Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1934, p. 3

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,Ry J4lliaj, M. 1 hristy Mis. Bernar Brown, director, re7- ports rehearsals are being held dailv for the Wilmette Wornan's club '"Gaieties" which will be staged on the evenings of February 15, 16, and 17, as a benefit for the club's building funci. Fromn the splendid array ofl talent engaged, the -production prom- isesý to be, one of the. very finest entertainntsý of :its kind* ever pe sented to. discriminating tiorth'shore audiences.. Musical 1numbers,: cleveraàncing. and dramnatic skits, are,' arranged in smaàrt gaiety form, itý is 'pointed'out, and the, artists are. well known. and. popular. One of the nany who Nvil1 appear is Miss Kàtherine Ellis, Color- atira soprano, who will sing solos, as wellas duets with William. Bal- hatchet. Miss Ellis sings in,,the A Cappella choir at Nortbwestern uni- versity and is. alsomemnber of a quartet at the Highland, Park Pies- byterian ých.'-ch. ' She, directs the junior Evanston W'oran's Glee club, and last year was in the WAA-MU musical show at Northwestetfl. Balhatchet to Sing. William Balhatchet, tenor soloist at, St., Mark's- in. Evainston, will pie- sent several numbers in addition to his duet' work with Miss Ellis. At one imne he was staff artist for sta- tions *WHT and WERH!, and a few years ago belonged to the Wilmette Opeti cornpariy which gave "Pir- ates of Penzance" and "Bulbul." Lea J. Orr will take part' in the "'Gaieties" and~ also serve as stage manager. Mr. Gr has served in this dtual capacity before, and a critic has saici that his characterizatiofi of "Cap- tain Jones" i "Beware of Widows" ivas equal to that of any professional performe r. His co-workers are elo.- j- uent, in their praise for the srnooth and efficient manner ti which he manr ages the stage properties. Another actor to take part will .bc Sam Qtis of' Wininetka, forrnierly dii rector of the North, Shore ýTheatrc guild. Mr. Otis needs no introductiot in th.e Chicago aiea, as he is well- remernbered for bis recent roIe ir "Retuin to ,Folly" in a Loop' theater circles las t.year. V ictor J oyce has a splendid voice and is well known to the Wilniette vIounger set, 'as is also Bob Blanchard, son of the Knight Blanchards. who bas recently re-. turned f rom" military school. Refreshinenti, 'Too There wiIl be a 'Green Room party betweeni acts where refreshrnent' wil be served. This social feature will be in charge-of Miss Dorcas Tuttle and ber assistants..Mrs. Elizabeth Muehi-- berg is chairman of the ushers who are recruited f rom our. attractiveju- nior group.- Among these are the Misses ,delai(le .Franklin, Harriet Mons. HazelKraft. Gertrude Cpe- land. Alma. Muehlberg, Joseph'ine Cressy. Dorothy Klunder,. Laura Reichrnan. Ann, Klapperich,. Jane Cal- loway,' Jane Roberts, Hazel Knepp er, Patsy Flentye. Bgetty Michelet. -Vin- ginla Hannah. Harriet WNoodcock.. and Mrs. Ann Davis-'Alexander. ý' Tickets, are going. fast and iaN, he secured from 'Mrs. A-rthur Dixon or any member of, her~ cornmnittee. Hark Ye, Juniors:I "Penrod 's" on Way to Visit Wilmette! By L M. C. '"Corne on, Bud, let's go see Pen- rod.Y "'Who's Penrod?" "Aw, he's a swell guy, my Daci says, and. if he didn't have to work Satur- Sday aftennooii; he'd go with me-be says so, and lie knows." i "Knows what?" est hy, that 'Penrod' is the futini- Setthing ever.' It's a neal show withe 7 'neal actors, and the fellow who takes ,:the leading part goes. to, military eschoo.'l. Ain't that sumpin', "Gee, I gÙess PHilask Mom ,if'1, c ati go. Let you know later. Slong!" n.AIL of which is a reminder that'the -Lake Shore Players are staging "'Pen- n od" at the Woman's club Saturday rafternoon, February 3, at .? o'clock. The' play is the second of a series of tapt., John P. Crelhalitof flhc Ird Ficid --j 1tilcrvlihas .ta ken comnnmaîd of lte Sktkie -Chilian Coltserva,(ttoln cor-ps cainpaiHaîs ùtîýd Gleiiîieiw rIoads ivest of W! nite. Capta*1i Crehan )ilias had sç( iljal sîti ccsin ut our CCC c'aiiips id is rcyardedj as a, si;iiltîlaiy 'for:iite Selecciion as sii'periisor oýf. tlie vasi Skokie Vailcv j-cela ina lion pro eci toini progrcs.____ De Cou to Give Third SLecture on February 8 'l'le Wilmnette Sttnday Evenitîg club lias arranged to have another lecture by Branson De Cou, who bias been extremely popular with Wilmette audi1ences. for miany Nyears. M r. Deè Cou. will give bis drearn pictures witli musical accompanirnent of 'Venice and the Dolomites" Thursday even- ing, 'February 8, at 8:15' o'clock~ at the First Congregational cburcb in WVilmette. There wiIl be a small ad- mission charge for, this lecture. MNI. De Cou bias giyen 'two otber lectures thisseason before the 'club- onie on, "Fratîce" and the other on e' eico." Botb wiere delivered ta capacity, bouses. ,lHe alwvs tuirns- over one-haîf of 'bis receipts towards the deficit of- the Sunday Eveniiig club. hI- e -'Marshall Field 'ani compafly State street store. Pursuant to a motion passeci at the meeting Georg 'e H. Redding, President of the league, appointed a cbmrnittee o investigate the association plan as it is now .constituted and report at a later meëeting. Mi. Redding this' week- a pp oin.ted. to that conimittee Elmier ,D. Becker,. 519 Linden -avenue, GeoQrge F. Iliff,, 924 Linden avenue, and Henry J. ýBrandt, 1530. Washington avenue.- Members* of -tbis. commitice, Mt. Red- ding, said, will, be ýglad .ta supply in- formation to any citizen, wbether a memfber of the league or;flot. The, feature was 'a presentation of the plan for a Federal Savings, and Loan, association by R.-O. Kreut z, rganlzcr under the Federal Home Loan Banik bard for stncl associations ini Illinois and Wiscon- si. In»his uual quiet but graphic Tmanner the spreaker presented the plan in detail, 1)ringing ot. the advantages it will afford to citizens desiirig to finance homes either new or oid, and emphasizing the rcspdnsi- bilities of citizens in 'its proper inan- agément' and support. Hre stressed the need' for such an association ini Wilmeite, saying that under the plan mortgages would he reduced month-a ly, thus aiding horne owners to grad-w ually liquidate their indebtedness. The investmnent features were also' f ully covered. Dr. Donald M. Gallie, 1115 'EIm- wood avenue, a former president of- the' Civic league, supported the pro- ject in a characteristically powerfulý five' minute talk, reaffirming the needs and urging fellow mernbeîs to become subscribers. C. E. litn secretary of the Chamben ofComnmerce, which aigan- ization took' the initiative in' proinot- ing coymsideration of the associatioft gave a report of the. accornplish-. nients to date. He stated that the charter had .been applied for, al requirements of the fede'rai Home Loan flank, board having been met. Charles H. facks'ân, 1017 Elmwood ---e £cr-....VTillage a ttonrfe~v. i- and sing witfl the smart sopnistica-. immneciate use. viu youuselim tion of professionals.' ' is onie to spare on your book shelves Offerta Dance Novmty " and let us have it? Soon? Miss Elizabeth Balhatchet, who -Mis. A. L. Grinneli, chairman. spent last year at Wellesley college and is now at Northwestern, will do Nt:Eolm hpI odce an acrobatic waltz. Her sister, JO-, by the Wonîan's ClUb of Wllmette. 'ephine, and, Miss Lois ýGreider wilI I1 ,allA-tie Wilmette 4300 have C league ti.

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