Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1934, p. 42

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Send Scrapbook Full of Pictures A couple of -weeks ago, Miss Perring showed us a scrapbooqk coming f rom. !France.' It was made by the, combined work of ail the grades of a certain school. It had drawings of the school rooms and descriptions, art works, pictures of Iife in France and the important 'places, a picture ,of tlieir school bu ilding, and several compositions. This' scrapbook, was sent to tell us of life in France. Every written itemf wvas in French. -so before it came to us, ~~ the $crapbook liad to go to a place wb ere the writ- ing was translat- ed. The translat-. ed writing was typewritten ýon paper and placed by the item whsvh it ivas translated.,from. The scrapbook was very interesting and we are planning to make one like it and send it to some country. It lias flot yet been decided where it will be sent, but it will probably bce ither japan, Holland or France. The scrapbook wihI becliard to make, because we ivili have to put in it things that are so common to us that We take them for granted. We ail hope the idea. will be a success.-Gert rude Weinstock, .Stolp 7th grade. When Dad Was Boy, lie Trimtned Horse Plenty Wlien my dad was about 9 years old, it was his duty t sece that tlie family horse was fed and currieci. Que day his family took him to a nearby town to the county fair. He saw the surrey races. , The horses' tails were cut and the .manes .were braided, so it looked-as if the mnates were 'shaved off. He thouglit that lie would makref the family horse look like a racing horse, too, so lie cut off the tail and shaved the -mane. His family were always aughed at when they went driving after that.-Russ Rogers, Cenitral 6th grade. f TEAR5 <A-1WIN@. 8 TO 2 The 8B class has started workîng to make puppets. Most of the puppets' legs, arms, bodies and heads have been made but we cannot decide on a story te use. We ýhope to make extra money. by.,giving a p uppet Show.. .-.Muriel Janieki, How.ard 8B. Charge oi u ooizng One day, shortly after my mnother and- fatherwere married, my dad tried mhak- ing a cake. My mother didn't know how to cook very weIl. My father thought he was going to.be smart and teacl i mother liow to make a cake. He took the recipe book Whn r and it s"id to use ice Saw 'Hi Cake water, so he put the water 'into the re- f rigerator té cool., He, did every littie thing. in detail. He even made moôther sit down so as not to mak1e the cake fali. WVhen the cake ýwas done it was terrible and. he bad to tlirow, it, out. My mother was very muèh pleased, for how embarrassing it, would have been, if dad had been àa better cook than she! -Rosemnary Jones, Central 6th, grade. Reporter Submits Story in Spite of Broken Leg Tüesday, j~aary 23, I was out skating. i fell and twisted my- leg in a queer way. It turned out later that 1 had broken my leg. I could flot get up, so I sent the girl who was with me home for help. I was taken té the Evanston hospital and my leg was set. It did flot set riglit, so I had to have it reset., As this is written, I arn lying in bed, dictating this to my girl friend who will take it to scliool tomorrow. The cast on my leg has been autographed by al rny vistors.-Evelyn Suekoif, Stolp 7th grade. Teacher Picks 4 Best Drawings in .6th Grade1 In Miss Larson's room we had two drawing tessons.. When we were tlirough the tessons, the teacher picked out the, four best drawings. Two' boys. from 6Bl and 6A -were cho6sen and Peggy Peterson and I fromn 6C. We are to have, drawing tessons with the eighth grades. Thet best of the four pictures are to be1 painted on the door.-Betty Stinson,t Howard 6C. TEACHERS 'TO STAY The Howard teachers are geing to stay after achool, so it is a good chance for the mothers te talk. to the. teachiers.-SeddQoi VonDerHoff, Howard 5B. Last Saturday the peewees played a New Trier team consisting of last year's peewees.. The score- at the haîf was 26 to 4 in favor of New Trier,. and the final score was: New Trier 58& Peewees .9. The Iune- up for New' Trier was as follows: center, Howard Reinwald; forwards, Bob Smith and.Bob, Christie; guards, Bill'Spinney and* Jim IBadger.ý The lightWeights also lost to a squad of last year's lightweights, 14 to 42. Wilmette heavyweiglits were pretty good, howvever, and knocked off last year's, heavyweights, 27, to* 26.- Bill Roberts, Howard 8A. Students Are Wishing They'd Donc Homework In 6B, 'Miss Tbeman's room, we are making every person who did flot get his homework done last week stay frem Monday iuntil Thursday from 3:15 to 3:45 o'clock. Somne of our boys in 6C, Miss McKay's rooin, have a Cbemistry club. The members are: Willard Jarchow, president, Kimmy Urion, vice-president, Rich- ard Anderson, Norman Fifer, Carter }ladley and Charles Cederberg. -Carter Hadley, Howard 6C. Howard 8A Diefeats 8B in 2 Basketball Games The big contest between 8A and 8B was played' off January I8, and 8Awas the winner in both the girls' and boys' *ýames. The final' score~ of the girls' game was 28 to, 3 in favor of 8A. The boys' gaine was a littie tigliter with the score beinàg 19 to Il in favor, of 8A. The net. profit from.the tickets was$1.0 -james McIlratli, Howard 8B.. WIN P. T. A. PRIlZE Last' year our1 room w on the, P. T. A. membership prize two or three tirnes. We had a nice teacher last year and we have a nice one this vear. Our room won the P. T. A. INDS BASKETBALL FUN Basketbail is mnuclifun. 1 hope we can win the rest of our games. We lost one game. Billy Everham is, captain of our team.; John Brandt is captain of the other team. Gr aham Burnside is c aptain of anoQther. -Frank Welter,.HIoward 5C. Spice Lecture for Assembly 'Iuesday, january, 23, we had' for assembly a very interesting person, whose nime was- Anita Willets 'Burn- ham. Shie told us of many interesting things. I will tell you of. some of the thiigs that mnade: everybody« laugh.. The oile that made us laugh most was: "In japan we .slept in bouses -made (>ut of paper. We, stayed- there for over a month, but the second morning when daddy awvoke, hie couldn't -find his f eet. They had gone right through the paper, house and wvere sticking out in. the back yard.- ,'And when I reached England and w~as getting my passport, an English-' manî saidi 'What -are you doing in Etgland?' I answered, 'To see yotir beautiful country!' He asked me another question, 'Why are you keeping your girl out of sehool?' I1 answered. *To educate her!' "Daddy said to me, 'Why don't you oit the wheels on that suitcase?' I. answered, 'Be cause people see this Suit- case and hear the squeaky noise and, step out of the way because, they, doi't. want to' get their.toes run ovr' .I arn sure you would., like to see hier. She is- sucli a ýdifferent- type of person and the Stolp assemblv -club al eiijo)%ed her.-Patricia Roche, Stolp 2B. Candie Light Is Glowing in Curtis Brown's Cahin lu Miss Van I-ôrnie's room we are making 'things. We have a fort made out of dlay. Curtis Brown made a haîf-face cabin and inside lie put a candle in a sheil that lie found on the shore of the lake. ,ý- He lbas a bench in. it, to.o. We' have. lots of other- things, too, but I liked Curtis. *lonsbest.-Bud, Sutherland, How- ard 5A. COUNCIL ASKS PROGRAMS. The Senior council of the Howard school has been asking for more pro- NANCY, HAS BWRTHDAY My birthday was Friday, January- 26. My sister gave me a dress for' my birthday. I was 10 yearsold. I had a party. I had some. children te my party.-Nancy Hlenderson, HOw- ard 5A.

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