Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1934, p. 36

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at Woman 's Club on "Appreciation" W"ednesday mnornung, Febru- ary, 7,,Miss Clara .MIacÇowvan wvil1 igive lier third lectureand bier second. morning p)rograi in a series of art talks,, takiiig "Ap- preciation of Paintiing" as, lier subject. The talk . wil1 be at ý10 o'clock at, the Woman .'s club) building,. under. the auspices of the art de)artm,'.ent of the VoniI- an 's Club of \Vilniette for inein- bers, and for non niienibers uip- on payment of a su all fee. M1issý MacGowan's lecture will in- clude a discussion of the f unda- mental l)rïncip ,les of paintinilg to- gether with an analysis* of a, masterpîece by ani old inaster. The re will also be a considera- tion of the main differences be- tween Western and Oriental art. Following her graduate %vork, Miss MacGowan pursued her study of art both as a painter and scholar ini Europe. In 1929 she studied painting iit Paris with the internationally known modern Frenchmaster, Andre -~ Two years lter, Miss MacGowan made her second voyage to Europe, j this time to study Greek and Byzan- tine art. She not only investigated the jfamous archaeologicgl sites in Athens, Tiryns, Knosso&, Old Corinth, My- cenae, Daphne, Eleusis, and Istanhoul, but. contiuued b'er' study of tbe- art of these periods as. displayed in the collections of museums of Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Munich, Dresden, Berlin, Paris, and London. Besides fthis research, Miss, MacGowan paint- Has, Brfhcay Party Patricia, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Willis L. Butler, 718 Forest avenue, entertained eight littie boys and girls Saturday ini honor of, ber fourth birth- day. Photo by Mathew Fr Over terir feacups fivreniebers of the Juinior auxiliary of thte [oma Club of!tlWil;iette ta/k oz'er the fascinating spring dresses and wpraps and fi aiid. s/tocs and lingerie fthey, îvith other inembers, tiIlnodel at t/he Valg finle charity bridgye and fashiait revzue the aux.iliirvý is giving at t/he tWo;ii club Satuirday afternoosi, Febriiary 10, at 2 o'clock. Seatcd about the tai from left to ripht, are A lice James, Latira Lou Reichmnann and Georb Stonipe. Dorcas 7'uttle and Jame Roberts, in the saine order. are standi nearby. The1 Arden Shore association ai- The Womau's ' Catholic Club ready bas realized $625 f rom 'the Wilmette is sponsoring the an Thursday night rouncl-ups at the Parish dinner for the St. Fra C.ollege . Inn in Chicago, it is an- Xavier church in the school a nounced this week by the Wilmette torium, Ninth street*au-d'Linden .,board. These nights, for wbi.ch ar- nue, Thursday, February>8. rangements have beeri made by the Mrs. James Tarleton, chairit Chicago Committee, are to continue. wilI receive reservations. Dinue r They prove popular for tiorth shore be served from 5:30 to '9. residents making up littie groups for Assisting Mrs. Tarleton are dining, dancing, and entertainrnent. members of the Sanctuary dep Committees fo'r Wellesley Benefit As part of the' entertainment. provided for its guests, the Chi-, cago Welleslev club has select- e(l Sammvly Will iams, popular colore<l pianiist* and singer, for, *its b)ridge tea and fashion showv Tuesdav, aftern oon, Februarv. * 20, in thie Gold",Coast roomn of the Drake hot1el. "Sa.mmv" wlio lias been quiite.in vogue -at Chicago an(l north shore affairs. will play duriing..,the lparadle of *newv spring mno(les, and then wvill sing duirng the serving of tea. North shore XWellesley aluminae on tlie local ticket commnittees are alinotunced this -week. *Mrs. Thôompson Wakele' of Wil- mette. chairman for hier :village and -aneits Kenilivorth, is assisted byv Mrs. Anory ziz"s T.ý Irwýin of \Vilmete. r$r In Witinetka. Mrs. Ralph C. Brown.ý CP- chairman, bas, on her commi ttee, Mrs V, s John 'Derri, Mrs. Hubert E.Hward. fe, and Mrs. ,james P. Fleming. ga In Glencoe Mrs. T. Oliver Morgan tilg is chairman, with Mrs. Albert C. Goodnow- and Miss Einelyn Waltz on ber committec. Mrs. Eugene Howard of Winnetka, chairman of the fashion show which will f ollow the game of bridge, bas Mrs. E. R.: MaLaren of Evanston as co-chaïrman. Mrs. Newell S. Knight of Kenilworth is on their commi.ttee. i of Mrs. William E. Schweitzer of Chi-, nUal cago is general chairmari of the event ancis which is a benefit for the scholarship mdi- fund maintained ýby the Chicago- Wel- ave- lesley club-to. send, one. girl1 a year to Wellesley college., man, wilI the arf- *Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sheridan road, Kenilwori Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Petersen, ed a small group oif fi 212 Warwick road, Kenilworth, en- ner last Monday in the tertaiued Mr. Petersen's niece, Miss at the Palmer flouse, HIelen Fischer froui Switzerland at their guests to see tea last Sunday afternoon: Horses." ToBe Models in Junior Buffet Supper Sunciay Miss Bernice Bulley, M2 Sheridan road,, Kenilwýorth, was hostess at a buffet supper Sunday. '

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