Spinday the junior and senior swirnming teains was the week-end guest of the. S. N. January 29. froin a business trip to Washington of New Trier likely wiil be decided Tidemans of. 1025 Linden avenue. - and New York. next Monday. afternoon at 4:15 * -- Selim Tideman, Jr. 1025 Linden ave- *-0 o'clock, when',Oak,.Park will.,be en- Mns. Herbent B. Taylor, 631> Abbots- nue, will arrive Saturday to spend the Mr s. HaroldE. Spinney, 927 Asb- tertained in the New Trier pool.. ford noadeilots entertaining week-en d witb bis parents. Hle. is at- land avenue, was lunc enhsas The juniors' chances are better ber luncheon bridge club next Tuesday. tending the Univensity'of, Ilinii. to ber bridge.- club Wednesday. i AL -V'

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