Winnetka I atal Arich and unusual repertoire is that of Ethel Bartlett anid Rae .Robertson, the English 'artists, famous for their delightful two-pianio recitals, who' will be heard at the New Trier High school audi- toriumon Monday evening, February 5,,iii the third- of the Artist-Reclial series sponsored by the Win- netka Music clubi. Ethel Bartlett and,,Rae Robertson. met just before the. war, when. they were bothi students at the Royal Academy of Music ini London. It was 4lot until afterthe war, however, that they were ma rried and, made the discovery that two careers are, in- finitely better, under, somne circuistances,. than one apiece. With orchestra, they play sucb works for two pianos, as the Mozart Concerti in E flat and F majore * Sainit-Saens' Car- naval des' Ani- maux or Bach's Three Concerti. In their,.repertoire of duets for .t-w o pianos such miod- e r n composers' namnes figure as Arnold Bax. who bias dedicated sev- eral. workçs to the artists, Edward Burlingame1Hill, Leopold Mannes, and Daniel Greg- ory Mason. Clas-. sic and romantic Elects New Officlers 1At the Annual Meeting of the Trustees of the Art institute of Chicago, held on Thursday, january 18, the following-officiais were re-elected for the, cnsuing year : Frank G. Logan,, honorary presîdent: William O. Goodnian, honorary , vice-president John J. Glessner, honorary vice-presidenit; Potter Palmer, peesident; Robert Allerton, vice-president:: Percy B. E.ckhart of Kenilwortli, vice-presidett; Charles 'H., Worcester, vice-president; Chauncey. McCormick, vice -president; -Walter .B. Smith.' treasu rer; - Robert B.ý Har.she, director; *Charles Fabens Kelley, assistant. director;. Charles, H. Burkholder, secretary ami business manager. George Lytton' ,S. Memoiry Observed A memnorial Iconcert for the late George Lytton ivas -given at the. Chicago, Civic Opera. Hou se last. Sunday morning at Il o'clock, sponsored by the Chicago Business Meni's orchestra, the Bohemians of Chicago, .and the Chicago Grand Opera company. The programn was given by the, Business Men's orchestra; twol menibers of the opera company, Oscar Colcaire, baritone, and Coe' Glade, soprano-; and a quintet for piano and strings, with Rudoîpli Ganz at the piano. One of the UJJUUUU1tuV A I~U Rcpflaced by the more severe refinement and: delic- acy of black and white. color steps into the back- ground in the current show of the North Shore Art league. which ýopeined at Comniunitv* House Thurs- day--of last-week. Each;year'the league sponsors a black and white exhibit, and the collection nlow haniging in the league studio on the -second floor- of Community House that.colorcan not and docs tiot' invariably surpass the simpler medium.> New- names as1 well as different medîums, emerge with this collection, for. it Is not.alWays the color aftist who doiuinates.-the black and white field ýof pen and ink,. pencil. etchinig,.Ilok print, lithograph and- photograph,- although a f ew like ,AlIleni Phil- brick -are versatile iniboth. Many of the ex- ~ hibitors, too_,areý men, Mr. Phil- hrick, Rudolph J. Nedved., John T ,. *Hamiltoni, Fr ed- erikk -VW Bond. -C 1 a r ,k Lawrence and James Cadv Ewell presenting *pieces of such fine- ness that to choose among th e.m is difficult, if flot im- possible. T h e i r cathedrals, s k y- scrapers and vari-ý o us architectural subjects rise b%.' Liszt, Mozart, and ._________________I asicec to be allowec1 to play at the Schumann. Among concert. Mr. Cordon gave the the duets for one adagio from one of Bach's con- piano played by Corine Frada Pick (Mrs. Albert certos.. The Memorial Acldress John. Borino of Winnewtka directs Bartlett and Rob- Pick, Jr.) of 468 Cherry street, W'ii- .- was given byi Karletonit ackett, the seven-piece string orchestra «t the ertson. are these nctka, wilt pla.y the second paopr Chicago music critic. Fred I-arvey restaurant- jin the Straus c h a r acteristicaily i a Girl Scoutt benefit Perforniance The Business; Men's orchestra building, Ch icago. Th e orc hestra is var i eàd works: tO .bIe given iiin Hihlaid, Park Feb- founded by 'Mir. Lytton .in 1921, composcd of muz'dsiclis with s.%Psphonv Variations o..a ry r.01ma'and bas as, its conductor, -Clarence and opera experti.ence. Schumann' Theme, Evans, who is head of the viola Brahms; Petite section of the Chicago Symphony Suite, Debussy, and .Slavoniic Dances, Dvorak. orchestra.: The concert on .Sunday was a wonder- choice examples of the ety I «The.muial niîlie iiin ui does nt carp nnch .çul and ii4ning rihite ta G- Im .- Mr Tiry. 4, fe:li - -C -.-_ miia appea.1 of black an, rather for siîm- -pli«city and selc-ý tion than 'for com- plicated detail. Mr.- Hamilton's "First Church in Qber- lin,". Mr. Bond's "'Ranchos die Taos Mission" and M~r. Philbrick's '"Hill- side in Maine" are notional as w-ell as id white 'suc'cessfuliv - Mu Iota chapter of Mu Phi Epsiloi musical sorority, held a reception and n Sundav afternoon in the new headquar Columbia School of Music, 6038 She Chicago. Thé,program was given by Ai tenor, president of the school; Robert « pianist-. and George ', violinist. honorary sicale last rs of the ýan road, bur Kraft, lacDonald, obtained Irom Mrs. JErnau Akely or H{erbert, B.. Mulford of Wilmette, Mrs. A. B. Spach of Ken- ilworth, Mrs. Homer E. Cotton of Winnetka, Mrs' Albert O. OIson of Glencoe, Mrs. Richard Stan- ley Tuthill, Jr., of1 Evaiîston, or MrS. George' Jones. of, Highland Park. Eleanor I(etcham. 7 -jean 'Fox Opera WuiI Continue The newly organized People's Opera compaxl' of Chicago will present a series of weekly Satur- day night performances ini the Chicago stadium, l)egin*ling'February 10.