-A R..I-niversity of Art:Four Unit, U nOn. VOGUIE SCHOOL 0F FASHION AàR? AND iNTERIOR Db.ECORATION RAY, *CHOOL 00FADVgltrTIINO nAv UCHOOL o0F PHoTroRAPHY A bunes4tike, prac tical Institution specîaliaifslgat the profeasionai requirenients: Commercial At, Dreu Design and Styling, Advertising, Photography, InbteÏior Decortion,. Fashion Illustration, -Industriil Art. Incorprate Design and other subjects perais. Ina, to Art and Advertlitng, in .jndustry. Permons Training. Indiidual Advsrtcemeft. Cblenfgo's Outottidfa" Shoo 26 Tearu lan Sanie Idesi Lcto BIvronuent Uns*rpasmaed 116 So.,Michiigan SIvd.. Chicago, D.pt. 5 Lakovi w Building Opposite Art Insfifute WILLIAMf F. RAY, Pros. RUTM WADE RAT, Am%. Read the Want-.Ads L UN C HIEON ALLURIES There is no end to the variety of dainty Special Luncheons each day at the Uibrary Plaza. Lunch lightly or amply as you orefer. But depend on it that1 EPNJOY IThe exhibition of oil paint- Ings by the weIl known North 8 h o r e artist. Tom Wilder. £ in the h of dows Nation, has given many years oi dis- tinguisbed service to the field of li. beral journalisin. Through books, ar- ticles, and lectures be bas unceasingly waged a vigorous campaign for. an honest and responsible press in this country, it is emphasized., From 1897 ýto 1918 he w as editorial writer and. presidenýt of the Ne w York Evening ,Post. Under Mr. Vil- lard the Pos t'gainied great influence and authority as it*was.absolutely.in- dependent. of :the counting room .and indepenclent of any political pa rty,. Ini 1918 Mr. Villard sold the Evening Post and assumed the editorsbip of The Nation whicb had been.virtually a weekly: edition of the daily. Under, his editorship The Nation thus be- came again an independent weekly: reviving the vigorous1 liberalism -of the old paper under Godkin. SOut of a imited numfber of lectures to be given on bis recent obse rva- tions in Europe, the subscrih ers> to the forum are privileged to bear an autbority on the political social and eccmomic probleins co¶fr-nting the world today. Wben Villard speaks the nation listens ! Tickets may be obtained in advance at the temple office, Glencoe 725,' or fromn Mrs. Barnett Faroli, 741 Pros- pect avenue, Winnetka (telephone, \Vinn. 609). GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS Next week's guide-lecture tours for the g-eneral public atý,Field Msu Of Natural Historv will begin Mon- Iloofed AinmaIs" Weonesa*ay, rtew- ter,- jade and Geins" ; Thursday, a general tour of alithropological, ho- hibits. and Fridav, ".Neni of the Stone Age." Tb.ese tours, conducted by 'taff lectuirers,' are. open té ail museumn visitors. Parties assemble inside the north enitrance. DIRECTS PUBLICITY Eleanor Culver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Culver, 103 Broadlway, Wilmette,, bas beeni appointed pub- WILMETTE TROOPS The following gives the trooP nuniber, the place and time of meet.- ing, and the names. of, the captain: Troop 1 (high 'school)-M.. E. cb'urcb, 7:30 o-'clock Thursday-Miss L. M. Humphries; Troop 2-M. E. churcb, 3:30 Thursday-Mrs. L. P. Denoyer; Troop 3-Baptist church, 3.:30 Tbursday-Mrs. E. O. Ander- son; Troop 4-M. E. churcb, 3:30 Tuesday-M'iss L. M. -Hiumphries; Troop 6-St. Augustine's church, 3:30 Thursday-Mý,rs. D.::W. Ormsbee; Troop 8-H igbcrest school, Saturday afternoon-Miss. Dorothy Taylor; Troop 10-St. Francis Xavier school, 3 o' clock Monday-Miss Marion Ortseifen; Troop .il-St. Francis Xavier school, 3 o'clock Tuesda - Miss Agnes, Bichi., à ROWNIE PACK S Pack1-.E churcb, 3 :30 Wed- nesday-Mrs. Fred Schroeder: Pack 2-St. John's Lutheraii church, 3:~30 Monday-Mrs. Carl Prussing; Pack 3- Congregational churcb, 3:30 Tues- day-Miss Harriet Garner. Thirty Girls A ttend Meeting of Troop 4 Thirty girls of Troop 4, with Nora Palmer as captain, recently had an interesting observation meeting, both indoors and outdoors.. Indoors the hidden. Shirley i9atterson's patrol found tbe most things. Outside the girls looked 'for the signs of spring in leaf buds and ini any growing tbing they could discover. ,Tbe court of honor made a, new ruling.- Any two successive absences Withou t good reason before tbe meet- ing constitute .a risderneanor, and tbat person must retire to the wait-, ing list, wbile the one at the bead of the waiting list may fil1 the vacancy thtis. created. Couneil Stages Annua1 Meeting The Wilmetteý Local council of Girl Scouts held its annual meeting ail- uary 16 at 9:45 o'clock in the Girl Scout room of the,.Methodist church. The report of-the nominating corn- mittee follows: Mrs. RalphMoulding., commissioner; Mrs. Ira Reynolds, deputy commissioner; Mrs.. Enocli Steen,. secretary, and Mrs. George. F. Wright, treasurer. The four niewýmembers elected 'to the council were: Mrs. Earle D. Ly- on, Mrs. H. E., Ringliolm, Mrs. J. E. Stark, and Mrs. E. B. Cunninghani. The personnel of the: Wilînette Local council, with the term ofcoffice. is as follows.: One-ýyear term: Mrs. E. B. Ciun- ningham,. Mrs. William' Richardsoni. Mrs.,H. J. Dernehl, MUrs. Rodney N. Perrill, Mrs. Enoch Steen, and MIrs. Ralph_ Moulding. (Leaders' rep- resentative -to be anniounced.) *Two-yrear term:1UMrs. George Wrighit, MUrs. Carl M. Prussing. MIrs: C. Mý\. Osborn, Mýrs.. Stanley S. Srnith, Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman, and -Nrs. Patrick J. Joyce. Three-year term: Mrs. George E. Walk, Mrs.. L.« Philip Denoyer' M rs. Ira Reynolds, Mis. H_ E. Ringhiolm.i Mrs. Earle D. Lyon, a.nd Ms .E. Stark.ý Director: Nfiss Lillie Mae Huîip h- ries. Plan for 1934 Season at Camp Edith Macy Leaders and professional workers mwilt be interested in the plans tbat are in the making for the 1934 sea- son at Camp Edith Macy, the national training camp .for Girl Scout leaders. A folder withcomplete sch.edule and description or courses wil be readv for> distribution- in the, early spring. The season will open on -or about May 14 a1d, wiIl close on or about October.1. In' this coninectioôn let us remnind the girls as well as the leaders. that now is a good timne to start sav- ing tlicir money for. the sumnnier .,ntn *r.f Dr. C. J. McNauq hton-SntZ Floor DFou nt#la OR ' PLAN ARTICLES ON BADGES Beginning in February the Badges and Awards committee will run ar- ticles which will pertain to the badge i of .that particular inonth. In tbis iway those interested may.follow the, wwork of the girls. JYL4Iy Voi meLLUUjps 4ireaUy iId'dC waiting lists. Don't forget the home nursing course at Mrs. H. J. Dernehl's, 1010 Linden avenue, on Friday afternoon. at, 3:30 o'cloçk. The course beg*an last Friday.-